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Dear HollowWorld,

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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
On Surprise Demotions and the Spirit of the Community.

I should preface this by saying; I am no writer. I can coax no magic from words and I can explain only as well as I understand. Similar in preface, This has been drafted a good deal of time ago - It is only posted now so it might not conflict with the important notices coming up within this announcements section.

For me, this began with a surprise. Something I had been mostly - perhaps entirely - unaware of in the past.. months (I have been told it has been months), has come to light. What that is, is yet to be determined.
I cannot say for certainty of my awareness, because without specifics I can only look back and nitpick everything I have done or said and think; think on how it connects to these issues in some wayward fashion.
For me, this began when I recently logged in to the HollowWorld server. I do not recall exactly the date, and while I can likely easily come upon it, I do not wish to remember when this began.
It was a happy day- a hopeful day. I was at the home of my good friend who also plays on this server, it had been a nice morning and we had a grand plan to have our characters frolic while being able to chat in the same room (a rare occasion). I logged on ready to get up to merry shenanigans.
When I logged on, when this began, it was with the first greeting I spoke into OOC chat that I noticed the fancy 'admin' title was gone. It was a bit troubling and I tried not to pay it too much mind. I asked in a group IM chat with the Management if they knew what was going on; I asked if it was an accident. I hoped it was an accident.
There was no answer. This is quite understandable, we are oft in different timezones.
I checked the forums to see of any updates I had missed, as in the week or so before that day I had been blissfully spending time with my close friend, enjoying the rare occasion (once more) that we were to be in each others presence.
On the forums, it was painfully obvious that something was different, and it looked I had been 'demoted' in both places. It was seeming less likely this could be an accident
and I first felt confused
and then I was scared.
It was an experience of loss; loss of countless projects, loss of a hobby I sink so much effort into, loss of trust I felt I had earned and loss of kinship I had cherished.

I double and triple-checked. All 'permissions' was gone, access to so much work was gone and it felt like any future with HollowWorld, any future with something I have spent countless hours building (In more then one sense) and gently attempting at perfecting - suddenly gone.
It is a bit later I was told "there you go about your perms again, you make it seem more about the power and less about the position"
and it hurt because I thought back to earlier, to when I updated the Management IM Chat after the fifth double-check and I knew thats what it looked like and I knew that is not what I meant; and I knew I had no better way to try and use these words I know I cannot write. I didn't know what else to ask besides
"Am I demoted? can I please know why? Is someone there? Please, whats going on? Am I demoted?"
I wasn't a writer. I'm not a writer.

I was confused. And I was scared. And then I was angry.
I was angry, because I thought my person- or at least what I did here- was worth more then sudden disconnection without communication.
When the other Management and I began to converse, there were very little of my inquiries answered. I was too blunt and too desperate, too scared and too confused. I didn't handle myself like I should have. A part of me feels I just treated these people like my friends when, in that instance, I should have been far more professional. It is likely one of my many shortcomings.

I have been told I offended, wronged, and irrationally treated many members of this community. I have been cruel and this negative attitude is no longer worth the damage it does to the Server, to HollowWorld. I have been a presence so terrifying it dissuades any from speaking out or speaking to me in any form that is not kind and polite, in fear of actions I in actuality cannot do. And that is why I was demoted.
I was told there wasn't any specific incidents, or logs, or investigation. I was crying; I felt degraded being treated as I was in that conversation. I was furious; I can't fix a problem I wasn't aware of- But that lack of awareness is another one of my many shortcomings. A shortcoming that lead me to the deserved outcome, it seems. I do not contend that.

The conversation topic went on; for days. Sometimes with breaks, sometimes so many long hours at a time.
It was eventually told the process was to be retroactively redone, or undone. I was first asked to finish my projects for HollowWorld and take my leave as soon as possible. And then I was asked to return to Management, but refrain from interacting with the community, and playerbase. And then I was simply told most things were as they were.
It was asked early on to write a thread on the matter, addressing it. This was early on; where I was still 'demoted'. I waited and asked for clarification after Day 2 to put in the thread, for I did not know exactly what was.. happening. As words were shared it was my want to wait until the business seemed finished, so I might include the entirety within the post.
This is that Thread. And this is.. pretty much all I know, and as of this posting it still is all I know on 'what happened'.

