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Finished Journey to Kavdek


Lord of Altera
Just over a week and a half to go! ( if everything goes to plan)
So far it looks like there will be 3 ships going.
The Rouge
One from Layovard
One or more from Marr

I have a brain like a sieve though so I might have fotgotten one. ^^;
Anyway. If you're coming along let me know here so I can get an idea of numbers.

Also so we can spread people out among ships I'm thinking of running a sub event on the Friday. The event will start with as bit of planning and may possibly end in a party because everyone likes party events! (May or may not happen)
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Anyway. If you're coming along let me know here so I can get an idea of numbers.

Also so we can spread people out among ships I'm thinking of running a sub event on the Friday. The event will start with as bit of planning and may possibly end in a party because everyone likes party events! (May or may not happen)
@Naelwyn stuffs been worked out IC, just grabbing him to post for confirmation (He's agreed to take a letter to Kavdek for the unfortunately busy tzemik... )


Lord of Altera
Damn it... I'm on my phone so I can't post links...
Anyway, I hope I don't pull the short straw and go on the layovard ship.... If you see smoke that will be them burning sulivan as a heretic :D


Lord of Altera
now that i am home *perfectly timed lightning*

*looks at two links... one is what may happen, the other is what is mostly likely to happen... but the less likely one will be fun... but the more likely one will be more relevant to whats going on... *

Well ill just post both... and guess!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Some notes:

Each ship needs to be at full capacity (Or very near full capacity) or it is not leaving the harbour. This includes the Rogue Wave- if this event doesn't meet the player count, it will need a miracle to take off (By 'take off', I mean the ship survives the journey).

(( This is going to be a big revelation of many things, there needs to be a chance of at least some folks surviving :p
On that thought, I'm not running a giant resource-intensive event for four people ))


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Some notes:

Each ship needs to be at full capacity (Or very near full capacity) or it is not leaving the harbour. This includes the Rogue Wave- if this event doesn't meet the player count, it will need a miracle to take off (By 'take off', I mean the ship survives the journey).

(( This is going to be a big revelation of many things, there needs to be a chance of at least some folks surviving :p ))
So there will die people? Cool, Ilia is coming to nom the bodies


Lord of Altera
Some notes:

Each ship needs to be at full capacity (Or very near full capacity) or it is not leaving the harbour. This includes the Rogue Wave- if this event doesn't meet the player count, it will need a miracle to take off (By 'take off', I mean the ship survives the journey).

(( This is going to be a big revelation of many things, there needs to be a chance of at least some folks surviving :p
On that thought, I'm not running a giant resource-intensive event for four people ))
Then a royalty might be joining on one of the ships... ;)


Lord of Altera
I'd love to get involved, and if I do I could very well get my ship in. And if we don't need/want another ship.. I still want to come :D so I'll try to contact you IG..


Lord of Altera

So as far as I'm aware (Unless they've made other plans now) The Rouge Wave is taking:

Raigo @GhostKairo123
Dax @Helios
Murdoc @Ouderless Block
Vukrell @Deathmoron
Scardrac @Scardrac
The other Nakam

If you're on the list and planning to taken a different ship let me know.
If you're making your own ship post here along with the coordinates for it!

Tybalt said something about making ships for Marr​