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Moving Towns Over

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Retired Staff
Before anything else is written, this should be noted. This thread is not a sure predictor of the Exodus. It exists only so we, the staff, get advance notice on which towns are to be moved over.

Now, to start.

The Exodus is on the way, and there are two options facing people. You can a) have your town moved over in its entirety, or b) unclaim your town for a full refund and do as you wish with the money. This thread is for choice A.

If you wish to have your town moved over, simply post in this thread with the name of the town, the number of plots it currently occupies (not the total it has available), and its population (in numbers, not names), in the following format.

Town Name:
New World Coordinates:

The Other field is to specify stuff like if you have basements or if you have questions regarding this process, and we will require town coordinates for easy access to the town. You can use either F3 or a minimap mod to obtain the coordinates. If you do not wish for a town to be moved over, there is no need to tell us. Simply refund it when the Exodus rolls around.

Claimed Areas:

Town Name: Tauredal
Mayors: Readij
Plots: 224
Population: We're starting afresh with the new world, so it'll be... 1 :p
New World Coordinates: x 15650, z 5950
Other: -

Town Name: Shalherana's
Mayors: overlord2305 Alexipie
Plots: 23
Population: 23
New World Coordinates: X 10899 Z 7915
Town Coordinates : First plot is at X 13441 Z 4441
Other: The region has a main fort and some smaller farms around it, please copy those over aswell, the fort also has some basements and redstoen underneath the deepest being about 15 blocks below the floor

Town Name: New Vera
Mayors: Baron_Aron, Rygan_Deathblade
Plots: 54
Population: 18
New World Coordinates: 10235,8200
Other: Claiming as a town site, as Vera is not being WE'd over. The whole lakeside will be claimed over time, so, uh, please steer clear of that general area.

Town Name: Currently Timbervale & Crestshire, new region name is secret!
Mayors: Boulderpaul & Mairinbaihn
Plots: 383 for Timbervale + 158 for Crestshire = 541 claimed plots
Population: Unknown... those Rangers are sneaky so can never be sure! ;)
New World Coordinates: 4600,6000 or 6400,6400 ish
Other: Note: I will be claiming a vast area covering as much of the rivers, forests, mountain ranges and lakes as we can afford in one of these areas. Still need to discuss with other parties so coordinates are subject to change ;)

Town Name: Moonlight Mayors: Me
Plots: 68
Population: unknown; I guess 5ish though
New World Coordinates: X 1131; Z1688 ish(Hollowwmap) (Yes the waterfall :p area)
Ingame Coords(they differ for some reason): X1080; Z 1732 - The Ice waterfall
Other:I plan on claiming the entire waterfall area and around there; And no, I won't screw it up :) . In fact I'm planning something awesome ;).

Town Name: Ascendia
Mayors: SobekRa, Creeperhunterpb
Plots: 107 claimed plots, currently 13 unclaimed
Population: 11
New World Coordinates: X = 8400 Z= 5418
Other: The storage room under the tower is /very/ deep, going around 40 blocks down.

Town Name: Elumeril Island

Mayors: Missplums/Nini

Plots: 120

Population: 20-30

New World Coordinates: 5982 / 6400 (Around about This area)

Other: The Village, the main manor and now the underground sanctuary are all quite distant from each other, But we've put together a plan in places they can go separately in the plots stated if it's not too much trouble.

Town Name: Islay
Mayors: Menelmacil
Plots: 58 claimed plots, 0 unclaimed
Population: 5-10
New World Coordinates: X = 9062 Z= 5729 (map coords)
Other: I know the location is in the ocean. As Sally already confirmed possible, i want my whole island moved over as there are no Islands that fit either the style nor the special builds (fortress on a mountaintop while village in a valley and undergroundfarms close to sealevel)
Terraforming it into one of the other Islands would be realy hard and most likely not satisfying (for me :p )
if it is too close to the newbie Island i could be either moved closer to those 4 little islands or further into the bay, as long as there remains a decent distance to the coast :p

House Arcturus doesn't seem to want any cities ported over (As of yet) BUT we want some co-ords claimed. These are roughly the areas we want, and it seems nobody has claimed them yet. The first two are important.
8152, 8130 (New Harlaus) This should be on the waterfall.
7687, 7837 (Helios) This should be on the river, roughly where there is a little island.