I may not quite understand whats going on, but I wish to apologize regardless. Apologize for- if possible- everything. It is also one of my wants to make amends, again if possible.
It has been hard to write this and it hurts to write this. It doesn't help that I have never been good at any sort of writing. It hurts feeling that every kind greeting and presumed smile from the OOC chat is possibly someone who loathes and hates my person and what I have done, that I have unjustifiably created an environment in which speaking out- and action I endeavor to encourage- is silenced. It hurts to be told I have done that and hurts that I am so blind I cannot see it. It hurts to be downspoken to and treated inhumanely by my peers, and hurts to believe I deserve that treatment. It hurts to be confused and it hurts to be scared. From this is my hope to ensure it never happens again- not for my hurt, but for the hurt of others- hurt I have apparently inflicted, an action I despise having (even 'having apparently') done.

But I should take this away from myself and more on the problem and issues that have lead to this. It is as if I am stuck.
If I could focus more on 'the problem' I would, but thus far there isn't any solid structure I can address or work off of, to my knowledge. I endeavor to do the best I can with what I have, yet I feel as if I cannot properly communicate these problems and issues, as if I don't have the information to compile and shape into a neatly worded paragraph. I'm trying to express all my knowledge as plainly and cleanly as I possibly can... And that starts with how I most privately experienced what happened. And that is why I spoke so far mostly of my own experience, not only to potentially shed the most light, but in hopes that my own integrity can be plainly and clearly seen.

...What happens now?
I intend to hold myself professionally in this community, in hopes to cut back on personal reactions. It is not my intent to lose on kindness, but gain in thoughtfulness.
I will do my best to move on from any hurt I have felt from this matter, as I cannot affect any other as truly as myself.
I hope to make amends as best I may.
I am being held to no longer make such mistakes in ignorance,
and I shall try to make things better. Make it right.

To the Community as a whole; I can only say I never held ill intent. I have love for this community, and I only wish to see it prosper. The crimes I must have done nonewithstanding, I can only hope it is known there has only really ever been good will.
To those I Wronged and Offended; I'm truely, honourably sorry- if I can still claim to honour in your eyes. I wish to make amends.
To the Fellow Staff Team; It really is my hope to be called out on actions unseemly or baseless. And it is my wish these words are kept in mind.
To my peers within the Management; I thank you for the opportunity to try to fix this mess. The faith that I might be able to means worlds to me.

This is my admittance of guilt, of responsibility- For I am truely guilty in my lack of sight, in not seeing those I have presumably so greatly offended and so baselessly wronged; for in these actions there was no malice and thus they were born of stupidity - and I am ultimately responsible for my own idiocy and naivety.
This is my asking for forgiveness- not for past actions, but for my current ignorance, and my current confusion on what I did and who I did not do right by- for I still do not understand whom was affected or what was done; although I must stress I do not discredit those who said I did something so horrible- it is my own aforementioned ignorance at fault. I can only hope for forgiveness and amends.

And this is my apology.
For despite not knowing and despite how it is apparently impossible to inform me;
I still hurt for whatever slight and cruelty I imparted. I hurt for those I wronged.

I'm sorry
So sorry.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
*was totally going to bed*

... Before anyone starts blaming anyone for what happened, please understand that every member of management thought that they were doing the right thing at the time they were doing it. Everyone that I've spoken to directly about this has expressed that they only want to see what's best for the server. Everyone. The best way to deal with this moving forward is to do exactly that. Move. Forward. There are definitely issues that need to be addressed, but without constructive communication at all levels, we can't do that. That's probably the biggest thing I hope happens from this. That people start talking to each other, and listening. That players are not afraid to come forward with their legitimate concerns. That we can keep Hollow World great.

There is going to be a tough time coming up without all the trappings that come with having a community of real people (as opposed to androids that never have conflict with each other). We have to figure out how the EULA enforcement is going to affect our ability to keep the server running. We have to do a ton of work with the code in the plugins to ensure that we're ready for the 1.8 release without losing too much (if any!) of the functionality that you guys have come to expect. And we have to figure out how we can make sure that IC stays IC. All while continuing to perform our normal duties as staff. These are what we have to keep our focus on if we want to keep HW strong and make it to 2015.

You guys are the reason the server is here. You guys keep it running. Staff (all of us, including - or especially - management) is ultimately here to serve you. We do have to serve all eighty bazillion of you folks, so not everyone gets exactly what they want all the time; we have to make sure that it is fun for everyone. But without you guys, there would be no reason to keep HW running. Yes, sometimes we have to ban individuals who can't follow the rules that we've put in place in order to protect the harmony of the community. And we're ultimately only human. We have bad days. We don't know everything. Some of the staff don't have the same people skills that others do. This doesn't mean you should be scared of us as a group. This does mean that you need to talk to us if you need to.


