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Name: Aéwin Darwyn
Full Titles: Captain
Nickname/Alias: "Dog," "Heart-thief"
First Impression: Well-dressed, well-muscled scoundrel standing at just tall of six and a half feet. Carries himself with a hard-earned grace, poise fairly clearly that of a man of martial practice. His mannerisms are laid-back, usually when it's inappropriate.

Current Status: Grumpy old swordsman.

-Bow and two-dozen arrows: Often
-Rapier and parrying dagger: Always
-Poleaxe: Rarely

-Kriegmesser: Often
-Two daggers, one concealed in each boot: Always
-Push dagger concealed within coat: Always
-Various assorted small blades hidden about his person: Always

-Basic set of lockpicks: Always

Age: Somewhere less than a hundred.

Race:Forest Elf
Social Status: Hunky forest-man
Sexuality: Yes
Height: 6’ 7”
Weight: 85 Kilograms
Date of Birth: 27th of Floodlock
Homeland: Random Eldnari grove

Build: Bears the physique of one dedicated to martial prowess; firm musculature overall, exceptional features including grip/forearm strength and leg strength/mobility.
Hair: Dark brown, tied back in a man-bun. Tidy beard.
Eyes: Blue-green
Skin: Lightly tanned
Identifying Marks: Eyes are recognizable to those that know his brother. Facial scars are now readily apparent, bearing shrapnel marks radiating about his left cheekbone. Skin around left eye boasts scarring more notable, tissue discouraging him from opening left eye wide. Torso and arms show the outcome of a particularly close brush with death, manifesting as a veritable lattice of smaller scars across much of his flesh. Notable scars outside of such include a long slash across his sternum, brutal line along front of left shoulder.
-Black line across left palm
-"Char" tattooed across upper left pectoral in small, precise lettering to match its namesake.
Appearance: Burly. Has one o' them manly beards.
Overall Attractiveness: ...Is your guy, if you like scars! Cultivates a balance between tidiness and rugged scruff that enhances already-appreciable countenance. The man's a looker, no two ways about it, though in a more natural and rough style.

-Engagement ring
-Wedding ring, carved from a chunk of amethyst with a gold band on the inside. Upon the band is inscribed "Forever my heart-thief."
-Simple tunic, usually tastefully unlaced to display some man-cleavage.
-Leather gloves, accompanied by fairly basic rawhide bracers
-Trousers, usually a deep red
Armor: Heavy gambeson/coat that stretches down to his knees. Usually worn with armored sleeves and a bearskin mantle over his shoulders. Occasionally with steel greaves to match.

-Retort: A gleaming 40-inch rapier with comprehensive swept hilt
-Dish hilt rapier
-Poleaxe standing at six and a half feet, bearing spike on butt end
-Metal quarterstaff with Dwarven-made blade mechanism, courtesy of Nwalme
-Slim dagger with S-shaped guard and small red jewel in flared hilt
-Parrying dagger with undulating blade
-Basic steel dagger
-Blade with a paralytic poison smeared on
-Two ordinary wooden quarterstaves, one ironwood
-Push dagger
-Three slim daggers, designed for concealment along limbs

Prized Possessions:
-Sorcha: Mairin's old bow
-Engagement ring
-Retort: A gleaming 40-inch rapier with comprehensive swept hilt
-Four heavy silver bands

Notable Possessions:
Hygiene: Courtly
Voice: Benedict Cumberbatch~

Strengths: Has spent far too much time cultivating his physical form, and knows how to use it. Stands a tall, tanned terror when given a sword, with the reflexes and agility of a lifelong duelist. When company permits, can be smooth as all hell.
Fears: Dragons, caves, occasionally thunderstorms. Maintains a confident front in most areas. Not overfond of not being in control of himself. Very much fears that harm may befall his family, especially in a situation where he is unable to lend aid. Downright terrified of Phydeoux befalling harm or death.
Weaknesses: Easily antagonized if those close to him are threatened. Not quite so soft-footed as he used to be
Intelligence: About as sharp as most of his swords
Languages: Elven, Common, hand-code, passable Mok'yra
Profession: Captain

In one sentence: Looking to settle down and protect his family.
Personality: Aewin's personality is a jumble of a number of traits coming together in a glorious cacophony.