Town Name: Ulrych's_Motte
Mayors: Tomahawk777
Plots: 77
Population: 10
New World Coordinates: x: 13033 ; z: 4405
Other: Nope, pretty easy job

Town Name: Sargoth
Mayors: Tomahawk777
Plots: 15
Population: 9
New World Coordinates: x: 13033; 4405 (same as Ulrych's Motte)
Other: Nothing special

Town Name: Windvale_Valley
Mayors: Dracoboy2
Plots: 30
Population: 16
New World Coordinates: x: 14159; z: 2864
Other: Tricky because its a structure hanging under a mountain cliff, need a pro for it ;)

Town Name: Frostwood
Mayors: FrostGuardian
Plots: Can't say, there is no port to it, but I will give it later.
Population: 4
New World Coordinates: x: 14159; z: 2864
Other: Basically a big wall which should stand between the mountain and the icey lake

Town Name: Frostwind_Rock
Mayors: Dracoboy2
Plots: 118
Population: 4
New World Coordinates: x: 14911; z: 1877
Other: Castle in the Sea, easy job

Town Name: Whiterock_Castle
Mayors: Tomahawk777
Plots: 31
Population: 8
New World Coordinates: x: 15054; z: 4092
Other: Castle in the Sea, easy job

Town Name: Eisenfaust
Mayors: Tomahawk777
Plots: 84
Population: 12
New World Coordinates: x: 13163; z:3483
Other: Castle in the plains, easy job

Town Name: none yet
Mayors: ptiber
Plots: none yet :D
New World Coordinates: x:11800 z:6700
Other: would like to claim just the small "island" between the two river branchs

Town Name: Stormhold
Mayors: Dracoboy2
Plots: 450
Population: 10
New World Coordinates: x:14208; z: 4234
Other: We will be starting again :)

Town Name: CapariiVille
Mayors: jakp25
Plots: None
Population: The Caparii
New World Coordinates: x=8630,z=10460
Other: I have the money for it just wanted to wait until the new world was out to make it.

Town Name: Windvale_Valley
Mayors: Dracoboy2
Plots: 30
Population: 16
New World Coordinates: x: 14159; z: 2864
Other: Tricky because its a structure hanging under a mountain cliff, need a pro for it ;)

Town Name: Pandoreth
Mayors: NiNi
Plots: None Yet (Will be built)
Population: Druid/Environmentalist Culture (We have 5 people as the initial population)
New World Coordinates: x=12638,z=3865
Other: This is where i intend to build a large forest settlement, i'm trying to work it out with lonmar as i may expand within the 500 block range which would put me within 400 blocks of one of their... (To waypoint 2 in the Image), i'm hoping nobody steals this forest...

Town Name: Ravens Nest
Mayors: Roopot
Plots: Unsure
Population: Me
New World Coordinates: x=14480,z=13564

Town Name: Arduin Temple
Mayors: Michcat
Plots: 90 (Temple + supplies )
Population: Arduin Landmark - Most of Arduin
New World Coordinates:
x: 3959
z: 6222
Other: Needs WE, a giant temple with an underground maze.

Town Name: Kavdakam (Our New land)
Mayors: Michcat, Valcust
Plots: Maybe 3, supplies only
Population: 5-15, depending on the timezone.
New World Coordinates:
x: 2299
z: 4889
Other: Does not need WE, save for a plot or two of supplies. Just reserving the space :)

Town Name: Crestshire
Mayors: Mairinbaihn, Boulderpaul
Plots: 153
Population: 10 or so
New World Coordinates: x = +15650 z= +5250
Other: Just moving the Storage Barn and the tents, will claim and rebuild the rest

Town Name: Aurolus
Mayors: Liveastroman21, Desarchemist, Rexyn, Creeperhunterpb
Plots: Approx 260, exact number is unknown due to a bug
Population: ca. 25
New World Coordinates: X= 10264 Z = 4162
Other: There is a small island containing the storageroom in the middle of the upper arc. It reaches a long way down.

