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Molten Gold

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Lord of Altera
Yesterday, I surveyed the province where Golden bay was to be situated. Apon inspection of the site I saw some rather interesting things.

I saw as I entered the bay there was a nice beach, but only about 60 or 70 meters behind it was a giant plateau, reaching an easy 50 meters into the sky. This gave me the idea of building over, into and inside this cliff. Once I had scaled this plateau, reaching it's summit, I noticed that it had a interesting landscape, opening up many design choices for buildings to be constructed.

After inspecting the landscape further, I noticed the capabilities of the land. The bay was large enough to allow medium sized, maybe even larger ships, to enter and leave. This gives Golden Bay a possibility to become a massive trade center. If most of the beach was planned for shops, it would allow easy access for merchants and shop owners to trade wares.

The plateau is rather steep, giving it a natural defense against sea bombardment and naval invasions. The land mass of these plateaus are also surrounded in rivers, making it harder for invaders to the east, south and west. To the east and South, there are slightly smaller plateaus that are separated by rivers and to the west there is a small plateau that is still connected to the main land of Golden Bay.

On top of the main plateau I plan for a residential district with many other buildings integrated, such as shrines, gardens and temples, (absolutely no cathedrals.) the main zones here will sparsely spaced small buildings and 'Merchant' class buildings. To the east, on the other plateau, I plan for some medium wealth buildings, and on the southern plateau, I plan for some high wealth buildings and most government buildings. On both of these secondary plateaus, I plan for walls to be placed around them

@Tybalt you might find this interesting
*nods rather impressed*
I haven't checked 3-D dynamap yet, but what you said is 100 percent accurate. Not only does the elevation help from assault, but there are only 2 channels that is possible to use to reach the mainland.

If you extend the walls over both channels, you can make the city only accessible from the island unless the wall has gates on it to let smaller craft past. And then h e another massive gate on the back of the island I front of the bridge that connects to the main city..... Very very defensible by sea. But by land? We'll see.

Umm, make inner walls aswell around the sides of the Platuo, or not. Depends wether you want a really looming defended feel, or a nice by the oceon, beautiful city feel, *note: either way it can look amazinalls*

Good observations...... Ic Tybs says he's proud! :)


Lord of Altera
*nods rather impressed*
I haven't checked 3-D dynamap yet, but what you said is 100 percent accurate. Not only does the elevation help from assault, but there are only 2 channels that is possible to use to reach the mainland.

If you extend the walls over both channels, you can make the city only accessible from the island unless the wall has gates on it to let smaller craft past. And then h e another massive gate on the back of the island I front of the bridge that connects to the main city..... Very very defensible by sea. But by land? We'll see.

Umm, make inner walls aswell around the sides of the Platuo, or not. Depends wether you want a really looming defended feel, or a nice by the oceon, beautiful city feel, *note: either way it can look amazinalls*

Good observations...... Ic Tybs says he's proud! :)
Land is also defensible because the plateau is rather high up, and towards the back, almost all of the land is on a plateau and whatever isn't, is guarded by a river


Lord of Altera
Land is also defensible because the plateau is rather high up, and towards the back, almost all of the land is on a plateau and whatever isn't, is guarded by a river
Also. We will make GRAND walls, that look amazing and will show the pure might of Golden Bay,


Lord of Altera
We will have to cut those severe turns by a lil I think, but is very possible, I like.

Make the wall connect to the island, I can make a wall in the sea with gates that can open to allow designated vessels to pass


Lord of Altera
We will have to cut those severe turns by a lil I think, but is very possible, I like.

Make the wall connect to the island, I can make a wall in the sea with gates that can open to allow designated vessels to pass
I was planning to leave the sea open as to allow larger trade ships from other kingdoms to enter, bringing all their cargo


Lord of Altera
I was planning to leave the sea open as to allow larger trade ships from other kingdoms to enter, bringing all their cargo
Larger trade ships would be too heavy and the the hull of the ship will scrape on the riverbed. And if the riverbed is I fact deep enough, ships that are humongous tend to do k out off the coast and travel inland with smaller craft


Lord of Altera
Good point, walls it is
Larger trade ships would be too heavy and the the hull of the ship will scrape on the riverbed. And if the riverbed is I fact deep enough, ships that are humongous tend to do k out off the coast and travel inland with smaller craft
good point. Walls it is
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