  • Charming: When he wishes to be, Aewin is possessed of a roguish cheer and wit capable of winning hearts and persuading minds. Also holds significant knowledge in the field of manipulation, though odds are such will not come to play unless it is particularly warranted.
  • Disciplined: A far cry from his younger years, Aewin strives to exercise control over himself in both body and mind. Training is not to be neglected, precise movements to be done flawlessly. Refuses to allow violent emotion to guide his hand, rage instead manifested as a preternatural calm.
  • Fierce: First instinct is to stab most of his problems in a literal sense. Well tempered by discipline, though still holds few qualms in resorting to the classics should it be less irritating than pursuing peaceful solutions.
  • Intuitive: Is fully capable of employing logic and the lack thereof to press forward a line of inquiry or make deductions. Also affords him some capability in predicting the actions of others.
  • Loyal: Surprisingly given line of work, Aewin remains quite loyal to those he associates with.
  • Self-confident: Possibly his defining characteristic, Aewin maintains staunch trust in his own abilities and attributes, and has little difficulty quashing insecurities. Though at times this makes him blindly assured of his own decisions, it most often manifests as a passive knowledge that irrational thoughts are exactly such.
  • Self-realization: The corollary to his self confidence, Aewin knows where his limits stand and how his outward presence interacts with others. As such, remains cognizant of his shortcomings and how to minimize their effect.
  • Schrödinger's Mentality: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" (Aristotle). Aewin embodies this sentiment as a painfully-won defense mechanism. Capable of maintaining multiple opinions on a topic and acting on one with utmost sincerity until stimulus dictates he should have chosen another.
  • Unpredictable: Will often act in the way least expected, partly by mistaken assumptions of his character and partly by design.
Also notable in personality, Aewin has a few things considered "Sacred."
  • Duels: "A duel is the purest form of contest- Throwing your all at theirs, and seeing which is the better." Aewin tolerates no outside interference in such, even if a loss would jeopardize other goals.
  • Equivalent Trade: Business, lawful or not, is seen as an arrangement not to be trifled with. Under no circumstances will he willingly fail to meet terms of a business agreement, nor will he fail to reciprocate in turn for any favors (Or slights) given.
  • Beloved: Will take any means available to aid, protect, or otherwise ensure the prosperity of she most dear to his heart.
Religion or Cults: Approaches religion from an analytic perspective. Seeks to understand the divine through his own lens rather than one dogmatic. Coincidentally, dislikes most of them.
-Sallana holds an exception, the lone deity that he is wholeheartedly thankful for and respectful of. Similarly believes her worthy of worship, thus taking Aewin's long string of religious views back to where it began, albeit in a different capacity.
Alignment: Chaotic Good/"Seductive Neutral-" Will often decide to act in a manner best conducive to hilarious flirtation.
Short Term Goals: Get married. Train apprentices. Protect Psyduck.
Long Term Goals: Maybe have kids. Keep training those apprentices into a fully-fledged fighting force. Protect Psyduck.

(Guide: Those significant in their field are in bold. Those to whom the relation describes an unconventional sort in said field are in italics.)
Loved: Phydeoux, Harlow, Nylarii, Kidd,
Trusted:Cloud, Niah
Respected: Tzemik
Favored: Tajay, Aura
Unsure of:
Disliked: Tzemik, Syra
Hated: Aewin Darwyn


INSPIRATIONS:Misguided youth~
My in-game name is: Aewin_

Yessir, that there's some good facecanon.

