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Yo wizards, witches, pyromancers and demons.


Lord of Altera
Am I the only one in Altera without a single drop of magic running through my veins? I run into the most common-looking characters who suddenly burst into magical flames or whatever. Am I the only.. Muggle?


The White Mage
I have a boat... while I do hanker after a talking boat. somewhat like in TLOZ: Wind Waker, sadly our talks are rather one sided at the moment

Besides this no, I have a slight distrust of those sneaky magic users though >.>


Hey, the only magic I use is in my heart!
I do not know any magic whatsover!
Damn, I did try to learn some, but I never did, so you are not the only normal person.
Because, I may seem to have died twice, maybe three times, but that's about being a ghost/spirit.
Argue if you must, but I do NOT have any magic in me.
Just my heart, and soul. And the magical power to love.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
I've got no magic in me!
It is allowed, but frowned upon in Heaven's Reach because there is a thin line separating the friendly and darker kinds of magic from eachother...


Lord of Altera
I've got no magic in me!
It is allowed, but frowned upon in Heaven's Reach because there is a thin line separating the friendly and darker kinds of magic from eachother...
until the inquisition is set...I only have so much grip on what magicks are allowed :(


*raises hand, slowly* I-I'm not a wizard! *holds his arms in front of his face, expected to be blasted with several forms of magic at once*


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Being a Nakat Butcher, my character Eminu is about as far from the magical as you can get.


Lord of Altera
*raises hand, slowly* I-I'm not a wizard! *holds his arms in front of his face, expected to be blasted with several forms of magic at once* (Not forum RP'ing, just attempting to make a funny)
The explanation at the end totally ruined it..