Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Some changes in the new world. [Please read]


There will be more cool road-ways from towns and such. We hope players would use them more now that horses will be involved! :D

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Can I atleast have a big Air- Ship ruin? Then just say my precious ships where overfilled when trying to Exodus and crashed?


Carpet Monkey
well many people put much work into airships, sometimes even building their house and town around that theme, so i hope there could be some kind of compensation?

i know, god gives, god takes, but realy, thats kind of sad for all those who loose


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
The are simply unviable in the new world.
Any number of factors could cause this. (Most likely a combination)
Higher (or lower) air density, prevailing wind patterns, relative altitude, pressure, atmospheric composition... etc.


Lord of Altera
How about a strange and uncontrollable windstream that seems to drag everything up and then pushes them out over a never-ending ocean? :3


Legend of Altera
How about a strange and uncontrollable windstream that seems to drag everything up and then pushes them out over a never-ending ocean? :3
You may have something there. It would be interesting to have that kind of a story as the reason why any floating cites that were in the game also disappear.


Magus of Nothing
Or in the airships case there could be a lack of whatever lighter gas made them fly...


Lord of Altera
It may just be as simple as the lock imposed by the immortal kings being "upgraded." The Immortal Kings realise the damage a flying ship could cause (through an event, possibly) a ship full of antagonists to crash into Port Silver and kill too many people. Because of that, they realise this could be abused; ships purposefully crashed, causing damage out of proportion from a boat. So they upgrade said lock, preventing all kinds of technology from raising ships from the ground, with all current ones falling, with the help of "the wind," into the sea.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
I- I- I-

Have nothing to say.


Lord of Altera
Not having these things would encourage more use of the Auction House, which would be good :)