Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Xray Ban Appeal [Resolved - Unbanned]

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Lord of Altera
Around November of 2012 I was banned for xraying, it was 100% true I was xraying and deliberately broke the rules. I enjoyed playing on this server greatly because it was a place I could roleplay and interact with other players peacefully, much unlike the faction servers I always played on. I have removed my client from my PC because well, it just made Minecraft plain and boring.
My roleplay's name was Ulric the Silent, a bookworm and tinkerer who lost his ability to speak while fleeing the kingdom of Alcuin. I truly enjoyed playing this character and had started my book shop the day I was banned.
Ign: _lethman_
Thank you for reading this!- Ulric the Silent


I don't see why you can't be given another chance. I will unban you. Don't forget to make sure you are updated with the rules and server announcements.

And just keep in mind that staff keep a close eye on unbanned players!
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