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~Nakam - Questions & Answers~

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Lord of Altera

Not sure if this was answered in the wildlife section but, what is the most common pet you'd find on Kavdek/ what animals do Nakam keep as pets?


Lord of Altera
Completely different, as they reside on an entirely different continent.
Though I believe I've stated before that most Native villages prefer payments in food and other essentials over any sort of standardized currency..


Loyal Servant of Altera
You replied right after I deleted it, I asked kk on team speak, he said it was radiants :S. But that doesn't make a big difference :)


Lord of Altera
...Michcat, I hope you don't hate me again in twenty minutes.
Birth defects and other physical deformations coming right up~!


Lord of Altera
Wait this is still open for asking questions? Poor mich.... Give me twenty minutes for my slue of questions.

Edit: I have to do it later stupid delete sent me back a page and screwed up my list of questions and I do not want to take another 20 minutes to retype it.....


The young curmudgeon
Oh good, I'll just ask this here then:
"Given the upcoming event of the Alteran Ball, I was curious to know what Verbali ( And perhaps tribal ) Formal attire looks like, and even more so what styles of dancing they have created over the years?"


Lord of Altera
Nakam sign language? I mean someone has to have been deaf at some point and have made something to the like.


Lord of Altera
Well, Nakam are NOT cats, but we are very similar in our physiology. I'd suppose it'd be possible for someone to be alergic to Nakam and not cats, or cats and not Nakam, or both or neither.
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