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Active Iteraldi Seregon


Lord of Altera
Iteraldi Emmeline Marr-Seregon
Aldi, Miss Iteraldi, Matron, Lady Aldi.
(@Cukie1 I love this so much, thankyou :heart:)

Current Status: Distressed. Moved to Torailin until further notice.

Name: Iteraldi Emmeline Seregon
Age: Late twenties, very young for an elf.
Gender: Female
Race: Forest elven
Social Status: Middle-class. Formerly a noble, she's now a merchant-class woman.
Sexuality: Demisexual
Height: 5'5/1.65m
Weight: 120lbs/54kgs
Date of Birth: -
Deaths: 1
+ 15th day of Ghostmoon - (???)
Homeland: A small Grove in the jungles.

+ The Quays orphanage
+ Torailin

Build: Slim and willowy. Aldi has long arms for her short frame, which may seem out of place. She's not as thin as her race typically is, because she doesn't exercise, nor eat good food. Aldi barely finds time to leave the orphanage, and has hardly any muscle, anywhere.

Hair: Brown, lighter in the summer. Fairly thick and has a bit of a wave to it. It's not washed often, but it's always brushed. Commonly braided away from her face.

Eyes: Green.

Skin: Lightly tanned. Aldi has the flawless skin and high cheekbones of her people.

Identifying Marks:
- Not much is too striking about Aldi. Her quiet mannerism and trademark lip bite might be something recognizable to anyone that knows her.

- A short cut on her upper arm.
- Another clean, thin scar, mostly faded, on her stomach.

Appearance: As above, she has the flawless skin and cheekbones of the Elves. By human standards she'd be pretty.

- Murdoc

- Another necklace, left to her by Azoth in his will. [Kept with her]
- Bearskin cloak, borrowed from Illthilior.
- A rainbow opal, set into a pure gold necklace. She doesn't understand this importance of this. [Kept with her]
- A green butterfly necklace. [Kept with her]

Hygiene: Doesn't find time to bathe very often, unfortunately. Uses what money she has to buy scents, if possible.

Voice: Laura Carmichael. A lot of 'ahh's and a lot of stuttered beginnings to words.


Iteraldi's strengths lay mostly in her loyalty and her love. She's vaguely optimistic.
+ Caring for children
+ Incredibly patient and slow to get angry

Aldi is easily scared. These are just some notable fears that she's developed.
+ For Illthilior
+ Heathenry
+ Loneliness
+ Violence
+ Harm befalling the orphans

+ Loneliness
+ Her own failures and weaknesses

+ Fighting of any kind.
+ Lying
+ Jumps to conclusions (usually false ones) far too quickly.
+ Her reliance on other people's protection
+ Physically very weak and easily overpowered. Easily intimidated
+ Hope
+ Naivety

Intelligence: A little below average.


+ Not being strong enough for Illthilior.
+ Not doing more to stop Sankera's death.
+ Not doing more for Azotheron.
+ The death of the orphans in Twilight Falls.
+ Not leaving with Tybalt.
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Lord of Altera
Personality: Iteraldi is one of the warmer, softer people you might meet. Softly spoken and with a kind heart, she seems to be a little sheltered to what the world is truly like. Easy to scare. Aldi knows that she has a long life ahead of her, and takes a laid-back approach to things, typical of her race.
+ Her usally happy demeanour and outlook has slowly faded away.
+ Most of her reasoning comes from her religion, and deep belief that life is a gift. Tries not to be selfish or greedy, but she's only.. human?

+ Suffers from terrible anxiety and has frequent panic attacks. This has noticably worsened recently. (I don't have much personal experience with anxiety or anything of the sort, so tips and feedback on making that more realistic is really appreciated!)
+ Aldi's particularly shy, and recently has grown more introverted and quiet. Has barely any friends left to laugh and talk with, and as such is more withdrawn now.
+ Tends to cling onto people longer than she should. Has difficulty moving on.
+ Clings to objects also, and attaches a deep sentimentality to them.

Religion or Cults: Shalherana. She fears she's lost her way, living in a stone building in a stone city. Prays daily.
Heavily influenced by Rahas and his ideals, too. Pays respect to Theodra occasionally.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Attitudes & desires: She adores being outside, close to her Goddess and close to her people. Wants to help the needy, and that's why she works where she does- she doesn't wish to stay there forever though. Loves to love people.

Immediate goals:
+ Keep the orphans happy & healthy

Long-term goals:
+ ..Has none. Somewhat searching for a purpose.

Homeland: A Grove in the jungles.
Finances: As Chancellor, she was a noble. She had enough money.
Social status: Noble
Occupation: Chancellor of Marr

Home: /
Finances: /
Social status: Middle-class


+ Common- reading, writing and speaking.
+ Elven- speaking. Reading and writing grows weaker due to misuse.
+ Matron of the Quays orphanage.
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Lord of Altera

Places travelled (in no order):

+ Azerport
+ Twilight Falls
+ Aellyrdale
+ Thiil
+ Sundown Isle
+ Nadindel
+ Grafjell
+ Port Silver
+ The Wall
+ Torailin
+ Tauredal
+ Le Havre
+ Golden Bay
+ Silverwatch
+ Havonen
+ Queen's Port
+ Tambry
+ Reignfall
+ Hound-Ru

~ The Dome in Azerport, Torailin


Least Favourite...
Place: The North
Pastime: Being alone!
Drink: Ale

Overall: Pretty average. Has a calm disposition, usually.

Mental Disorders: Anxiety.
Emotional Stability: Led too much by her emotions. Usually calm and patient, but hey, anxiety.
Mental Stability: -
Memory: Average.
Calming Down: She's slow to anger and fairly easy to calm down. Tends to hold grudges, against her better judgement.
With other things- it just takes time. Aldi will calm down more easily if she's being comforted. Panic attacks strike often, and especially when she's alone, the effects of that can last quite a while.
Sleep: Sleeps lightly, used to being woken at odd hours of the night.

