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[Revenant] Vlad


Lord of Altera

credit goes to Elz

Name: Vladislaw Walanescu
Nickname/Alias: Everyone just calls him Vlad.
Full Titles: Lord of Dusk Port, Lord of Salt's Ridge, Lord of Avignon, Lord-Steward of Märzwache, Constable (Polizist) of die Versammlung. Knight-Captain of the Horses (Erahreneritter).

Age: Late forties, early fifties.

Gender: Male.
Race: Human.

Culture: Renatun / Anhalder.

Social Status: Raised to nobility.
Profession: Bannerman.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Annulled.
Height: 5'11"

Weight: 173 lbs.

Homeland: Renatus.
Current Home: Märzwache, the borderfort sworn to Kaltstaat and serving as a first line of defense for the county of Varyn.

Date of Birth: Long ago, the exact date forgotten. He has chosen the 22nd of Lightshine as his nominal 'birthday'.
Date of Death: There were several, but he hasn't thought to mark down the exact dates.

Status: Overseeing construction works in Märzwache.

"I always make a bad first impression."​

Body Build: A barrel-chested, broad shouldered man with a big wingspan. His posture and physique are mean and imposing.
Hair: His hair is dark, with streaks of gray running through. There is a bald patch over the spot where boiling oil was chucked over. He wears a messy crown of hair, usually just ruffling it into place.
Eyes: Palish blue.
Skin: Pale and rough, peppered with old and new scar-tissue.

Identifying Marks:
⩥ Faded tattoos of spiders and strange markings deface his body.
⩥ An ugly burn scar over the side of his head.
⩥ He doesn't have a run-of-the-mill face.
⩥ He's missing a few joints on some of his fingers.

Appearance: His visible scars and grisly exterior doesn't make him seem very forthcoming, scaring children and women alike. He cannot be described as a handsome man. His face is sharp and angular, like a work of cubism, features often transfixed in a scowl or a toothy grin. He prefers dark, modest colors and is most often seen wearing a dark slashed doublet and linen breeches.
Hygiene: He visits the hotsprings regularly.
Posture: He stands tall, and tries to correct himself if he begins to slouch.
Gait: He does not carry himself as a blue-blooded aristocrat does, his walk ofttimes resembling a sleepy shuffle; though it turns into a raptorial amble when he really needs to be somewhere and walks with conviction.
Dominant Hand: Right.
Habits and Mannerisms:
Tracing his tattoos or scars with his fingers, kind of mentally noting and remembering where he got them from.
⩥ Remembering or noticing something funny and laughing to himself.
⩥ Lazily staring into space.
⩥ Drinking from his wineskin. It's grown into a sort of mechanism where he seems compelled to consume alcohol as a cope with anything particularly negative or positive happening.

Voice: [o]

Long, jagged scars over his back.

Hands are callous, scarred; left ring finger missing.
Has his share of facial scars, whether it be from being clawed, bitten, or slashed.
Side of his face and ear has ugly, disfiguring burns.
A nasty scarring over the back of his left knee.
⩥ Two puncture marks on the side of his neck.

Illnesses: None.
Allergies: None.

Key Drives: Stay free and alive ⩥ Find his children ⩥ Rebuild himself.
Religious Values: Apostasy.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral / Neutral Good.
Political Affiliations: Kalstaat.

{ Short Term Goals }
Buy a horse
⩥ Buy a house

⩥ Prove his usefulness
⩥ Find his place

{ Long Term Goals }
⩥ Find his children


Intelligence: The man is a creative problem-solver, but he's prone to procrastination and bouts of bad judgement. He possesses vivid knowledge of the world's history, having bore witness to much of the happenings first-hand. His greatest strength is probably knowing how little all of it actually matters - he does not believe himself to be half as smart as some of those around him, and having no illusions about the scale of his intelligence gives this man a level of competency on it's own.

Known Languages:
Common: He considers himself a native speaker.
Rede: Not his mother tongue, but spoken with total fluency.
Mok'yra: He rarely has the opportunity to practice it, but he considers himself fluent in the language as well, even if a tad rusty.
Lavoyarde: Just the bare minimum. If he'd hear a conversation, he would pick up on about a quarter of what they'd be saying.

Lures: Neat little handicrafts Horses ⩥ Interesting conversations and company ⩥ Well-made tools and weapons ⩥ Weather that is neither sunny nor rainy
Memory: Many details are jumbled, some of them pushed to the very back of his psyche. He probably doesn't remember all the people he's wronged or loved, and sometimes spends hours just trying to recollect the things from any particular period in his life.
Phobias: Meeting Him
Addictions: Alcohol

Riding: The man feels at ease on a horse, with or without a saddle. By observing the way he acts on and around horses, one can say with confidence that Vlad is a very good rider.
Surviving: He is capable of foraging and living off the land, hunting and setting traps, has experience climbing mountains.
Suspicious Mind: Most of the time, he knows when he is being lied to. He is acutely aware of his surroundings and he hates being caught off-guard.
Tough: He does not break easily when met with adversity. It is not physical fortitude as much as pure heart that can keep him standing even through unbearable pain, akin to a zombie.

Removed: Vlad feels distant from people. In some way, he considers himself a man of another time, often feeling out of place and unwelcome among those he wants to be close to.
Turbulent: He dislikes it immensely, but he sometimes finds himself a captive of his impulses and gives in to destructive patterns and whims.
Disfavored: Quite a few people find it hard to like him. His actions and words seem to be steeped in controversy and contradiction.
Lumbering: Gone are the days of fast movements, masterful footwork and sabre pirouettes. A nasty knee injury has slowed him down quite a bit, resulting in him changing his fighting style completely.

