Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Question: What would you like to see on Hollowworld?


Lord of Altera
If you could have /anything/ on the server (ie species, monsters, characters, towns, everything) What would it be? Say /anything/ you like. We'll seriously look over all suggestions, from hoping to have more cooks and bards to wanting laser Giraffes. Nobody should say anything disparaging another idea, simply things they'd like to see that we don't have, or don't have enough of.​


Non sum qualis eram
(Post made in order to receive an alert whenever anything is said. I will be reading every post made here.)


Oh boy-
I guess I'd like for....a little more extreme sense of lore. Trust me, I don't know what I mean by this.
...exciting. Something people can grip onto and say "Oh s-" or "Wow! I'm inspired by this!"
I'm not saying the current lore is bad.
It's rather amazing.
But there are things that just...seem....BORING.
I mean, people add things all the time, but do these things have....secrets? Do trees have secrets? Are monsters real and contained somewhere? What REALLY is used in Mushroom brew tea? Do Engems have green blood? Is Naelwyn ever going to wear a dress again?

It all comes down to question, really.
Leaving...purposely unfilled lore, and letting people expand on it later.
Or leave it, and when someone notices something wrong, they can spot it and tell rumours....'s not that I want to say "Do Engems have green blood?"
I could post that on the Rumours thread.
What I wish to see are REAL things. REAL myths come alive and give events that are EXCITING!

The gaps in lore-
Think about 'em!
So many rumours we could just fill in! But fill them in style, so we can add and add and add again-
Give events, give rumours, make people different, have things in Altera that people would never DREAM of!

An example:
Nael mentions here and there that there is 10 stacks of TNT under Port Silver.
Rumour or truth?
Does anyone care? Of course we do, but we go speechless. Why?
Well, how can we check? It's not like anyone could be bothered to go in the sewers and see. Somewhat, it might not be in the sewers...maybe a secret tunnel from one of the houses?
The fact Nael gave us a cliffhanger..."There is 10 stacks of TNT under Port Silver"...that's fun!
I gripped the sides of our chairs and thought: "what the nether is he going to do with that?"
We will never know~

~And that's the thing I wished we had.
Things in lore that scare us, make us hyper, make us wish see things that we may never see--
--until that frightful day when someone is allowed to make an event out of it. Edit: I want a Laser Giraffe


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
More fleshed out chars with interesting every things and surprises around every corner, more politics (but I'm pretty sure just by the sheer amount of people interested in this it'll come about anyway), as Man said more wars that are made by the players instead of a Grief attack, something I'd personally find interesting would be more religions in Altera that would warrant more crusades or interesting politics. Oh, and political marriages would be a bit.. funny, to me personally.


Im not whitelisted on the server yet but actually the only thing i wanna see is, but you're already working on that so I'm contempt, and maybe just a little bit of steampunk machinery
a teensy bit


Legend of Altera
Musical Instruments, for example doing such a thing like a portable Junkbox, Complex Magic System "Allowed" To Most, By "Allowed" I mean, that his Rp must fit magic, he must study and train it, Less ooc trade and more RP trade, for example adding a tax at AH.


Lord of Altera
More fantasy aspects to the server, Magic will help this in the future of course. I suppose more interesting settlements should be allowed to be made. Rota Magna was a really good, creative idea, now what of a city of connected air ships or even a connected fleet acting as a floating settlement. Any of these would make this server live up to the name on these very forums;
"Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying"
As of late, I feel Hollowworld has become strictly medieval politics-wise and such and in turn a deal boring. Now, more fantasy does not mean: Please allow more characters to use magic : or something along those lines. Simple things that make you feel like you're escaping your boring life to join in on something fantastic, not delving into a new boring life.

(Made an edit, found what I was looking for xD)


Lord of Altera
I miss old Hollowworld and how wars were handled.

I feel like nowadays wars are never had, except for the GoC, and even then, all the battles are handled by the staff. I just remember back in the days when wars were started all the time, and it... I don't know it was just awesome.

Also lizard people. I want a race of lizard people. I will write dat lore.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Also lizard people. I want a race of lizard people. I will write dat lore.

Yes! More races that have tails! This is something that I really want. I'd also like something in terms of magic that you could use to alter the gravity around someone. Eg: Something suddenly becomes lighter or heavier, the strength of gravity is less or more on said object. Or someone suddenly flying upwards, but the higher they get the harder it is to maintain the spell (For distance reasons and duration of spell, making it nigh on impossible to kill someone by tossing them upwards or from lack of air, only 10-15ft high or something along those lines. Perhaps it could work in relativity to another object, binding a person to a building or something of the like.)

Yeah, I'd like those a lot.



The Arbiter of the Gods
Politics... Heh.. actual opportunities for politics would be nice, aka houses growing some more balls and become POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS. When the last Exodus happened everything was pretty crazy. People were drawing up plans, seeing how things would work out, making alliances and stuff. Give having houses some juice other than having friends together and being able to tax them. The Queen's court, for example, should be more dependant on the Lordship of Altera... We ALL seem to misunderstand what monarchy actually means. Monarchical form of government, especially the all-amazing all-famous feudal system, simply cannot survive without people behind the monarch, and then people behind the lords, and so on. The Queen currently has pretty much total power (and either tells no one of what she's doing or does nothing), far more Imperial than what Medieval Europe ever was (actually reminds me of Tsardom before it fell... We should totally start a workers' rebellion >: D). So yeah... getting that right would be awesome.

Tell us a little as to what you're planning (which I believe I said before). Make some votes, give players something to work with other than "this is what is happening whether you like it or not". We really have no idea as to what is planned or whether it'd be a good thing or not and though I can see that being a good thing at times... honestly not every single time...

