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An Interesting Problem


The Kingdom Crusher
I don't really like the idea of permadeath, to me it seems a bit too harsh. I think that they should fine players with actual radiants, and make it so you can be in dept. So if I was fined with 5000 radiants, and I had 1000, I'd end up with -4000 and all money I earn from then is heading towards bringing it back to zero. Then again, I'm not good with this kind of stuff.


Lord of Altera
You'd be surprised by the amount of immature people on the internet. Even if it's their fault, they'd likely blame the server and leave. Which isn't entirely bad in my opinion. I'd be happy to see a greater percentage of mature people on the server.


King ForumStalker
Perhaps some kind of metaphorical leaderboard? Staff or team controlled who give non-bias opinions on an organisation based on their activities?
I don't think having them staff controlled would free them of bias, the staff have always been against admin controlled projects anyways. I'm thinking more along the lines of "Action gives X influence and X power" which would create a said leaderboard. This could then be used for reference by players who could then go "sheesh, the Silvercloaks have far more power and influence than me, I shouldn't mess with them..."


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Hmmm... I'm seeing a lot of good ideas cropping up.

I'm feeling a kind of system where locations are ranked by their regional power perhaps by the owner of the city or the staff in case of a staff-run city like PS. This would be common knowledge, So that travelers to a city know who is in control and who to watch out for.

However, we need a way for the groups in power to actually have some form of power, and to that end it seems like a final death ability is needed, or at least some other way to deal out punishment. This may mean a weakening of the Sisterhood and the auto-allowance of player death perhaps, or staff-enforced radiant fines, or something else?

Keep going, this is some wonderful brainstorming.


I don't think having them staff controlled would free them of bias, the staff have always been against admin controlled projects anyways. I'm thinking more along the lines of "Action gives X influence and X power" which would create a said leaderboard. This could then be used for reference by players who could then go "sheesh, the Silvercloaks have far more power and influence than me, I shouldn't mess with them..."
I'm sorry I didn't mean staff controlled I meant like....a group to control the leaderboard as I doubt a plugin could do so. So when a group does X the team then decides how much [quote="Itzzaboy] X influence and X power [/quote] gets for a specific action they perform. Does that sound viable?


Magus of Nothing
Dark bloods are supposed to receive permanent character death anyway but... Yeah, people don't want their chars dead.


Lord of Altera
However, we need a way for the groups in power to actually have some form of power, and to that end it seems like a final death ability is needed, or at least some other way to deal out punishment. This may mean a weakening of the Sisterhood and the auto-allowance of player death perhaps, or staff-enforced radiant fines, or something else?
My vote goes to some form of final death. (Although perhaps the character can be revived through a stringent test of some sort on the forums?)


Lord of Altera
Man, I had no idea toma had such evil in him. I am definitely using that in the future. As for the rest of this thread, I don't think there has been that much a problem really. I like how the groups keep each other in check for the most part, the main problem is the ones not in a well known group acting all tough. To those people I say, crush them. If they are disrespecting your authoritay and your group really is powerful, you should have no problem backing your reputation


Lord of Altera
This Permanent death thing seems off topic, but I completly agree. Coming back from the dead should be extremely rare and powerful thing. There could be an RP event of destroying the sisterhood as well.


Lord of Altera
I don't want to bash these ideas or anything, I think they'd be wonderful if they did work, but they won't. We might be able to show which people have power and all, but it doesn't mean the player mindset is going to follow. The only way to do it is increase the severity of punishments, as otherwise, the idea is not getting across to people. Yes, it's all well and good having a system some players might look at, but when a player might not look at that and oppose the place anyway, it's more a mindset that needs to be put to the playerbase and even though it seem's rather forced, you won't get these dreams without pushing an opinion onto people that they may just completely ignore or get gnarked with and either way, it'll only be the people who look at the forums getting this mindset as many people might not even see these.

The problem is the opinion, punishment severity is what is needed; however there will never be a perfect mindset unless you push an opinion onto the playerbase for realism, which people don't like.


Lord of Altera
The problem is the opinion, punishment severity is what is needed; however there will never be a perfect mindset unless you push an opinion onto the playerbase for realism, which people don't like.
Thank Cherb this isn't a server based directly off what your typical internet member wants, lest we'd be a hardcore PvP server with no plot.


I don't want to bash these ideas or anything, I think they'd be wonderful if they did work, but they won't. .
The player base follows the race lore because it's organised, enforced and official, perhaps one of the ideas people are coming up with could be too.


King ForumStalker
What Spark said, hell we've even tricked- I mean persuaded you people to give us- I mean "donate" your money for the server! If we can do that we can do anything!

On a serious note if the staff decide that the system is right and put it in place, then someone just ignores it, it would be just as bad as ignoring the lore.


Lord of Altera
The player base follows the race lore because it's organised, enforced and official, perhaps one of the ideas people are coming up with could be too.
The problem is, with enforcement, you'd have to go all the way to have any sort of authority at all. People follow the lore because the staff don't make hollow threats of bans. This would have to be staff monitored, but then becomes the problem that, if someones RP isn't fitting to a singular mindset, they will be warned, kicked, banned, which will begin to gnark other people as they will have some excuse for their character to 'not fear the organisation' and some, may be valid, others might not, but it would be on one single mindset again, which destorys the entire thing as no mind is the same, we are human, can't change that, it's not WoW
In all honesty, whichever path we choose, they'll be some downfall, just because every mind is differnet so the mindset will never be perfectly the same unless we start making super clones, 2m tall and all with a programmed mind.

Edit: An Example is this thread, were argueing now as we have different opinions of how to fix things, it's all good and constructive, but we still all think differently


King ForumStalker
And soon, our armies of ninja orphan assassins shall be released!
I'm sorry sir, I just ate your device of ninja-orphan assassin generation, your plans have been foiled and I have forwarded the bill for all damages to your residence.

*sips tea*

On a serious note, there is never any way that everyone can be pleased, instead all that can be done is to please the majority of good roleplayers.


Lord of Altera
On a serious note, there is never any way that everyone can be pleased, instead all that can be done is to please the majority of good roleplayers.
Another mindset, this time of what a good roleplayer is, although we can agree on this one ;)
Also, when they do start making clones with the programmed mind...they'll make the ones you don't want...the normal ones who can't type or use grammar on the internets :eek:


King ForumStalker
We'll never have a playerbase like that, why? Because as soon as it gets that restrictive all the players will leave anyway.