Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!



Retired Staff
Name: Rosmund Oswell
Appearence/Important Details: In the combo admin convo from earlier - clothes/hair in disarray, general air of curiosity, biiig backpack.
Pose: Sitting in the middle of some ancient ruins or a dig site or out in nature, either writing, observing, or taking a sample, whichever is easier.
Props: Book and quill or hammer and chisel.
Expression: Joyous curiosity and enthusiasm
MC Skin: RosmundSkin.png
You know what he looks like better than I do XD


Roleplay keeper
Name: Katherina Lorean Hawklight
Appearence/Important Details: She has a blue and purple eye. Hair that is slightly curling, and black as the night with the shine in it having a slight blue hue. A tunic as green as the forest, with silverthread, and small gems decorating it. Dark greenish pants, black boots, and a black shirt beneith the tunic, with chainmail armour inbetween it and the tunic. Her eyes seems to glow or sparkle with life.
Pose: Running with her hair flying behind her, a desperate look on her face like she's chasing something she dosn't want to lose.. She seems to be ready to jump up and unfold wings that are not there. Like she wants to fly away.
Props: A blue figure of a bird which is flying above her (Argan), which she either seems to chase, or who's following her.. It's night, and she's running out on an open field.
Expression: Desperate and searching, she looks troubled kind of. Like she wants something badly, but it's out of her reach. Or like she lost something she's trying to take back.
MC Skin: Uploading~
Details: There's something magically and tense about her. :p
Woooh..! Finally :D


The rosiest of forests.
Name: Amire Sanguine Dormus
Appearence/Important Details: Dimples, bright eyes and soft smile though she is stealthy. Also a diamond on chain and water droplet necklace on string.
Pose: Up to you!
Props: Flower, clock or book, up to the Michy, Detailed vines and leaves on a dagger ( if possible )
Expression: Soft smile
MC Skin:
'mireCasual.png 'mireRanger'sTraining.pngHair done - Copy.pngRed.png

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Lord of Altera
Name: Gunnarr Gaelin
Appearence/Important Details: Wears a black steel mask that looks like the wither skeleton head
Pose: Intimidating
Props: A machete with rags covered in tar threaded through holes that have been placed evenly, a belt of throwing knives that have the same kind of rags around their blades worn shoulder to hip (either side)
Expression: Can't see it through the mask though you would see his brown eyes (hateful looking if you can)
MC Skin: Doing this on an Ipad so I can't get it
Theres the link to his profile if that helps


Dark Council Elite
Name: Archaeus Fronte
Forum Name: Archaeus Fronte
Appearance: Wearing a deep crimson tunic, with mid-light brown leather pants and tall dark brown leather boots. Right eye is now a deep azure. His arms would have tattoos of silver dragons and snakes running up and down them, and his hands would be in thin but strong-looking metal gauntlets made with vibrant silver and dark leather.
Pose: His stance would say "Proud", but his expression, "Where did I go wrong?"
Props: Sword in there somewhere, sheathed or unsheathed is up to you. The hilt is black.
Expression: "Where did I go wrong?"

Mc skin:


Profile is in my signature.
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Erbleh, sorry, I havn't been able to draw for a few weeks now (Inspiration = Non) and I just started again today. Definitely working on these :D