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Alteran Celebrations


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- Times of Festivity and Remembrance -

Whilst many cultures hold their own festivals, celebrations, and traditions, there are a few that are known throughout all lands and can be celebrated by the general populace regardless of where it is they come from. More dates may be added to this list in time, and if you feel there is one that should be so widely known, you are free to submit a ticket.

Sunbright and Mistset (28th July to 28th August)
During Sunbright and Mistset of PC 2281, the Great Migration from the Northern Kingdoms to the Eastern Continent took place. In rememberance to those who fell to the undead and Skraag's Touch disease. The 'month of sails' is a loosely connected time between the 28th Sunbright to the 28th of Mistset-- a time in which many consider to the large time period people evacuated the Northern Kingdom's from all manner of ports. During this month, it is traditional for monuments to be built, prayers to the Grey Lady made to the fallen families and a specific flower to be worn on people's attires. The 'Sea Breeze' (Erigeron glaucus) flower is commonly worn on jackets, hairpieces or armour as a symbol of the Migration rememberance. These flowers are often collected by family members of those who fell to the Migration and shared throughout the Continent- usually from Storm's Landing. During this month, it is common to find events honouring the fallen-- though these events are often small, bittersweet and a simple reason to drink in the name of the fallen.

30th of Ghostmoon (30th of October)
On the 30th of Ghostmoon, PC 2240, Queen Leminth sacrificed herself and defeated Queen Grief.
The "Day of Grief" is aptly named in celebration of ending the Second Great War (which lasted 239 years) and mourning the loss of Queen Leminth whom sacrificed herself to kill Queen Grief once and for all. Across Altera, this day is usually celebrated with theatre plays, large feasts and the consumption of plenty of alcohol in the names of the fallen (which can be counted in the millions, as three entire Realms were lost to Queen Grief). Cookies with Queen Grief and demonic icing art are usually made for children. Some leaders usually make speeches about their ancestors and what seemed like an eternal fight against the armies of naught. It is the Day of Grief in which celebrates the dawning of a new age, free from the terrors of Grief which had dominated all time until the last seventy years.

15th of Winterfest (15th December)
On the 15th of Winterfest of PC 2305, Qlippoth was sent back to sleep and the Ashen Blight came to an end officially. Whilst only extremely recent in modern history, the 'Blights End' is growing into a known date in which the heroes that cured the Blight, defeated the Blight Dragon and avenged the fallen by entering the Scar and defeating Qlippoth's Keepers are revered. The celebration signifies unity, regardless of race and background- and the willingness to fight for the greater good.

25th to the 31st of Winterfest (25th-31st December, Christmas and New Years)
In celebration for another year passing, the Festival of New Light is a traditional Alteran celebration that dates back to the Ancient Era. It is said King Cherbert of Altera himself started first hosting this event and, ever since, the Festival of New Light has been a time of merriment and joy. Various folk legends have arisen over the years- especially ones relating to monsters and gift giving. For most, this is a time when families gather around warm fires away from the frost outside (as it always seems to snow during Winterfest) and exchange gifts. Traditionally, the Festival of New Light is also a celebration of creation: a time in which the Gods and Immortal Kings are thanked for creating Altera. This festival is often accompanied with decorating one's home in New Light decorations, mistletoe's being placed over doors to kiss under and party games. It is a time of mass gift-giving.
Generally speaking, the 25th of Winterfest is a time for families to come together from across Altera and reunite. Because of this, most Alterans do not see one another during this date and stay indoors. The 31st, the 'New Years Day' is often celebrated with firework displays and large crowds singing, dancing and drinking. Most spend the first day of the new year in hangover due to it.

Summer and Winter Solstices (dates vary)

Whilst named after the traditional Sooleran celebration in which all Sooleran caravans converge into one location to reunite briefly, Fadma is actually a small celebration across Altera- simply named 'Fadma' due to popularity of Soolerans. Most places have different ways of celebrating Fadma. Traditionally, Wood Elves, Halflings and Caparii celebrate Fadma as a way of giving thanks to Shalherana. In the summer Fadma specifically, thanks are given to bountiful harvests. During both Fadma's, worshippers of Ignis Synnaove light giant bonfires to help 'power' the sun itself. This is not dismiliar to the winter solstice being celebrated by Moor Elves as a celebration of life. During the Winter Fadma, it is common for Vyres the Realm's longest night each year by partaking in small gatherings to drink blood and share stories- regardless if they are 'evil' or 'good.' Earthspawn tend to treat Fadma as a mini Doq'ne- unofficially, of course. Other races do not specifically look to Fadma as racially and their celebration habits of Fadma depend solely on their respective cultures and friends groups.

I am Wake - For the proposal, and the first five entry writeups.

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