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Common Roleplaying Diseases


Magus of Nothing
In the recent spate of rolelplay apps I have seen an outbreak of a few diseases. I feel the need to highlight these. Please donate to the Kilrox Foundation and we will wipe them off the face of this planet by killing all the scum that carry them.

Onlyoneleft Syndrome
This sad disease causes the sad and tragic outcome of a unique and strange race of which the player is the only surviving member. Sometimes these tragic mutations differ onyl slightly from the norm, having a special power that lets them stand out.

This tragic occurrence is most probably the most common disease. It causes the loss of ones parents in a tragic way. It normally leads onto cases of Ineedrevenge Flu which shall also be discussed.

Ineedrevenge Flu
This disease normally strikes soon after Orphanitis and causes extreme mental trauma. The victim's mind is turned towards a single focus; to destroy that which killed their parents while they had Orphanitis.

This disease is common even in advanced roleplayers. It sometimes occurs due to many times roleplaying where, over time, the affects accumulate. It is however also occurs in those new to roleplaying. It's affects niclude tunring into a ninja-paladin-assasin, quarter Elf, eighth dwarf, another eighth Dragon and half Human.

This diseorder is very bad; it cuases the victim to forget what happened to their life before they came to Altera... there is an upside to it however; all of them seem to be expert swordsmen, wizards or amazing at some other profession! How the victims manage this without remembering their training none know.

This disease can be found in many, and it's symptoms are varied. One of the main symptoms includes gaining a 'Batman's belt' or in other words, being able to defeat anyone in whatever situation. Another less common symptom is the gaining of magical powers that can do anything and everything. Sadly this disease normally occurs in many, even experienced roleplayers.


Magus of Nothing
I have sadly had two of these diseases with past chars... the really sad thing is you don't realize how horrible they are when you actually have them...


Lord of Altera
I actually had one of these... wait two. Onlyoneleft syndrome in my first character and Ineedrevenge in the second character, but the second character got his revenge in the backstory. My third character has none of these so he's okay...

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
my character has parentsdieditis/orphanitis but one was an accident with a creeper and the other was (I forgot :( ) however I was in prison at the time luckily I never caught Ineedrevengeflu due to the fact ... well the creeper died in the process of killing my parent.


Loyal Servant of Altera
haha my char has orphanitis and ineedrevenge flu... kinda on the ineedrevenge tho, the name only makes him mad. his brother did it, so he doesnt wanna kill him. maybe i should change that? idk. waht do u mean by 2nd and third character tho, do you make a new one when you die?