Town Name: Aetherin
Mayors: Asirel_Luik, Scardrac
Plots: 45
Population: 24
New World Coordinates:
Other: ... Hm. Noooope. Other than that there's a tiny island off of it, so I don't know what the region close-ness rule are... Cos' I want that collection

Town Name: Valmoore
Mayors: ScootyOwl, abbeyvie
Plots: Unknown Yet, ~126
Population: Unknown yet~
New World Coordinates: x: 10931 z: 1249
View attachment 26922
Other: We'll arrive there by stables! :D
Edit: Let me know if I'm too close!

Town Name: Narxes
Mayor: SobekRa
Plots: 1
Population: 2
New World Coordinates: X=9505 Z= 4574

  • Town Name: Villa Rosetta
  • Mayors: Bigeasy1998
  • Plots: 84
  • Population: Bigeasy1998
  • New World Coordinates: X11930 Z4144
  • Other: Nothing really tricky as the Villa is currently floating in mid air, and well the boat is a boat in water.
Town Name: Cutthroat Cove
Mayors: Vestigial_Limb, SilentWindara
Plots: 401
Population: 37
New World Coordinates:
Other: Ermmm, Does the fact that we will be making it taller and putting snow on it count?

Town Name: Riddleport
Mayor: Marcus Helix (pyrocide)
Plots: 300 and some change. at work atm.
Population: 25 off the top of my head, probably more.
New World Coordinates: x:6200 y:9600, that rivermouth area.
Other: The hive of the greylings and they city sewers are underground.

Town Name: Sundown Isle
Mayor: Squidziod
Plots: 75
Population: 1
New World Coordinates: x:5888 z:9414
Other: Please move over entire island land mass, but no buildings or structures necessary save for chests.

Town Name: Imlasdris
Mayors: TheMadDuckie, MaelstromPuddle
Plots: 56
Population: Starting over Kicking everyone out and remodeling. I think
New World Coordinates: X = 10892 Z= 12624
Other: Duckie isn't active enough, is there a chance I can be made Mayor even without Nobility, I would always like it to be near the water for a dock :heart:

Town Name: Thundervall, but we're starting new, building something different.
Mayors: freyadavis, Death_Crafter
Plots: 69
Population: We're starting afresh with the new world.. so.. 2
New World Coordinates:
Other: ----

Town Name: Caldwell
Mayors: Michael_Dirix
Plots: 61
Population: ~20
New World Coordinates: 9630 10100
Other: It should face the river.

Town Name: Sorangarth
Mayors: SparkInSpace
Plots: 67
Population: me and a couple, it is a private region.
New World Coordinates: x13943 Z1354
Other: Not getting moved over, just claiming for a new build

Town Name: Silverwatch
Mayors: KatrinMair (and le inactive chrisnoble)
Plots: 131
Population: 49
New World Coordinates: this mountain on the coords 9400, 9700
Other: It uses every space down to bedrock.
This small river on the side of one of the mountains should become the big one in the new world..
there are farms but they can be replaced by the new bigger river

Town Name: Kyrnvaald
Mayors: creeperhunterpb, Desarchemist, SobekRa
Plots: 38
Population: 8
New World Coordinates:10729, 3833
Other: just try to keep it on the tip of that island where the coords are.


Retired Staff
Oh, it's a config thing and can be done ingame. Simply delete your region using the "/noble region" commands and you'll receive a refund of 73% normally, but since the Exodus is gearing up, the refund has been changed to 100%. This refund therefore returns the entire sum you have invested in the region.

