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[How to] Move your town



This thread is to keep a record of what mayors decide to do with their towns. Do not reply here if you are not a mayor. Any unrelevant replies will be deleted.

Town mayors have a choice of the following:

  • [Option 1]: Choose to receive their town as a schematic or as a singleplayer world file. Instructions will be provided how to run the singleplayer world. The mayor will have a new, equalle sized area to build on on the new map.
  • [Option 2]: Choose to have only parts of their town moved over. The mayor will have a new, equalle sized area to build on on the new map.
  • [Option 3]: Start over with their town. The mayor will have a new, equally sized area to build on on the new map.
  • [Option 4]: Have their town moved over in it's entirety. This will take some time so the mayor will have to be patient with us while we organize all the moving over.
More information will be provided later how towns are going to work on the new map. If you are a town mayor, please fill out this form below:
Town name:
Mayor name:
Chosen option:
New town location:
Additional information:


Loyal Servant of Altera
Town name: Redcap Crossing
Mayor name: ME!! (lovelorn)
Chosen option: option 4, i will wait as long as i need :heart:
New town location:someplace with a lot of ocean around it? im islands lol :heart:
Additional information: when you move me pls make sure to grab the underground stuff, the temple itself is underground, but there are more underground things deeper than that stemming from the tower


Lord of House Hawklight
Town name: Del
Mayor name: Axex
Chosen option: option 2 I believe
New town location: Here!

Additional information: Just pm me for specific buildings to be taken over ^_^ - credits to


Resigned Admin
How will new land be acquired?
As the new landscape is so much larger, the actual area of land that I'll have to move the town onto is much larger as well (the river, for instance, is at least 3x larger than the old one). How much will more land cost? Is it possible to appeal for more land? (one Tauredal tree+house will cover at least six towny plots...)

If our effective building space is halved by moving over bit-by-bit, as was planned, it may make more sense for us to move the entire thing over and ignore the new landscape :\


Bandit Overlord
Town name: Protaras
Mayor name: DeadPress
Chosen option: Option 4
New town location: Rainforest biome close to open water for our massive ship. (can suply co-ords if needed)
Additional information: I trust your judgement on placement of our town as the last move Protaras undertook was fine.

Sorry for being a pain about moving all of Protaras, it's just weve put alot of hard work into her ^-^


King ForumStalker
Town name: New Valkyria (to be changed on switchover)
Mayor name:
Chosen option: Option 3
New town location: 9080,100,500
Additional information: If possible, allow the new plots to cover the entirety or as much of the mountain as possible. Also, the one thing which we wished to be moved is Jakp's tree, the tall and towering one, not the thick on with leaves all over it, the one directly in front when you leave the boat.


Lord of Timbervale
Town name:Campus Domini
Mayor name:Maverichero
Chosen option:1
New town location:The area marked as Timbervale
Additional information: I'm also curious how plots will be working for the cities.


Lord of Altera
Town name: Thalgorn
Mayor name: Backstay
Chosen option: 3
New town location: Uploaded 4 files. Coords: X: 7564 Y: 47 Z: 8976
Additional information: Well im going to start over completely, and change the theme/concept of the town. Im still trying to decide what to turn it into. I just made this post so i wont lose the town in progress.




Just two points here guys: I'm not going to go looking for the spot for you :p So either give me the coordinates, or a screenshot of the dynamic map, or a screenshot of you ingame with F3 on, or point me to a market like Maverichero did.

Also, we will terraform current towns into the terrain completely.


Thick Skulled Spaniard
Town name:Gehenna
Mayor name:Mikipowah
Chosen option: 4
New town location:2388, 65, 7964
Additional information:please make it so the "drawbridge" is facing the river.

i know i still have to build the rest of gehenna, so i'll leave up to the admin team to decide either to move it, or just destroy it, although i plan on building a big castle there.

also, there are the farms underground, but, i can build those anytime.
with just the main part on top adapted, (and the chests with the items) moved, i'll be more than happy :D i'll readapt the farms to the new lands.

thanks a lot!


Town name:Witches Brew
Mayor name: Alailanible
Chosen option: 4, please. No rush. We'll keep serving food in the old world as we wait.
New town location: I haven't find it yet. I want to let people settle first, is that alright?
Additional information: If i remember something I'll edit this.
Ofcourse it is. We have plenty of time and there is no rush. I'm just getting this here so that people can start looking around ;)


Resigned Admin
Town name: Tauredal
Mayor name: Tantara
Chosen option: Option 2
New town location: 12500, 65, 4200
Additional information: I'd like to be included in where the buildings are oriented/go


Grand Lizard
Town name: Red Haven
Mayor name: Kaies
Chosen option: 2
New town location: The scorching Lands on the desert side, preferably close to the coast or river.
Additional information: I'm not to bothered about the location, i only want Castle Red Haven moved over, when its placed i kinda want it raised off the ground. If you tell me when your doing this and let me come with you that would be nice.


Sparkly purple member of the team
I see there are already a handful of people that have chosen, so I went exploring. :)

Town name:Witches Brew
Mayor name: Alailanible
Chosen option: 4, please. No rush. We'll keep serving food in the old world as we wait.
New town location: x: 1184 , y: 49 , z: 5851
Captura de ecrã total 22-04-2012 230826.jpgCaptura de ecrã total 22-04-2012 230846.jpgCaptura de ecrã total 22-04-2012 230932.jpgCaptura de ecrã total 22-04-2012 231025.jpgCaptura de ecrã total 22-04-2012 231054.jpg
Additional information: The orientations of the town should be inn facing the west and cauldron facing the east (like it is now, basically). If I can help with the move, please let me know.
*Alaila bites her nails, very nervous about this.*


Lord of Altera
I see there are already a handful of people that have chosen, so I went exploring. :)

Town name:Witches Brew
Mayor name: Alailanible
Chosen option: 4, please. No rush. We'll keep serving food in the old world as we wait.
New town location: x: 1184 , y: 49 , z: 5851
View attachment 6356View attachment 6357View attachment 6358View attachment 6359View attachment 6360
Additional information: The orientations of the town should be inn facing the west and cauldron facing the east (like it is now, basically). If I can help with the move, please let me know.
*Alaila bites her nails, very nervous about this.*
That seems like an excellent spot to me, Alaila. And I see you've chosen it to be near a forest! Happy dryad is happy.


That is a really good location. And don't worry Alail, I'll take good care of her ;)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Town name: Irem (was Iram)
Mayor name: Go4tfi5h
Chosen option: 4
New town location: 11250, 11250 (F3 coords)

Additional information: The temple's facing isn't important.


Lord of Altera
Town name: Aeroch_Nor (Or Cubeydoomia as i usually call it :p )
Mayor name: xRoXx
Chosen option: Option 3!!! :mad:
New town location: Cant remember cords and gotta go now, will add tomorrow.
Additional information: I am a dwarf and im digging a hole diggy diggy hole, digging a hole....


Right I will mark some of your locations on dynmap when I get home. Lars could do this as well.


Lord of Altera
+Town name: Funera_Voca
Mayor name: colbinator99
Chosen option: Option 2
New town location: X = 9704 Y = 65 Z = 7040
Additional information: The only thing that i wish to be moved over is the port that we have made on the outskirts of town.
The picture Shows the area we want the town to be, We'd like for the port to be on the point across the river