Being Imprisoned and Tortured: Something he learned over his life is that even the toughest break down under torture. He is horrified at the prospect of repeating this experience.
Becoming a Villain: It's easier to destroy than to build. He fears falling into the same destructive ways, because he knows he's good at being a villain. Now, older and wiser, he knows he's better than this.
Jishrim: There is an existential dread at the prospect of meeting this creature again. He hopes the mad god has forgotten his existence and does not have any more plans in store for old Vlad.

Temper: He tries to keep it under control, but he is capable of making indiscriminate verbal and nonverbal jabs, hooks, uppercuts and crosses and roundhouse kicks at people if he is seriously angered.
Sense of Humour: Macabre and vulgar, sometimes conventionally devoid of meaning and riding the train of metairony; jokes weaved out of his mindscape just to mess with people.
Pet Peeves: People judging him for his appearance and misconstruing his words Judgmental, religious zealots.
Sleeping Pattern: He is a late riser and a night person, often sleeping through the day and waking up at dusk.
Floating through the Void
Swimming in a lake of black sludge
His hair turning into spiders
Being with Niallrys as she's cradling Orvar in Riseport
Nothing. His favorite kind of sleep is when he remembers absolutely nothing of the dream

Physical exercise

He starts his day with some light exercise
Eats alone

Inspirations: Tony Montana, Nelson Van Alden, Willem Dafoe, Beric Dondarrion/The Hound/Sir Bronn of the Blackwater, Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri, Jesse Pinkman, Donnie from the Big Lebowski, Deadpool, Matt Brown, Diego Sanchez, Tony Ferguson, Reborn Johnny English and more.
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Lord of Altera

Wardrobe: The man prefers dark tones. Gone are the days of wearing colorful spider-cloaks. His choice of clothing is nothing extravagant nowadays, with a variety of tunics, jackets, gambesons and jerkins lining his wardrobe.
He has a full suit of armor crafted by Podric for him. The helmet is a Klappvisier bascinet.
A blacked padded gambeson
A leather jerkin
Jewelry: Golden locket. None.
Most Prized Possessions: His weapons, armor, and horse.
Weaponry: Vlad is the kind of person to name his swords.
Brier, a properly balanced longsword with an elaborate basket hilt, crafted by Thordil.
Vestige, a flambard sword crafted by Podric. Broken and lodged in an undead walker's skull.
Dust, a flambard sword with magical properties. Passed on to his son, Orvar, as a heirloom.
Old axe that has three eyes on it's head [from the Nid Arach Dungeon] Lost in the Sorrows.
Rondel dagger
Bow and arrows

Carried Inventory:
At least several of the above.
Full wineskin
Leather baldric to hang the weapons from

Pouch with money

Other Possessions:
Green ritual candle [from the Nid Arach Dungeon]
Wooden bird statue [from the Nid Arach Dungeon]
Hallucinogenic Mushrooms [from the Nid Arach Dungeon]

Funds: He's well set for now, and his new position as steward of Märzwache signifies his newfound status.
Income: Stable, in comparison to the past.
Flame, a horse bought from the stables of Blackrush Crossing
Transportation: Carriages and ships. Most recently by horse.
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Lord of Altera
Niallrys - There's a good deal of regret on his part. He should have cherished this woman.
Orvar - The absence of his son is bothering him deeply. He wishes he could see him now.
Meradoth - He often wonders where his mad girl is, and if the way he raised her might have gotten her killed.
Asta - He loves his daughter, but hates to admit that she's become a faded memory, and that she may be dead.
Desdemona - She came back. The only one from his children. There is a great deal of guilt on his part, but nothing makes him happier than the love and acceptance of his daughter.
Isebet - He should have given the mother of his children more respect and love. She didn't deserve the pain he brought onto them.
Sif - An old friend and brother in arms. Most certainly dead now, much to his chagrin. He rests with the other great warriors now.
Jeor - Incredibly, this old killer also came back as a Revenant. They've fought together for Archon, but he hasn't seen him since then.
Peter Longtree - Once a man who worked for him, he has now climbed the ranks to the formidable position of Reichmarschall, which apparently makes him Vlad's superior. Not that he minds, because Peter is his best friend.

Peter Hallon - Considered to be a good leader who accomplished much in his time. Vlad is not ashamed to have fought for this man's designs.
Katherine Kane - She has a lot of potential. Vlad has sworn an oath to her, and will lay down his life for her safety and her ambitious plans.
Asher Varyn - There is a deep gratitude for giving him land and title. He hopes to show it in the coming years.
Aryn - A good guy. Vlad is always fond of those who fight alongside him.
Esther - They've had a few interesting conversations. Wonders where she is.

Fefda - He hadn't seen her in a while. Hopes she'll visit him sometime.
Blanchette - A testament to Vlad's arbitrary judge of character when hiring employees. He hopes the halfling won't disappoint him.
Michael Smokes - Perhaps the only vyre that Vlad doesn't dislike. There is even some sympathy.

Richard - There's a bitter aftertaste from their last interaction, and he wants to resolve it when next they meet.
Nwalme - They haven't seen each other in ages, not since Vlad ousted the de Courtnay family from Avignon, nor since he came back from the dead as a Revenant. He doubts they would have much to talk about, but he's happy that somewhere in the world, the Witch-King is still around and doing his thing.

Sigmund - They operated the ballistae together during Archon's defense, but otherwise they've had little interactions.
Raigo - He likes the seadog.
Fronslin - One of the few people who seem to have remained from those days, he thinks. A good, quiet man.
Reyne - They haven't talked much, but Reyne seems the competent sort.
Ardaric - He's okay, though they don't mesh well when working together.
Maryann - A shameful recollection of that past, mad life. He's outgrown it, but she had not.
Heseya - He's almost had her. It's as if her bite still stings a little. Dead now, looks like.
Bok'ra - They didn't get on well.
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them