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Character Profile: Fiona


Lord of Altera
'Course mate. Flordia Georgia Line, Luke Bryan, Zac Brown Band, Toby Keith, Brantley Gilbert, etc.
ida Georga line and Luke Bryan are my favorites. Saw Toby Kieth and Brantly Gilbert at the Gulf Coast Jam in September.


Lord of Altera
Some ooc musings about Raindes...

She's not so awful at common anymore, though when speaking common she prefers to speak in riddles. I think this comes from speaking Elven primarily, the singsong tone of the language, and the flowing way of riddle speak, seem similar in her mind.

She seems to be getting a few closer relationships started... as in falling in love. I didn't see this coming for her, as I assumed she was asexual/abstinent. It's cute to watch her though, as she explores this whole new realm of feeling. Also, I blame this on Mheagan, who's been encouraging Rain to love more... and Dian, who encouraged her to hug more.

Politics wot?
Has the girl gotten herself into some sort of political world? Signs point towards yes.

Magic . . .
She's seen it hurt a great number of people, and seems to be less mystified by it...and more pities those who possess magical skills.

She's displaying anger in very healthy outlets... For example, when one of her "children" ( @Tybalt ) was rude to one of her friends - she made him scrub the outside of the silver serpent and write a letter of apology.

Oh, back to love again.
She wants children... either through adoption (of sorts) or her own...
The more time she spends with and near them, the more she loves them.

Speaking of children:
They are always hungry! She's been giving food to every child she meets.

On the subject of food
Nakat are also hungry, even if they don't exactly like the food she has, she still shares it readily with them.

What is work?
Why is everyone always asking what she does as work?
this baffles her.
She does not work. She simply lives and does the right thing. or as Rain says
"I am being. This is as I am doing."

Dear god(s) of minecraft. Please stop hitting Rain with lightning bolts, she's traumatized.
This is not a joke. She's been hit...half a dozen times? With bolts striking near her during just about every storm. There are eyewitnesses that can attest to these facts.

There's probably more that I'll bring up later, but these are the top things in my mind. . .


Lord of Altera
Oh... more things.

Raindes thinks of others first. So much so that she forgets to think of herself.
Tybalt recently said something that really reverberated in her
"Raindes. You are the Elder of Eresse. You are a Leader."


Lord of Altera
Gordon has made great strides with her - being sweet and gentlemanly...
Athryl nearly runs her over with a horse.