Lord of Altera
I sadly cannot post any form of logical opinion based around anything personally towards the demotion itself i'm afraid. But I will say it takes a lot in a person to apologize for the things they have done, even more so in this situation Michcat.

However beyond that:
This entire situation as it happened according to Michcat really unnerves me, for various reasons. But, i'd rather not go on a long winded explanation as to what I (A totally new player) find wrong with it. Because it is /very/ likely to cause immediate conflict of opinions and ideas, so I simply wish you all the very best of luck with this problem... If anyone feels brave enough, please take Som's advice written above, I cannot agree with her more.


Lord of Altera
Michcat, I just wanted to say that my opinion of you is nothing like what you fear it to be, and I was never aware that you had done wrong to anyone. I hold you in the highest regard of anyone on this server, along with Cherbert, Sally, and the rest of Management.

You were among the first that I have contacted within the staff, and the one I went to when I felt need to notify the server of anything I felt was wrong, and that only shows that I think of you as a kind medium to talk to in order to get my concerns across as best as I can. I first contacted you with a concern when I was on uneasy grounds with Cherbert, and you handled it so calmly, I felt comfortable telling you these concerns. I believe that part of you is invaluable to this community, and only shows that you can be great with people when you want to be.

Your devotion to this community is amazing, and I appreciate it to the highest degree. All the lore, art, maintenance, creations... makes this server a wonderful place.

I hope that any wrongdoings you have done can be forgiven, and any cruelties you performed be settled in the best manner they can, as I, and many others, will miss you if you're gone.


Dead Man Walking
I have been told I offended, wronged, and irrationally treated many members of this community. I have been cruel and this negative attitude is no longer worth the damage it does to the Server, to HollowWorld. I have been a presence so terrifying it dissuades any from speaking out or speaking to me in any form that is not kind and polite, in fear of actions I in actuality cannot do. And that is why I was demoted.
I feel perfectly comfortable speaking my mind. . .

THIS IS BULLSHIT. As far as I can tell, these charges are a trumped up load of steaming pile. If I had to drop my personal list of admins that people are afraid to talk to for fear of being reprimanded in order of most feared to least feared, Michcat would be at the bottom of the list. I find these charges to be mindblowingly overstated, if they even have a base, which I doubt will/can be confirmed without violating someones confidentiality. But unless these complaints are confirmed to me I have no other evidence to suggest to me that these charges are anything but made-up. To think that people are afraid to speak up because of Michcat!? Really? . . .Really . . . REALLY?????

I mean, c'mon. Does anyone else feel like this situation is straight out of one of the April fools changes? It makes no sense to me.

People are kind and polite to Michcat when they talk to her because that is the way she deserves to be spoken to.
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Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
You know what? I think we could all be surprised what happens behind closed doors. Everyone leads there own lives, and we don't see everything. Things happen for a reason, I am a firm believer of this, and weather or not the reason is just or not is up to the speculation of those whom it affects. What has happened has happened, and it will always have happened. I don't see the helpfulness of stating weather or not we believe the actions taken to be just or not, it doesn't change what happened and it doesn't change the people involved.

I don't really know what happened, I don't know what people did behind closed doors while they lead there own lives, I don't see everything. I can't say if the actions taken were just or not, but I agree with Somanastra when she states we need to move forward. After all, it is the only way left to go.


Dead Man Walking
Keep moving forward and you just might pass by an injustice without doing anything about it. You go on ahead, I'll be here staring it down.


Legend of Altera
I myself am not going to go on a pointless rage about this, but I would like to express how I feel. I agree with Dummy and the others in this thread. Mich is one of the kindest people I know, even when she is being strict with lore and order as her position demands. I can assure you that any complaints that were directed towards Mich were most certainly misguided, either because the person didn't get what they want or because they simply have it out for her, something I find horrible to think about because, personally, I find it hard to dislike Mich. Sure, I have disliked posts in the past because I felt that she had made an error in judgement, but nothing more. There is nothing about Mich which would make you scared to talk to her. Heck! Im more scared of talking to Naelwyn about stuff than I am Mich!


As I read through this post I felt sick. Not in a metaphorical sense, and not in the way of just having eaten something horrid. But like that sickening feeling you get when your about to do something scary, like a job interview or an exam. I don't know why I felt this, I guess it's because the more I read, the more I hated what I was reading.