I wouldn't rush to unclaim yet, though, because there's still time before the Exodus launches, and I have to confirm with Sally that the refund is at 100%.


Lord of Altera
Oh, it's a config thing and can be done ingame. Simply delete your region using the "/noble region" commands and you'll receive a refund... 'etc'
Sally mentioned a bonus for regions that use the refund option and don't take over any structures. Is there going to be a place for us to request that, or is that going to be kept track of?


Retired Staff
Sally mentioned a bonus for regions that use the refund option and don't take over any structures. Is there going to be a place for us to request that, or is that going to be kept track of?
I'll have to confirm that with Sally.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
The bonus consists of happy, relaxed staff because of the millions of plots that don't need to be copied over! ;)


Lord of Altera
I'll have to confirm that with Sally.
Oh right.

Towns will be fully refunded so they can be reclaimed in the next world. There's a 'bonus' planned for towns that only take over plots (therefore not needing world edit and making it easier to move over).
And also, to end that, towns that just 'take over plots' (get refunded and don't take over any builds) can organise 'safe' boxes where they can take over any goods they need easily... as long as it's at least in a square shape xD
I bolted the part for you ;)

I too would like to know how big that bonus is, as it has an influence on my decisionmaking...


The Kingdom Crusher
I would be executed by many of my friends if I didn't copy this over. :p

Town Name: Aeroch Nor (Aeroch_Nor)
Mayors: WarWolf_1
Plots: 179
Population: Don't know the exact number, but quite a lot, many members, most of the houses full.
Town Coordinates: (First Plot) X:7417 Z:14857 Y:123
Other: Lots of Mountains... Valleys, There is a jungle surrounding it, we want to know if we can keep the jungle on one side and have an ocean on the other. Preferably with the Ocean on the Town Wall side.
You forgot the big mountain backyard! :C


Retired Staff
Can do the move myself, but just to claim the coords...

Town Name: Tauredal
Mayors: Readij
Plots: 224
Population: We're starting afresh with the new world, so it'll be... 1 :p
New World Coordinates: x 15650, z 5950
Other: -

EDIT: Changed my mind :p


Lord of Altera
Town Name: Shalherana's
Mayors: overlord2305 Alexipie
Plots: 23
Population: 23
New World Coordinates: X 9266 Z 3885 (Not at that exact position just as far land inwards as needed to fit the buildings on it)
Town Coordinates : First plot is at X 13441 Z 4441
Other: The region has a main fort and some smaller farms around it, please copy those over aswell, the fort also has some basements and redstoen underneath the deepest being about 15 blocks below the floor


Retired Staff
Town Name: New Vera
Mayors: Baron_Aron, Rygan_Deathblade
Plots: 54
Population: 18
New World Coordinates: 10235,8200
Other: Claiming as a town site, as Vera is not being WE'd over.


Burner of Worlds
Town Name: To be decided
Mayors: rauyran
Plots: 1 to start with
Population: 1
New World Coordinates: 9530, 11662
Other: I have a single underground storeroom in Mirage that I need moving to the new world. I have marked it with pink wool at the corners for worldediting :)

PM me and I'll take you to the storeroom


Retired Staff
Aaaaand let's keep this thread for it's intended purpose.

Town Name: Mayors: Plots: Population: New World Coordinates: Other: posts only, please.


Lord of Westray
Wait Baron, is this thread only for listing the towns that are being carried over to the new world or for everyone to claim their location?... First post and your latest one (along with other peoples posts) seem to contradict!

- Boulder


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Should be both and claimed coordinates should be listed in the OP for clarity and to avoid double claims.
First post, first served!

I'm on a fully claimed island that can be anywhere, I will wait until most spots are claimed so I won't be in the way for anyone.


Lord of Altera
What Bode said^ I'd rather everyone picked spots before we start moving, because if we're too slow to move, a town that just takes over plots might accidentally take the spot xD
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