@Elz being spectacular

@Michcat being spectacular


-Met with Greyback. Fought with Greyback. Got piss beaten out of him by Greyback, but used trickery to bring it to a draw. In the process, flirted with all nearby females.
-Hungry for a while. Started hunting rats with rapier. Hard and annoying, but good target practice.
-Potential association with Greyback.
-Got tired of rat. Fashioned fishing rod from scavenged twine and a branch. Met Luke, dueled with Luke. Came off the worse for it, but would never admit such.
-Chatted with Greyback. Got him to buy drinks. Met Athryl, who healed leg wounded from duel. Teased Greyback, now referred to in times of annoyance as, "Teddy."
-Fished a bunch. Fashioned a pair of wooden swords from branches, trained.
-Caught fish. Tried to use fish as segue into conversation. Greyback provided coinage, bought drinks for the lass instead.
-Discovered brothel. Hooooo, boy.
-Is currently missing only shirt. Pursuing alternate means of clothing.
-Obtained shirt.
-Poked head up after long bout of going to ground. Met Nwalme, almost immediately arranged for long-term engagement.
-Went to Tauredal. Posed as Rilas. Made mischeif. Found boots.
-Met with Nwalme again. Learned some stuff, got some stuff, had an interesting discussion on philosophy. Raided Tauredal's vaults some more, found some gloves. OH. And met brother.
-Had interesting encounter with Farke and Saire at Crossroads.
-...Had another interesting encounter with Saire at crossroads. Got beaten up a bit, shared stories.
-Sparred with Cloud. Obtained hole in trousers. Went on quest to obtain resources to repair said hole, learned a bit about making sewing needles from fish bone.
-Discovered Tauredal's library, and started at it with a voracious appetite. Currently reading up on sewing techniques.
-Had a busy day. Started off with a Sorrows expedition with the intention of gathering some reeds to try weaving with. Found some goodies from mobs and plantlife, stuff to play around with. Returned to Crossroads to hear of a small slave trade, offered services in dealing with it. Quick thinking and an equally quick tongue resulted an end result favorable to his goals. Obtained proper needles and a utility knife for services.
-Had a "balanced" spar with Cloud, got injured in a mishap. Went to Nwalme to get patched up, obtained a shiny new shirt.
-Various chats and heart-to-hearts with Rue.
-Is learning to read Common, courtesy of Rue.
-Made some greaves with leather from Dayter and a reference from Tauredal's library. Among other things, learned basic steps to some formal dances.~
-Won some cash, jewelry, wine, and boots from a game of dice. Jax seems to favor him.~
-Whoop de doo, relationship business. Entertaining notion of building ship.
-Met an old acquaintance, might be gettin' back to old tricks.
-Quite officially back to old tricks.~
-Whoo boy. Crew reassembled, went t'Tauredal to steal a ship. Ship stolen, but might've lost something along the way.
-Starting to let stubble grow out along 'is jaw.
-Was "Hans" for a while. New coat, dyed hair, eyepatch. Has ditched accent, but continues t'wear outfit.
-Drama! So much drama.
-Was helped in a fall off of roof, broke right leg. Some people 'round him did stupid things. Has relocated, not moving around much for a while.
-Had somewhat of a falling-out. Nwalme showed him basics of archery, lent him a bow. Is now spending very much time with bow.
-Gambled some, obtained some nicer gear
-Continues to furiously slay targets on archery range. Estimate around 1000 arrows shot in-game.
-Bought a very nice horse, practiced shootin' arrows from it
-Journey to Kavdek ends in disaster for 'im, gets a crazy notion of course of action
-Trip to the Nether ends in disaster for 'im, gets a crazy notion of course of action
-Has been spending a significant amount of time in the Nether, hunting ghasts and surviving in the hellish terrain.


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In-depth relations

Char: Glorious central body in the solar system that is Aewin's life, and goes overboard to ensure her safety. Knows her to be an able combatant, but after nearly losing her to an errant stab he can't bring himself to feel at ease with her on her own.

Nylarii: Sister, basically. Is glad to see her happy, even if they don't see eye to eye all the time.

Nwalme: Pretty alright.

Naelwyn: Considers their past... complicated. Despite negative interactions, harbors a great deal of respect for the man, and holds him deep down as one of the best friends he's had.

Tzemik: Is not entirely sure what to make of the Nakat. For immediate interaction, chooses to consider foremost the great amount he owes the doctor.

Niah: Was a strange sort of friend when he needed one. Enjoys her company, probably takes too much amusement in teasing her. Sees potential in her, and will do his best to assume a protective role until she realizes it. That said, can never quite seem to fully read her, which he finds both a curiosity and more than a tad intriguing.

Syra: Annoying as all hell. Would probably not stick being her bodyguard were it not related to other work. Wonders how to give her more clothing without it looking like a gift.

Aracena: Liked her better before she went full crazy.

Cloud: Finds their banter damn fun, and feels a camaraderie on account of their similarities when they misbehave together.

