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Vipsie's Profile Journal








5'1 (Five Feet, One Inch)

120 lbs

The Red of a Dying Rose

The Murky Blue of a Mossy River Bed


Identifying Marks:
Abnormally Large Eyes, and Slightly Flushed Cheeks

At first glance, Vipsie looks like a doll. Perfect in her young features, striking blue eyes, calm demeanor at all times. She's a perfectly sculpted Elf, like one from legends.

She's kind, kinder than most at first. Her heart is large and vulnerable. She's understanding, and always trying to help. She's a diligent worker, and a dedicated citizen.

Weaknesses and fears:
However, Vipsie's anger is a fire that burns down houses. She's so easy upset, from being so vulnerable, and her anger makes her blood boil, she will stop at nothing until she is satisfied with the result.

She grew up on a farm, so farm work come naturally, she's gentle and good with crops and animals. She will bring you a prosperous garden with plenty of food for all.

Vipsie was raised in a small house with 3 siblings, as the middle child, Vipsie took to keeping to herself and found enjoyment in nature and animals. She spent most of her time in the garden talking to her mother's flowers and watering the small herbs that would eventually find their ways into the families dinners. Vipsie's father was a hard working farmer, with just enough oat each season to hold the family of five over for the next year. They lived in a quiet village doing not much of anything. Vipsie's mother is a typical elvish housewife, who makes delicious food and maintains a clean household. Vipsie had a very close bond with her mother, and was always trying to make her mother proud. Vipsie's family were very close to animals as well, each of the kids having their own pet, Vipsie's being a gorgeous black cat she named Sherlock, who she'd had the majority of her life. She loved to draw in her journal, countless sketches of the wilderness behind her house, her beloved feline, and most recently, of a boy she'd been fancying, Koorban. Around town, Vipsie helped the local shop keepers with their sales, sometimes she'd even get commision from the owners for helping out, thought she didn't have a need or want of material things like money, the physical gratitude always made her feed acomplished and happy. When Vipsie's older brother Kai turned eighteen, two years before Vipsie, he promised her that he'd always return every winter to spend time with the family, just before he left for a more interesting life, however, Kai never returned home, and Vipsie never heard of or from her brother again. Leaving Vipsie to be the eldest, she took over Kai's responsibility of helping her two younger sisters, Edith and Elmira, the twins learn the farm work. Vipsie never stopped thinking about what might be out there after her brother disappeared, however. What could be so great that Kai would break his promise? The need to know grew more and more each day for Vipsie until finally, her chance had come.

Now, having just turned eighteen herself, Vipsie shared her older brother's need for a more interesting life. So one morning, she packed her things, kissed her family goodbye, and set off for the Port of Silver, in hope that she may find adventure in a land she'd never been to ever before.

(Original Art by Zeronis @ DeviantArt)
(I've permission from the Artist to use as concept for Vipsie)