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Inactive Faelin of Eldor


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Name: Faelin is the closest thing she has to a birth name.
Full Titles: Her seeming title refers to her homelands, though few remember her by this name.
Nickname: To some, she is simply 'Fae'.


Age: Uncertain, though she has survived two Exoduses.
Gender: Female, but with a distinctly flat physique.
Race: An elf, yes, and clearly one accustomed to the forest, but her actions are often curiously human.
Social Status: Her habits have afforded her some extent of social invisibility.
Sexuality: She has never expressed awareness or interest.
Height: About 5 foot 5 inches.
Weight: Around 7 stone.

Date of Birth: Unknown.
Date of Death: Very much alive.
Homeland: The Forests of Eldor.
Current Home: Woodlands in the heart of Altera.

Build: Faelin is lean and lithe, but due to her unrelenting lifestyle, she blatantly lacks the curves deemed attractive by humans. During times of hardship, she is liable to grow unnaturally thin as a result of poor nutrition.
Hair: Seemingly having never been cut, her hair is dark and wild, falling almost past her waist. It is dark brown in colour - to the point of almost appearing black - and it is perpetually tangled and unkempt.
Eyes: She has green eyes, quite a silvery green, yet strangely old and wild.
Skin: Like many of her race, she has fair skin, occasionally with an unhealthy pallor during wintertime.
Identifying Marks: The most certain way of identifying this elf would be by her scars. Her hands and feet, naturally, have been much toughened by her home in the forests, but other blemishes clearly remain. The first, and oldest, is now only a faint scratch of about five inches long that lies at the base of her neck. Another thin but ropey scar lies horizontally across her chest, but the most apparent marks a continuous path across both palms- a cruel, precise line that can only be the work of a blade.
Appearance: Faelin is lightly built and agile, with the tapered ears and angular features which can only belong to the elves. She is not particularly shapely - rather wild and unseemly of posture and gait, and yet there is a curious sense of vigilance about her, with a guarded stance and watchful gaze.
Clothing: Having never really grasped the point of dresses, she chooses to clothe herself simply but practically in a woollen tunic of a dark green shade and plain buckskin leggings. She is typically seen wearing leather bracers and thin fingerless gloves, and around her waist an assortment of little bags hang from a belt. This garb is sometimes accompanied by a faded green cloak, and in the winter she will choose to don furs or pelts to protect herself from the cold.
Weaponry: Faelin nearly always carries her bow - a well-worn, slightly recurved weapon of dark wood, adorned with carvings in a crude mimicry of branches and leaves. At her back there is a leather quiver of arrows, while an old, though considerably well-made hunting knife hangs from her belt.
Prized Possessions: Only her bow and her knife appear to be of any sentimental value to her. Though unnamed, she mentally refers to her bow as her "trusted one", or in Elvish.
Hygiene: Faelin is by no means unclean, but nor is her hygiene particularly good. She washes when she can, albeit in a river or a lake, though her clothes are frequently covered in dust, and the smell of woodsmoke and pine needles lingers around her.
Voice: If a tree falls in a forest where none may hear it, does it make a sound?

Strengths: Years spent alone in the wilderness ensured that Faelin is learned in the arts of survival, and blessed her with a sharp mind and keen eyes. Armed with that, and having practised archery for many years, she has become an able huntress - able to track, stalk and kill prey with ever-improving proficiency.
Fears: Faelin is very much a solitary being, and has grown to fear the world of men. As such, she may find extraordinary difficulty in even the simplest interactions.
Weaknesses: Possibly her greatest weakness is, in total seriousness, fear itself. Its effect on her reasoning and behaviour is often utterly debilitating, and this can prove a huge disadvantage in any situation in which she feels afraid. In addition to this, a confused sense of morality and seemingly irrational empathetic instinct has - more than once - led her into danger beyond her understanding and control. Her most apparent failing, however, would probably be her combative abilities; Faelin has had no form of practical training or theoretical tuition in any art of combat or weapon-wielding, putting at a great disadvantage in situations where she could be (and has been) easily overpowered physically.
Intelligence: Faelin's sheer verbosity gives the impression that she is of surpassing intellect, despite her low station in society. At times, however, all reason seems to abandon her, leaving her extremely vulnerable to manipulation.
Languages: It being her first language, she is able to use spoken Elvish with ease, later learning the Common Tongue, which she now speaks with equal ability. She is literate in both to an extent, but is greatly out of practice. Other than this, she has picked up a couple of disjointed phrases in Verba and Mok'yra.
Profession: Faelin is, by trade, a huntress. She depends on her skill with a bow for food and warm clothes. She usually only kills for her own requirements but, when game is scarce, she will also depend on roots, nuts and berries to survive, having a fair knowledge of wild plants.