Harlow: Enjoys her company, would like t'see her grow without necessary hardship. Amuses himself with acting from the perspective of an elder in regards to dispensing wisdom, though takes the role of one more experienced seriously.

Abel: Finds him a genuinely charming fellow, and much respects his easygoing attitude.

Drachen: Finds him to be reliable, considers him at least his peer in matters of combat. As his position reflects, feels confident to leave ship in his hands should Aewin be otherwise indisposed. Considers him a brother, above the general treatment of crew as family

Fleche: His horse. Could not have asked for a more trusty steed, nor one that courses near as swiftly. Extensive experience of both mount and rider in varied terrain lead to a competence not oft found in horsemen when it comes to haste or pursuit.

Styrkar: Likes him more and more as he gets to know him. Finds his stubbornness to be a tad imprudent, though finds him generally competent. Has learned of his role in saving Psyduck, earning him an immense amount of respect and gratitude in Aewin's book.

Psyduck: Easily the most important person in his life. Loves her as much as he knows possible, and seeks to more actively express such. Now aims to grow with her rather than for her, and help her through pain of a different sort. The pair are currently engaged.

Nylarii: Finds her penchant for picking fights a tad irritating, though loves her as family all the same. In line with said penchant, finds her most oft in need of babysitting.

Nwalme: Finds him an amiable sort, if not a wee bit over-excitable and tenuously overconfident.

Naelwyn: Believes he has a fair understanding of his motives, and respects why he acts as he does. However, Aewin labors under the impression that he tried to take that most precious from him, and does not believe himself fully capable of forgiveness.

Tzemik: She's grumpy as all Nether, but he suspects her a softie underneath all the fur. Also a contender for him possibly owing her more than anyone else.

Gustav Fritz: Finds his mannerisms downright hilarious, harbors a great deal of fondness for the doctor. Similarly holds a great deal of respect for his skill, though finds him to be sketchy as hell.
Crew: Despite petty disputes or squabbles, sees entirety of crew as a sort of family. Affectionate, jaunty in matters concerning daily life. Fiercely defensive in professional matters.

Greyback: Aewin thinks him a curious fellow. First impression was as a hurdle to eventually overcome, now sees him as a comrade in their field of mutual occupation.

Styr: Wee bit simple, but a useful enough lad. Thinks his proclivities somewhat repulsive, but finds them amusing rather than offensive.

Iem'Ien: Most reliable of crew. Enjoys brief schemes that they shared behind crew's back!

Piria: Quite adorable, a tender sort. Feels genuine affection for the diminutive lass.

Fhris: Wee little thorn in 'is side. Was quite irked by the position Fhris found 'imself in, but is mostly over it at this point.

Triss: Felt something for her, might've been love, more likely teenage hormones. Thinks her to be amusing, but with the skills for them to be of mutual benefit.

Amire: Has no damn idea why she did what she did to help him out of a tight spot, but appreciates it nonetheless.

Ced: Sassy lad, he is. Also, aggravatingly observant and prudent.

Rue: Unsure how he feels about her. Still harbors affection, but logical reasoning discourages further entanglement.

Nwalme: Feels he might have found a kindred spirit. Y'know what I mean~
Let the games begin.

Adrian: Potential bro-tier status. Likes his attitude, likes his style.

Cloud: Very much enjoys his disinclination to cause him harm, does not see him as a threat.

Alustrum: Has been given the impression that the lad lets his anger control him, and is wont to engage in such useless habits as complaining. This results in a profound distaste, as Aewin has little tolerance for useless things.

Gwen: Finds her t'be rather stupid and immature. Does not understand or appreciate her inability to accept responsibility and perpetuate assumptions that he is not convinced of.

Drecius: No strong opinion. Enjoys similarities in fighting style, looking forward to dueling him some day.

"Pokes" (Phydeoux): Loves the intrigue, the hunt, the cat-and-mouse. Currently thinks her to be the most worthy challenge, obsessed with the visceral joy of her elusive ways and
his pursuit. Officially considers her "Prey," and will not tolerate others trying to claim his quarry.
Respects, laments, holds most dear. In many matters considers her his equal, which in and of itself is enough to prompt wariness. Trusts her on basis that he wishes to, and has no doubts that he can play the game better should his trust be unfounded.