Overall: Above average?

Speaking: Very polite- would rarely insult anyone. Repeats some words and stutters often.
Languages: Fluent in Common and Elven. Writes better in Common than Elven, but speaks Elven more smoothly.
Making new friends: Fairly easily! Once past shyness, Aldi is a generally likeable person, but she struggles to get out enough to talk to many others.
Trustworthiness: Does her best, not often using other people for her own gains. Easily intimidated and scared, so maybe she's not the best person to keep a secret.
Defusing hostile situations: Usually stays quiet during arguments.
Winning arguments: Aldi doesn't argue much, preferring to be more diplomatic if she can- or just letting the other person win.
Lying: Haha, no. Certainly not to those who knows her well.
Wit: .. Nope.
Romantic encounters: Shy, unsure and clumsy.

Overall: Good

Can Read/Write?: In both Common and Elven.
Nobility: Has been a noble, understands how it works.
Etiquette: Knows how to avoid a faux pas, but human etiquette doesn't come naturally.
Warfare: It was never needed for her to know anything about it.
Mathematics: Below average.
History: Knows most of Marr and Elven history, but only knows about Altera as far back as Port Silver.
Science: -
Medicine and Anatomy: -
Geography: -
Agriculture: -

Overall: Well below average

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Easily overpowered, she couldn't if she tried.
Bladed Weapons: -
Bows and Crossbows: Knows a little bit about how they work, having had a couple lessons from Tybalt. Has nothing against them, and thinks they're essential, especially for Elves, but she's simply never learnt.
Dodging Attacks: She's nimble, but faced with somebody who knew what they were doing, she'd go veeeery badly.

By Bob_the_BuilderPet ageees ago after a RP with Sankera :heart:


Done by solus :heart:



Piratep00f is amazing
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Lord of Altera

Illthilior - What they had is now lost.
- Her loyalty lies in a dead house.
Shalherana - The creeping fear of becoming separate from her Goddess has proven too much. Hopes that this move will bring her home.

Arganaer - It is far better to remove herself from the scenario completely. A sense of longing accompanies the thought of him. Of what could have been.

Henry Hotspur
Alanna Rhett
- Iteraldi's service to her Lady ended long ago. Will they see each other again? Time will tell. Aldi expects not.
Novinah Hotspur
Eltsir..? -
Compassion. Promises.

Njorun de Courtnay - Perhaps the opening of the orphanage in Avignon will lessen the load on the Quays'.
Arabella de Courtnay
Rex Lonmar
- Has found an ally in him, of sorts. Finds him rather intimidating and is such uncomfortable around him - but recognises their common goal.

Vevila - Priestess of Torailin. Envious of her family and her profession.

Tybalt - Tybalt had been there from the beginning, and his informality and familiarity is something Aldi sorely misses. He had been her beacon of safety and protection- always. She'd always be able to count on him, or so she thought.
Visenya - Visenya's friendship was never truly replaced by anyone that has come and gone since. After all that's happened, Aldi would not mind seeing her again.
Illthilior - 'Where are you..? Why do you not visit any more?'
Murdoc - For his grand gestures, and well-intentioned advice.

Galomaltus - You do not ever forget someone you have loved.

Wary of:
Sankera - 'We've had quite the history, you and I. Perhaps you are the only one left to remember?'

Unsure of:
Tzemik - .. Another one of the women Illthilior is or was with, apparently. Wary. Grateful for her help.

Afraid of:
Raven Veiloros
- Perhaps he has a more vicious side than she'd thought.

Jealous of:
Sankera - Jealousy. Spite. Bitterness. Despite all the time that has passed, Aldi can still not see through the things that this man has done. How is it, she wonders, that after everything, he has come out better off?

Olive - Aldi does not want to share.

Peter Hallon - For the murder of her son.


Updates: @Michcat

Life events & character developments:
- Golden Bay is built and Aldi is offered the position of High Council member but she declines
- Aldi is offered the position of Chancellor of Marr and accepts
- Visenya, a close friend of hers, dies in childbirth leaving her Sankera and Aldi to raise the child. San does terribly and Aldi takes over most of the parenting
- Azoth, now a teenager, goes to live in Golden Bay and becomes a Duc. San becomes a heathen and disappears
- Iteraldi is in the wrong time and place one day. Sankera murders her and Azoth finds him and her body afterwards
- Once she returns, the already-strained engagement between her and Galomaltus is broken off
- Aldi is led to a crying, motherless child. She discovers who the mother is after a couple of months and returns Olive to the family
- Sankera is murdered by Tybalt on her behalf
- Azoth is murdered
- Tybalt has disappeared and Aldi becomes an advisor to Archaeus, the new King
- Begins the orphanage
- Iteraldi is cast from the council as a traitor and propaganda is spread about her
- Becomes a handmaiden to Alanna Rhett
- Meets Illthilior and their relationship moves quickly. A lot of people try to deter her and there's some other bumps in the road
- Sankera returns to more or less haunt her. Her anxiety worsens, and Illthilior attempts to help
- Somewhere here she discovers who killed Azoth
- Illthilior leaves her, and her long-time friend Murdoc comforts her
- Murdoc vows to protect her to his last breath
- She is nominated twice to be Forest Elven member of the Elven Council, but doesn't accept
- After Tybalt has a disturbing dream, Marr and most of her friends leave Altera altogether
- Several months go by and her situation in Twilight Falls gets worse. She is often sick.
- In an attempt to better their relationship, Sankera builds her a new orphanage in the Quays, and she quickly moves there with the remaining kids.

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