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Alignment: the Question of Good or Evil


Lord of Altera
So, first of all, with an increasing number of bad or neutral characters in Altera, I was thinking that an "Alignment" section may be a good addition to the character profile, and people would be free to explain why or how they fit that area, as well as why/how they ended up with that alignment. This would most likely follow the old "Dungeons and Dragons" system of a scale of chaotic-lawful and evil-good. People can be neutral in either area. This would be complicated for a few characters, but for most, I believe it would be an interesting distinction and would also help us pick out who we would want to spend time with in character. Here's an example scale...

Also, I'm curious what the ratios are of good/evil and chaotic/lawful on our server.. anyone here think they clearly fit into one of the categories?


Lord of Altera
Alden's probably chaotic neutral, although as time goes on I think he'll swing towards either good or evil, and Aspen is, without a doubt, neutral good.


Lord of Altera
Keaton would be True Neutral, he is on no ones side and does not care of any other's side as long as they dont bother him with it.


Gromm, although he does not fight much, and is most of the time, ignored.
I know Gromm is Chaotic Good.
Although he is slow, and half the time, stays on good side of things...
...if something was to happen, if something was happening that Gromm disliked, or worse, hated, he would stand by what is truth and his way, and if anyone stepped out of that way, Gromm would be willing to shoot there heads off with his Willock pistol, or swing there head off with an axe.
Yet, Gromm is a really good guy, and nothing wrong has happened yet.



Lord of Altera
I think Kirby would be Lawful Neutral, since he doesn't fight or anything, but wants peace. If something threatens him or his friends on a great scale then he would fight back.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Though many would disagree with me, Basil is neutral. He does have morales, and feels pity for some people. But, he is obsessed with the reputation he has gained over the years, and it would be very hard for somone to convince him otherwise. If it wasn't for his reputation, Basil would still be a very violent unpredictable man... But he wouldn't roam around pubs and inns killing all of those who challenged him or his claim to "Tormenter of the Peasantry".


Lord of Altera
Lord Sinclair is most certainly lawful good. He fights against injustice and defends honor and virtue, for he has seen chaos and destruction plague his homeland and take away everything he ever loved.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Drowan would be Chaotic Neutral. He hardly ever treats anyone with total trust and almost never makes strong alliances. He only sides with people that he respects(Which is very hard to obtain) or prove beneficial to him at the moment(Such as a mentor or someone that he shares a common enemy with). Drowan also has no qualms about drugging his enemies and using them as test subjects, and even those that are considered his friends are not safe if they happen to be nearby(The experiments conducted on them are either non-lethal or beneficial to them, of course).


Lord of Altera
Oh dear... I seem to have misrepresented Alden. Chaotic neutral with tendencies swinging one way or the other at any given point. He's prone to violent mood swings because of his brutal upbringing and traumatic experiences, and at the moment, he's about half convinced that the cult who raised him succeeded in turning him into a monster. I've decided that, should an event occur in which he is, for some reason, convinced that he is truly a monster, and a weapon, he will most likely turn to chaotic evil, even if just moderately so. In the meantime, thanks to Eala and a few others, he's been keeping it together.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Eminu the Butcher would be Neutral Good, the only thing between her and Lawful Good is that shes too dense to understand laws and regulations well enough.


(( Edit: Lathan, my teeny side character, would fall directly into True Neutral, as he is a devoted heretic to Thyrien, the Alteran God of Balance. ))


Garacesh would have to be Neutral Good. He's very passive, doesn't respond to violence too well, and tries to keep his nose clean. He wouldn't - willingly - slay an opponent in cold blood or unfairness.

Sirena, however, (an upcoming character, I'm working on her!) will likely be, left to her own devices, Chaotic Neutral. She will be somewhat rude, brash and cold. Her alignment, however, will be for-hire, so she'll fight for whatever you tell her to if there's enough coin in it.


Lord of Altera
Lathan, my teeny side character, would fall directly into True Neutral, as he is a devoted heretic to Thyrien, the Alteran God of Balance.
Don't call him teeny! I love Lathan. Or.. at least.. following him around PS and giving him nightmares and watching him slowly lose it. :p Don't worry, Alden should forgive you soon.