Illi: Another to the list of positively amusing. Enjoys her sense of business, as well as the trade she plies.


-Basic knowledge: Stance, footwork
+Practice: hitting small target
+Practice: hitting basic moving target (Swinging book- Sorry, Kelta)
+Practice: footwork, combos
+Experience: Spar with Cloud
+Experience+: Tried dagger techniques with Cloud
+Experience: Spar with Nwalme
+Practice: Lunges from either leg
+Practice: Fleche!
+Style: Puzzled through guard and hand positions, focusing on single-time parries augmented by off-hand dagger and secondary double-time parries. Knows how to augment position with footwork, is generally an unpleasant swordsman to engage when unarmored.
+Practice: Extensive training of footwork and attack sequences under adverse conditions. Now exceedingly robust in execution of combat maneuvers.

-Basic knowledge: Quarterstaff grip from Nwalme.
+Practice: Whacking things in the Nether

-Basic knowledge: Brawling (Minimal)
+Instruction: How to punch efficiently (Nwalme)
+Experience: Brawl with Saire
+Experience: Various spars, namely with Psyduck. Style tends towards kicks and grapples, working off leg and grip strength cultivated by fencing
+Style: Favors use of powerful legs at longer range, grabs and twists at closer with the goal of restraining or dislocating.

+Instruction: Vulnerability of solar plexus, vulnerability of joints (Nwalme)
+Instruction: Vulnerability of floating ribs, vulnerability of nose with appropriate strike, access to lungs and heart through back

Physical Capability:
-Basic: Life at sea. Not unaccustomed to manual labor, kept small by poor nutrition
-Noteworthy ability: Nice and nimble courtesy of heritage, can swim to rival marine life.
+Conditioning: Sword practice
+Nutrition: Diet improving
+Conditioning: Brief occupation loading and unloading ships
+Conditioning: Running around Tauredal with a steel pole in hand -UPDATE: Carries staff around with him in day-to-day life. Practiced swings with it.
+Conditioning+: Chopped down lots o' trees in the Sorrows
+Conditioning+: Lots of digging, sawing, lifting done in building a bathhouse in Havarda
+Conditioning: Lots of bow-shootin' lends to strong back
+Conditioning+: Resistance and weight training at Vigil's Rest.

Arts and Crafts:
Basic: Life at sea. Competent with knots and basic improvised crafts that would be of use.
+Learning: Basic stitching and sewing technique. (Book in Tauredal, Ced confirmed)
+Experience: Choppin' down trees in the Sorrows
+Experience: Practiced leatherworking for greaves, braces, spaulders
+Experience: Experimenting with tailory
+Update: Consistent practice and garb-making has led to him being fairly adept at tailory.

+Knowledge: Learned to make chocolate from cocoa pods (Rue)
+Knowledge: Can cook a mean steak
+Knowledge: Can cook some meeeeeean scrambled eggs

+Instruction: Basic instruction from Nwalme on how to hold bow. Not so forthcoming on how to aim.
+Practice: Lots and lots and lots of shooting
+Practice: Lot and lots and lots and lots of shooting
+Development: Style tends towards snap shooting- Aiming/estimating target before pulling back, and releasing as soon as full intended draw is reached
+Development: Practiced shooting from horseback
+Instruction: Learned how to aim proper from Mairin
+Practice+: Days, weeks spent in Nether hunting Ghasts
+Practice: Assorted target practice, aided by new bow more suited to his build. Currently, main inhibition is lack of suitable arrows for bow.
In-game shot estimate: 1200
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Puppycat Herder
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.... you and Ced. Darn you both!!

I should have known from the rolling.


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*Makes funny faces whilst figuring out name pronunciation*
*Agrees wholeheartedly*
Haven't decided if it should be "AYE-win" or "Eyy-win"


Puppycat Herder
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Flirty with: Somnastra (@Somnastra), Mairin (@mairinbaihn), most anyone with ovaries

-Met with Greyback. Fought with Greyback. Got piss beaten out of him by Greyback, but used trickery to bring it to a draw. In the process, flirted with all nearby females.
All dat teenage hormone nonsense.


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Aged up a hair. Relationships updated~


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