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The solution was much simpler. :)


Sparkly purple member of the team
Hello, fine people of Altera!

I've been having a case of writer's block and have been struggling with Alaila's profile.
You see, with the new nobility system I need to actually start roleplaying her being a queen and I can't think of a way to do it that does not involve kidnapping a king and force a marriage on him.
I'm quite attached to my character and I didn't want to completely erase her and start a new one.
If anyone has any ideas I would be happy to hear them and grateful for your help.
I'm open to make some changes to her past if needed.
If you are willing to take some of your time to help me check this and this for Alaila's story so far.
Who ever comes up with the brilliant idea that I'll use, gets 500 radiants!

Thank you all in advance!


Lord of Altera
I say kidnap Lars and force him to marry you!
Not only would it be a great roleplay but it would also be awesome!


Sparkly purple member of the team
I say kidnap Lars and force him to marry you!
Not only would it be a great roleplay but it would also be awesome!
He is already married.
Also, he is a known breaker of hearts... he'll probably run off with Legion on our wedding night. :p


Lord of Altera
Maybe she could have performed some great act of valor or wisdom because of which the kings made her an honorary Queen? (no marriage involved) Probably the act of intelligence would go better, since you hate combat ;)


Lord of Altera
Well, I think you could easily change a little from the past, but I think the best thing to do is go out and find a king!


Sparkly purple member of the team
Let me put things this way: Alaila's heart is not free to marry a king. Any other ideas?


Lord of Altera
Maybe it could have something to do with cooking? Like you healed wounded soldiers after a particularly bad fight with Queen Grief. Or it could be something like one of the older kings (e.g. Cherbert) adopted you into the family because of either something you did or just because of a strong family-like relationship. I hope I'm helping ;)


King ForumStalker
Yeah, if you wish to roleplay as a queen without marrying a queen then the only way I can see it happening is if you get Queenhood for some form of service to the crown:

Medical Services
Culinary services (serving cherbert the best soup he has ever tasted?)
Courageous services (I know you arent a combat person, perhaps saving a king or advisor (kings hand) from a fatal situation?)
Financial services?

Trying to formulate ideas here, if I get anymore I will post them.


The Anime loving Brony
Hmm, so your not free to marry, and your not a fighter.....
Your trying to make this difficult, aren't you? :p
*goes off to brainstorm*


Lord of Altera
*Has idea*
Perhaps, and this is just an idea. (Albeit I believe it to be a brilliant one.)
You could go around as Alaila trying to be in charge of things, then when people look at you funny you can simply say "Oh, sorry, I'm trying to be, you know... 'Queenly'..." Or something like that.
As for the marriage bit, how about saying whenever questioned that the High Kings and Queens were so impressed with your oh so delicious cakes that they made you the honorary queen of baking in all of Altera, while keeping the true facts (Whatever that may happen to be, or whatever you want it to be.) hidden.

Any thoughts? :p


Sparkly purple member of the team
I have half my mind set on going "Days of our lives" on Alaila and have her finding out she is adopted and that Bellon is actually her father.
Now I just need to kidnap Bellon and convince him to be my daddy.
Or Lars.. she is rather short even for a human, maybe that's why.
Or Steel... but he threw her in the river because he knew she was going to grow up to be a tree-hugging hippie.
Or Cherbert himself... but he abandoned her under a tree because a fortune teller told him she would one day like pink.


Oh by the raining pinecones... the **** up there is p i n k. Alright?


Lord of Altera
(It's a little late for Star Wars Day, but what the hey)
Alail: "Bellon, you are my father."
Bellon: "No! That's impossible!"


The original mute
It could just be that rather than being a biological descendent of one of the kings or queens, that you just had the latent power that they all seem to have, after all most of them are the equivalent of gods on altera. So while you don't have any magic, you have sort of power over people that means they respect you like royalty. Also you could rp that while you are a queen you don't want it to be in the way in social interactions and so don't bring it up unless you have to? Do you think that wold work? I mean not all actual queens act like queens... Ok so I lack examples but it's true, I think. Also as I notice a few others have said, you could be an adopted queen? Just throwing ideas at you to try and help, though I doubt they will in this single block paragraph I have put them in... Ah well, good luck :)


Sparkly purple member of the team
Oh happy day!
There is no need for this thread anymore. I don't have to turn Alaila into a queen anymore.
Just letting you all nice people that tried to help know before I delete the thread.

*Alaila runs back to the kitchen, happy as a kitten on catnip*


Lord of Altera
Oh happy day!
There is no need for this thread anymore. I don't have to turn Alaila into a queen anymore.
Just letting you all nice people that tried to help know before I delete the thread.

*Alaila runs back to the kitchen, happy as a kitten on catnip*
Huzzah! May I ask what the solution is? :)