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Lord of Altera
Official one because stuff needs to be figured out- this will be most likely prone to change-

This is a temporary change, if it's not liked, buggy, annoying, it'll be changed back to the old system.


This new nickname plugin can show your character names above your heads, it has a few cons and pros, but first I'll list HOW it's used.

/nick [Rpname] - No spaces, Noble titles or special characters. If people can't /nick check you, you're doing something wrong.

/nick check [fullname] - Gives username, caps matter

/nick clear - removes your nick (restart does that for you too)

1. You cannot use someone's username and it's safe to say that if you try to imitate staff you will be banned immediately without warning. (This will be added to the Kings law, sorry that this is worded so harshly though, I feel it needs to be said this way to get the point across)

You don't HAVE to follow this, but it would be very nice to.

1. Please use only your characters First name. No last name or middle name or noble title. Noble titles will be discouraged, as these should be earned properly.

- Less confusion in RP since names are visible above heads
- Free!

- Resets on restart
- No spaces
- /nick check is CASE sensitive
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Lord of Altera
Bumping this- I'd like some opinions to whether we should keep this plugin or revert back? Should I make a poll? I mean I'd rather get some discussion going so I know what to keep an eye out for-

Edit: I mean if this one is removed, the discussion here could be a guideline for me to keep an eye out for if I find another one
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Lord of Altera
Bumping this- I'd like some opinions to whether we should keep this plugin or revert back? Should I make a poll? I mean I'd rather get some discussion going so I know what to keep an eye out for-
I'm totally fine with this! I give zero cares about the lack of spaces, underscores are a thing. As someone with a ton of alts, the free nick change is a Godsend. :heart:


Lord of Altera
I personally would like the old one back, I just preferred the way it was, and was less hassle overall, I mean grinding 5 lvls isn't all that hard.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Feels so petty to say, but I preferred having spaces. Just looks much nicer than underscores, and I enjoy having second names. But - It really is petty, and just a personal preference. The 500 radiant price for name changes felt much better to me from the system before that (experience levels) - And just expensive enough that people wouldn't change their names constantly. So the main 'pro' of it being free doesn't really.. Apply for me. And I don't like that it resets each log in. :c I think I'd want that system back, yeah.

... I feel so bad because I know plugins take work, and you've spent your own time in doing this for everyone. Forgiiive me. ;-;


Lord of Altera
Feels so petty to say, but I preferred having spaces. Just looks much nicer than underscores, and I enjoy having second names. But - It really is petty, and just a personal preference. The 500 radiant price for name changes felt much better to me from the system before that (experience levels) - And just expensive enough that people wouldn't change their names constantly. So the main 'pro' of it being free doesn't really.. Apply for me. And I don't like that it resets each log in. :c I think I'd want that system back, yeah.

... I feel so bad because I know plugins take work, and you've spent your own time in doing this for everyone. Forgiiive me. ;-;
No no it's okay :D I found the plugin, I didn't write it- I did spend a bit of time testing it xD but that's my job~


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
I prefer the new one, purely for the fact that that it appears over our heads. I used to get so confused during large RPs and combat RPs.
I also like that there are no spaces; it helps limit the obnoxiously long names popping up in chat every so often, which is a pet peeve of mine :rolleyes:
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Lord of Altera
Got a report (Spied on people hue) that players disappear whilst name-changing. I read this bug from the plugin page- but it was supposed to only make players change to steve for at most a minute then revert to normal >3>, is this a problem experienced a lot by people? How long is someone invisible for?


Lord of Altera
Got a report (Spied on people hue) that players disappear whilst name-changing. I read this bug from the plugin page- but it was supposed to only make players change to steve for at most a minute then revert to normal >3>, is this a problem experienced a lot by people? How long is someone invisible for?
Not long, a few seconds.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
While I appreciate having the names overhead, I can't say that I'm a fan past that. I could go back to the old system and be just fine. I'm with @Elz in that it doesn't look good. It's just a petty and superficial thing, but when you look at the DynaMap, it just looks very unattractive. The spaces look better.

And not that I'm trying to wave an elitist flag or anything, but it was also kind of nice that the Legend rank could change their nick for free. Now everyone can and my fancy purple feels a little less special snowflake. ;)

With all that being said, it's just a personal preference for the old way. I won't lose sleep or be put off if we stick with this new plugin.


Lord of Altera
Got a report (Spied on people hue) that players disappear whilst name-changing. I read this bug from the plugin page- but it was supposed to only make players change to steve for at most a minute then revert to normal >3>, is this a problem experienced a lot by people? How long is someone invisible for?
I've encountered this as well. Normally the other player just logs off then logs back in, and it's fixed.

I honestly don't mind that we have to reset our names every time, it's much better than having to pay 500 rad's, espically for new players. They don't have that kinda of money to just willy-nilly spend on rad's, so then they will feel like they'll be stuck using one character because they don't have enough money to change their nick.

And yes, I agree with this:

I prefer the new one, purely for the fact that that it appears over our heads. I used to get so confused during large RPs and combat RPs :D
I also like that there are no spaces; it helps limit the obnoxiously long names popping up in chat every so often, which is a pet peeve of mine :rolleyes:
So much agree. Before it was so confusing, I never knew what player was what. Now, I can eaisly do that.

I vote keeping this new plugin.


Lord of Altera
I prefer the old plug in, I miss the spaces and if I didn't know who someone was I'd simply use the dynmap. Also I see no reason to believe 500 rads is a lot considering you get over 1,000 when voting.


Lord of Altera
I feel like there are more cons than pros. It ruins the immersion for someone to just be invisible after resetting their name everyday, and it feels tedious to have to put in three character's names everytime I long on for the day.
Also, I've been on other servers where this plugin was used, or a similar one, and it was abused near constantly. Already I've seen a person with the name "John Cena" running around and yelling "You can't see me!" in crossroads.


Lord of Altera
I agree I feel nick abuse with this plugin is already starting, and it doesn't seem to add much to gameplay. Having long names, and being able to use spaces were another set of nice features for the old plugin. The new plugin is nice in that it allows the name to show above someone's head, but that's really the only upside to it as I see.


Insert Custom Title here
I'd suggest setting up a poll for this, to determine if this plugin should be kept or not once and for all, seeing how discussion has been growing about this specific topic, and creating a poll for a certain amount of time to determine wether or not it is liked or disliked more by the public seems , to me, the best way to end this, yes.

(Also, personal opinion, if it matters: I preferred the old plugin, due to small toll it still took to prevent any spam or unnecessary name changes, and the lowercases instead of spaces are , for me personally, cringe-worthy.)