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A Child's Despair


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Name: Hope
Full Titles: (Former) Officer of Grief's Armies, (Former) Silver Serpent Physician, (Former) Mystic Apprentice
Nickname/Alias: Despair, Philia Lockhart

Age: Appears 11ish (still doesn't know her age)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Social Status: Makes enough...
Height: 124 cm, or 4'1"
Weight: 28kg or 62 lbs.
Date of Birth: N/A
Homeland: N/A
Current Home: Library benches

Build: Average for a girl her appearance age. Not very strong but not meek.
Hair: Average red hair
Eyes: Red, similar to Darkbloods when they were around.
Skin: Pale but not unhealthy.
Appearance: That of an average child, not much else.
Clothing: Green jacket, iconic for the members of the Silver Serpent (never did get the memo to take it off)
Weaponry: A giant battleaxe named Bruce. (But not really)
Prized Possessions: A red ribbon and white and blue dress. Not really "Possessions" but her donkey, Spud.
Hygiene: Very clean
Voice: Very flat but not monotoned.
Really good reflexes
Is a clever and smart girl
Being a burden
Seeing loved ones hurt
Crippling fear of undead
Is physically a child... pretty much most disadvantages that come with that.
Very prone to guilt
Takes things a bit too literally
After remembering her previous life she now has a little more knowledge include demon lifestyle.
Book-smart about various things.
Is a physician and has much medical knowledge.
Not very good at reading people. Sarcasm tends to be lost on her ears.
Demon Tongue

Personality: Crude yet caring. Generally seems detached but can be extremely emotional when the right chords are pulled.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Short Term Goals: Be a successful apprentice and physician.
Long Term Goals: Survival of self and loved ones.
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The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Well some major things happened...

For those of you that haven't guessed, Hope was indeed Despair.

Made some edits. May need more.


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
It was a joke to see if anyone was reading it if you guys didn't notice. (And technically Flonne is a video game character <_<)


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Story Time! (some of the info may be a bit messed up from not knowing the lore too well / it not being publicly available)

A small red child is alone playing by herself in a small room, in a small, windowless cabin, in a small town. This child has been hidden from society ever since her eyes started to change and made signs of being a Darkblood. At this time the child is already thoroughly corrupted, having red skin, talking to something that isn't there, and is often sick. Her parents and grandpa are still loving and have just kept her secret from the rest of the world, even moving towns when she started to show signs. The girl doesn't know what's wrong with her but she knows that something is different.

The front door opens as her parents return from shopping at town. "Hope! We're home!" the mother called out and then followed by a cheerful red girl holding a torn up doll, missing some of its appendages and distinctly burnt hair.
"Papa! Mama! Welcome back! Did ya get me anything?" the girl asked with beady little eyes.
"We sure did," said the father while reaching into his bag and pulling out something wrapped in paper and handed it to the girl.
The girl ripped through the paper and was enjoyed to pull out a glazed roll, "Sweet bread! My favorite!" she said cheerfully while she ate through it like a hungry wolf would a carcass. The parents just watched with half-hearted smiles.
"Now Hope, did you rip your doll again?" asked the mother.
"She wouldn't do what I wanted her to, so I punished her like Despair told me to," the girl said.
The parents look worriedly at each other.
"Hope, don't listen to that voice. She is very bad and will tell you to do bad things like what you did to your doll," said the father.
"But she said that she was my friend!" exclaimed the girl.
"Would a friend want you to ruin your favorite doll?" asked the father.
"I don't know... I never had any," she said while looking down and thinking about her extremely sheltered life.
"The answer would be no. Now promise me this, you won't listen to the voice."
"...Okay Papa. I promise."
"Good. Now lets see if your mother can patch up that doll again."
"Okay!" the girl said while handing the doll to the mother.
"Alright. I'll see what I can do." she said while getting her sewing basket.

*a few hours pass and most of the family is eating dinner*

"Grandpa is late today..." said the girl.
"Don't worry he should be back eventually," said the father. Then someone knocks on the door.
"Speak of the old devil that's probably him right now, I'll go get the door," the father said while getting up. The girl also gets up and runs to her room because that's what she has been told to do whenever someone knocks on the door.

"Hel- oh my bring him in, bring him in!" said the father as he saw a man carrying his father at the door. "What happened?"
"We were just talking as usual but then Tim collapsed a while ago, I'm sorry to say this, but I think he's dead. He isn't breathing." said the man.
[Yeah I'm not good at these "announcing a death" things so its going to be awkward]
"That can't be..."
The mother walks in, "Dear what's wrong-" the mother said then gasped seeing the body.
"Well I'm sorry for your loss, if there is anything you need you know where I live." said the man as he left the house.

The girl then is at the entrance to the room and noticed the body and asked, "What's wrong with grandpa?"

To be continued...


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Updates, also...

The mother rushes over to the girl, embracing her in a tight hug. "Everything is going to be okay..." said the mother, holding back tears as best as she can. " He's just tired and has to sleep for a while okay? Now go back to your room, he needs his rest..."

The child looks worriedly at her mother, but decides that she knew best and goes back to her room.

He's dead you know. A familiar voiced echoed softly in her mind.

"Wh-what?" The girl shakily asked. She knew about death but never did encounter it before.

He isn't sleeping. He's not going to get up.

The girl started to shake more and started to get sad. "P-papa said not to listen to you... Mama is right, he's just sleeping..." The girl tried to lie to herself knowing what the truth was.

You know just as well as I do that that was a lie.

The girl started to cry softly. Tears streaming down her despair-ridden face. "But... grandpa... why..." She sobbed more.

I can bring him back. The voice reassuringly echoed.

The child suddenly became hopeful. "You can? Please, please do it. I need grandpa!"

I -can- bring him back, however I cannot do it as I am now.

"But... why? Why can't you do it?"

Well first I need you to do one thing for me, and then I can bring him back.

"What is it? I'll do anything!" The girl jumped on immediatly.

The voice had a slight chuckle before saying, Well, I need you to give me control.

"Do it then! I said anything!" The girl desperately said without giving it thought.

Perfect. The voice said after a maniacal laugh. The girl had a bad feeling inside herself as she suddenly felt her consciousness fading with pain wringing through her body. The girl started to scream suddenly regretting her decision. But it was too late. The spirit inside her started to take control as the final changes to her body took place turning her into a full demon.

... To be continued. (Maybe it won't take three months this time)