Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming [SoV] Parabellum [Date TBA]


Bored Brit


Valiant has his faithful sons.
They are called upon to demonstrate
their skill at arms. To show unto Him
their readiness for War.

They are called to march to
the lands of the Eastern Frontier.
There they shall prove their worth.



This is going to be a Son's of Valor event, perhaps one of a small series.
There are details I will need to work on with staff, but for the most part,
this is going to be a PvE event with RP beforehand and some other stuff
that will be explained during the event itself.
To attend, one need only ask Uriel, but it should be known that the event
is aimed at Valiant folks and those who are not of that faith may be turned
I've wanted to do something in this vein for some time and I will update the
thread with a date as soon as I can, I am just wanting to have decent 'net
before I host an event with PvE elements.
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