Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Beirut Badass

The Artist

Lord of Altera
This is a friend of mine from Beirut, she sent me a pic of her holding an AK and standing with a bunch of scary looking guys in ski masks (why ski mask s? there is no snow in Beirut!). Initially I thought she was serious and was surprised since she seems so peaceful, turns out she was on a movie set. so I drew her. cherbert What should I draw next? Im thinking earthspawn.

badass 72.jpg


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*After a moment's stunned silence, Cherry stoops down to pick up her eyeballs from the floor, and replaces them into their sockets, simply gawping~*

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Earthspawn are muscley and have 68 packs... Okay just 6 packs, he looks like a fattie with a beer belly! He needs abs ALL OVER HIM, even on his nose and eyeballs! Us Earthspawn are so big we even have six packs on our eye balls!