There are far more that I can't word at the moment, will post when I can xD


Lord of Altera
What would be cool..? What do I suggest..? Part of the things I would pit is already on here.. such as a more in depth political system, I would wish for a really good magic system.. but I would need to see what you guys have been working on.

I was watching a Tv show.. something to do with a powerful warlock who speaks to a dragon every so often.. but anyway.. it got me thinking.. there is a clear line between nobles and servants, and even a servant.. can be great.. only in non civil society can a non noble, become great.. *cough engems, and other towns like Riddleport cough* and then there are places where being from who you are born from.. is your status.. in most kingdoms, or.. lands in Altera.. being born from a noble family, is everything.. even a complete Idiot can rule over others.. Etc..

Something else..? myths that may or may not be true, or based off the truth. like Dragons.. all of them are dead, but doesn't mean dragons can or cannot be highly liked/ loved/ feared/ etc. in societies. Dragons can be the creation of an Immortal king that no one has known about.. or thought dead. who knows.. Dragon's may live among us in human form.. waiting.. and watching.. hiding..

What I want most of all.. is a slight change in the Religion of the Northern kingdoms.. There is no way the good gods and the evil gods should be best friends, and be.. neutral.. In my opinion..the Inquisition.. I don't like it.. Simple humans /cannot/ keep the gods from fighting... only an attack my Grief may or may not stop the gods from there fight... When no grief is around.. all the evil gods want.. is slavery.. and command.. you know.. evil things.. the good gods..? peace, freedom, and all that good things.. the Neutral gods.. they gave there own agenda.. there is no way Jax for instance is going to help out a good god.. and there is no way Jax would want to be aligned to the Evil gods.. he has is own wants.. and own Ideas.. He can work with both to achieve them.. and.. even trick both...

A church praising all the gods at once..? foolish.. there is no way that the God of all things Evil will /ever/ talk to simple weak human.. who also worships his prime good counterpart/ Rival .. he may even strike this man down for trying!

We all think Grief is the Evil thing in the world.. she is not.. the Evil things are the Evil gods.. yes.. Grief does some evil things.. like wanting to destroy us all.. but the Evil gods do not want Destruction.. they want ownership... Killing all those who reject them that is evil..

Grief.. may be classified as evil.. but in her own way.. so different.. the Evil gods will even work to destroy her.. and there is only one way.. if they work together with... there rivals.. the good gods..

But.. good and Evil.. should constantly be at war.. the good gods and Evil gods.. only rarely stops there fighting.. though.. killing isn't the only way to fight.. there may not be and physical fights.. but mental.. and hidden attacks from darkness..

so all in all.. I would like a better God system.. for me.. it isn't working.. I cannot worship gods in game that don't seem real.. the nuetral gods are the only ones who seem real.. like jax.. he seems real..


We demons of our solemn hour
I'd Say, Add a Calendar for events planned.
Its a true pain when a event is double planned due to being unannounced, Forgotten earlier, Or postponed due to this.

Perhaps a similar Plugin to the Gazette, But For upcoming events. Including: Place, Date and time.

Another thing is: Enhance Traveling RP by not linking up every town to a main hub, Perhaps Having to Cross a certain field by foot due to there not being a Port towards this certain town.
Make Professions Actual professions.
I am getting sick and Tired of: Archer , Swordmaster ,Jester ,Lord , Fishermen who Happen to be a King of somesorts.. BEFORE EVEN STARTING TO RP AS THE CHARACTER.
.. There are people who have RPed for months to be able to carry a sword.
and seeing a cookie baker kill a Legit Swordmaster makes me sad.


The Arbiter of the Gods
A church praising all the gods at once..? foolish.. there is no way that the God of all things Evil will /ever/ talk to simple weak human.. who also worships his prime good counterpart/ Rival .. he may even strike this man down for trying!



Coffee Enthusiast
Another thing is: Enhance Traveling RP by not linking up every town to a main hub, Perhaps Having to Cross a certain field by foot due to there not being a Port towards this certain town.
I've been talking/thinking about this for a while. . . I want this.


Retired Staff
Politics... Heh.. actual opportunities for politics would be nice, aka houses growing some more balls and become POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS. When the last Exodus happened everything was pretty crazy. People were drawing up plans, seeing how things would work out, making alliances and stuff. Give having houses some juice other than having friends together and being able to tax them. The Queen's court, for example, should be more dependant on the Lordship of Altera... We ALL seem to misunderstand what monarchy actually means. Monarchical form of government, especially the all-amazing all-famous feudal system, simply cannot survive without people behind the monarch, and then people behind the lords, and so on. The Queen currently has pretty much total power (and either tells no one of what she's doing or does nothing), far more Imperial than what Medieval Europe ever was (actually reminds me of Tsardom before it fell... We should totally start a workers' rebellion >: D). So yeah... getting that right would be awesome.

Err... do so, then. Political RP was crazy back then because the people wanted it to be, and so it was. All the alliances etc were like that because people made them that way.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Err... do so, then. Political RP was crazy back then because the people wanted it to be, and so it was. All the alliances etc were like that because people made them that way.
Partially right. And it usually is more about the entire server cooperating, not just one or two individuals. However I still stand by the motion of Tsardom within Altera. The Court and the Crown have to be worked on.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
alluh yer, get yer discussion outa this thread, see?
This thread is just for everyone to get out their suggestions, see?


Retired Staff
Partially right. And it usually is more about the entire server cooperating, not just one or two individuals. However I still stand by the motion of Tsardom within Altera. The Court and the Crown have to be worked on.

No, it's about the players deciding that they want the Houses to be political and not a 50K private chat. The Crown is a player position (Mich only holds it because she was runner-up in the GoC and Draco went inactive) and the Houses are the ones that maneuver to get into said position.

Edit: exitin'