Personality: A hunter at heart, Faelin has grown to be shrewdly observant, and feels that she must be aware of everything that goes on around her. Hers is a wild spirit, and from this comes her desperate desire for freedom. While her apparent differences are hardly difficult to notice, her true nature is closely guarded, and she will often seem rather secretive, if not quite afraid of trusting others. Recently she has seemed withdrawn, tending towards seclusion.
Religion or Cults: If pressed to disclose her views, she would probably tell you that she worships Theodra as the patron of the hunt.
Alignment: Her ethics, though unchanging to a point, are often swayed by circumstances outside of her conscious control. Like anyone, she follows her heart, her mind, and her instincts - seemingly neither bound to honour and duty, nor rejecting of these concepts. Her moral compass is erratic to say the least.
Short Term Goals: To survive, to forget.
Long Term Goals: None.

Place: She feels most at home in the wilderness.
Pastime: Above all else, she covets the solitude of the hunt.
Food: Although her diet usually consists of rabbit or wild fowl, she prefers the taste of venison if she can get her hands on it... Or rather, her arrows in it.
Drink: Needless to say, water fresh from a spring or the rain triumphs over that from a muddy pond or river.
Colour: She favours the greens, silvers and golds of the forest.
Animal: The sounds of wolves put her at ease.

Least Favourite...
Place: Cities set her on edge, but she could name a number of worse places.
Pastime: Currently, she has developed quite an aversion to speaking aloud.
Food: This elf is used to simple fare, thus not accustomed to richer dishes.
Drink: She tried alcohol once and sorely regretted it.
Colour: She dislikes 'dead' colours - greys and purples.
Animal: She does not especially despise any animal, but she is oddly suspicious of cats.


Well. It depends.

I think the first... shall we say "prototype" of this character (it being my first on this server or indeed any RPG) was barely inspired, and more so just spat out as a raw bundle of ideas and experimentation.

Let's just say that after considerable nerfing, refinement and scrapping of various icky backstories, I have done much more with the character than I would have dver thought plausible given the rather roughcut starting point, which has only continued to develop according to RP ever since. Abilities are balanced, and the reformed backstory has enabled the character to be so very, very malleable in terms of how they develop through RP.

Daft as it sounds out of context, it does intend to flip one particular ten-a-penny character background riiiight on its head, and provide a more... let's say more realistic result of an instance regularly used without a care to define characters' abilities without any converse effect on a their thought processes and behaviours.

Please refrain from using any of this information whilst in character unless your character has actually learned it in RP - don't metagame.

My in-game name is: [Inactive]
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The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Ced Jerry Atkar Seth Hrothgar Eminu Tzemik Katherina Sheila

Albareth The Church Abel Cloud Rune Dreago Rex Thorvard Ulrych Draco Lars

The Queen Tavish Ash Gurtha The Seven Sorrows

The Woman in the Woods

Jeroxia Akela Kuthian Delphi Bellon Alaila Tchel Deadpress

Arcone Vehrion Er'danku Royo Scardrac Thomas The Ward The Crown

Leorthor Nwalme Basil Naelwyn The Inquisition

Tajay Jack Kirby Luna Gellish
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The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Pffft... Not my fault I'm picky with words... Well, it is, but that's beside the point!


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*evil cackle* I'm not kind enough to post both at once, come on - be realistic!! I have done some of it... But I don't like the wording or the paragraphs... And the sentence variety and structure are frankly appalling... GAHHH, I'M GOING TO CRUCIFY MY ENGLISH TEACHER!!! :mad:


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
So patient, in fact, that one feels the need to leave a comment stating so? Interesting patience indeed.... :cool:


The original mute
Interesting story, well bio, I hope the story will be interesting. Off topic, eeeeyyyyeeeee