This situation seems so familiar. Oh- that's right because it's happened so many times before.

Michcat you are a great person. The time I spent on the server you were always so helpful and willing to lend a hand with any issues. Whenever I had questions or worries you were the only staff member I would want to ask. Mainly because you're such a genuinely nice person and I knew you would actually want to help. Well you might not have actually wanted to, but at least you made it look like you did.

Maybe once again the divine powers from above will sweep this mess under the carpet as always. Then this happy love filled community can go back to normal. To hell with coming back on the server, everytime I try, something reminds me of why I left.

To whoever filed those complaints, I really hope it was worth it. At first I was going to tell you to go fuck yourselves but I guess that is rude and will most likely get my post removed. Even though it might do anyway but meh, at least I got a chance to express my feelings.

Mich you are the best.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Spark, that is exactly the attitude about other people we don't need.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
I agree with Dummy. I am immensely disappointed with the majority of the staff team.
FIRST OFF: the majority of the staff team had absolutely nothing to do with this.

SECOND OFF: I am really disappointed that you feel the need to state such. You are hearing one side of this story, and are unlikely to hear any of the others. The STAFF team was responding to what information they had. Most were operating on less information than you just received and were trying to do damage control. You leave them out of it.
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Lord of Altera
I believe in telling the truth, and being honest even if it kicks me in the ass.

Regardless, when the demotion happened I admit that I made the decision recklessly with no thought or even properly investigating the complaints before demoting her in game. When I came on the following day and saw what had happened I promptly realized my mistake.

We have done everything in our power to fix the problem and management is working hard to get along properly again. We'll put band aid's on our sores and hope they heal.

I didn't want Michcat to post this because it made me feel guilty, and I haven't even told her how guilty it makes her feel because I wanted her to post this. It would've been very selfish of me to stop her, and I'm just not the type to be selfish, even if it hurts.

All in all, this is reality, people make mistakes, they're people. What we can do, is do our best to fix them. If we pretend our mistakes can go away, disappear, never speak of them, then they grow, they keep growing and making more problems, they explode. I know this because I'm a woman. (That's a joke.)

The worst we can do is play the blame game. Yes, we've made mistakes, we demoted michcat when she didn't deserve it, we upset her. But saying "The other staff are so awful!" will not fix anything. It wont. I am so serious on this and I can't express it enough. Blaming others or yourself doesn't solve a problem. Complaining doesn't solve a problem.

Drop your hate.(Like the bass) If things don't go your way, don't blame other people and definitely don't blame yourself! Build up and up and don't stop! Don't be petty, be fair, take things as they come.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Sure, I have disliked posts in the past because I felt that she had made an error in judgement, but nothing more.
You know what? I think we could all be surprised what happens behind closed doors.
These two statements in conjunction I find really insightful. And if Michcat is to be forgiven her mistakes, then the same consideration should be given to the rest of staff.

Do I think mistakes were made? I'm not going to say. If I don't think so, stating such will damage my working relationship with Michcat, and our friendship besides. If I do, I run the risk of encouraging you all and alienating the people (who do exist) who came to us with legitimate concerns. Both of these make the problem worse right now.

Please keep this fully in mind.

Time for me to go to work. :D
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Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
As far as I am concerned I stand by demoting Michcat because she effectively (along with Naelwyn) pretty much resigned and I (along with Sally and a few others) were simply formalising a previous desire of them both to step down. Seems that little nugget was left out of the whole affair and its being made out she was demoted as a slap on the wrist.

Disappointed beyond belief from some of the comments above. I guess as usual that those with big issues toward Michcat and those who also had LOTS to say privately against both her and Naelwyn will either not speak out or will be two faced about it.

Totally sick of the bullshit on this server. Just so everyone knows - I have resigned from management and the running of this server. Over 3 years of work growing this community from nothing and my word counts for shit. If the bullshit and lies continues I shall be forced to post evidence.


Lord of House Hawklight
Those with issues will never speak out, this server is notorious for witch hunting, bandwagoning, and ass kissing, and it's simply not worth the hassle. I had my say in private, and that's that.


Dark Council Elite
I didn't say the other staff was horrible. I know several sides of the events that transported and I am simply disappointed with the staff team for how they handled the situation.

Clarifying edit: I'm not talking solely about the god damn demotion.
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To be honest, I cannot comment this because my loyal is already damaged by people on this community also had demoted for being "behaviour" I already blame some of people who complained about me for no reasons.

Yesterday I'm 3 years member of HW but lost 5 months in count.
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