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turning mob protection off

Mobs on or off?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


King of the north!
How would you feel if we turned mob protection off in towns (so mayors couldn't turn it on or off)?

Mobs could enter your town and spawn in it, but endermen and creepers couldn't do any damage.

Yes or no?

(This is really just to appease megan)


Sorrows Warrior
It would give people something to do, allow for more combat and defending your town opportunities and provide easier loot closer to home. Your towns will not be harmed, and it provides more fun to do. If you wish for mobs to not spawn in your towns, proper lighting should be installed. Why sit on your butt and play a game to sit on your virtual butts in town doing nothing? C'mon people! *fistpump*

edit: should add "yes because steel is smelly"

edit edit: *smacks steel before she can get slapped* xP


Loyal Servant of Altera
As long as town wont be blown up by creepers and moved about my enderman- i think it would be cool. It would make it more risky~! You'd have to be on your toes. :D


Sorrows Warrior
:O who voted no? YOU SISSY! Go hide in yer yellow belly momma's crib you wiener! what do u think this is a democracy?! >_<

ty for voting, plz come again ^_^


Only problem is mobs attack me during night. Endermen must be turned off or get me panicking over Port Silver!


<3 Hollow World
The thing I liked about having mob spawn off with Towny was you could have more ambient lighting, far less torch spamming etc. it just made towns look so much nicer.

It's a shame you can't change the light level mobs spawn at from 7 to something higher such as 10 - that'd reduce spawning except in very dark areas.

Also poll doesn't make much sense to me, on or off but the answers are yes and no ;) couldn't they be "mobs can spawn" "mobs can't spawn" ?


Sorrows Warrior
How would you feel if we turned mob protection off in towns (so mayors couldn't turn it on or off)?

Mobs could enter your town and spawn in it, but endermen and creepers couldn't do any damage.

Yes or no?

(This is really just to appease megan)
cubey! change ur mind! >_< its not too late!


<3 Hollow World
RP wise I really don't see the point in this, it's going to be torch central like every other MC server out there now, which is far from realistic especially with fire spread off.. and no risk of burning down :p


Fire spread must keep off or will let cherbert's house get destroyed!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Totally agree with Halfmad on the lightning comment and like the idea of turning mobs on.
So you got my Yes vote.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Honestly i believe this is a horrible idea in the sense of Realistic's. Realistically, enemies did not roam around your towns waiting for victims. Also, it really would be bad for people who travel at night.
However, realistically enemies could come in from outside the walls. If you could make it possible that mobs do not spawn in town, but can enter town, that would be really fun. Towns would need to build walls (if they wanted to), and walls arent torches. By this i mean that spamming torches is not as ugly as making your town wall plain fences. Warstrom, for example, has huge town walls, they would never settle for a basic town wall to keep people out.


Sorrows Warrior
Honestly i believe this is a horrible idea in the sense of Realistic's. Realistically, enemies did not roam around your towns waiting for victims. Also, it really would be bad for people who travel at night.
However, realistically enemies could come in from outside the walls. If you could make it possible that mobs do not spawn in town, but can enter town, that would be really fun. Towns would need to build walls (if they wanted to), and walls arent torches. By this i mean that spamming torches is not as ugly as making your town wall plain fences. Warstrom, for example, has huge town walls, they would never settle for a basic town wall to keep people out.
realisticly, enemies did lurk around your towns waiting for victims... and people didnt travel at night because of the dangers. What good are your houses in towns if you never use them? You could just slap a bunch of chests together in a brick box if ur only gonna use it for storage. Having a town guard and people fighting off wild animals/bandits/etc was common. As well as people terrified of myths and tales of the walking dead and monsters that came to ravage villages. But if u want the sissy way out, thats fine... sissy...


<3 Hollow World
Then again people didn't have torches every 3 yards to keep light levels up and keep monsters away Megan, this is a game mechanic, towns are going to have to have lots of torches to keep monsters at bay, which won't be pretty!

I'd much rather we did this after seeing it there was a method of increasing the spawn threshold for mobs so we could have the best of both worlds. If this was on in Port Silver we'd have thousands of torches to keep mobs out or simply have them running riot over the city, which is equally as un-RP.