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Finished A message to the followers of the mad god


Lord of Altera
*A long poster is hung on the crossroads message board, pinned on four corners to make sure it doesny fly off*

Lucius Artorius, prince of Lavoyard:

"Thou cursed god, father and companion of those with malice in their hearts and companion to evil itself, Greetings!

What the nether kind of god art thou? Jishrim voids, and thy army devours. Never wilt thou be fit to have reign over us under thee: Thy army we fear not, and by land and on sea we will do battle against thee.
Thou evildoer, great silly oaf of the world and the netherworld before the gods, a blockhead, a swine's snout, a mare's arse, a butcher's cur, an unbaptized brow. May great unfortune befall you!

Thou scullion of the pantheon, thou craven amongst the gods, thou miscreant that walks among us. Swineherd of the insane I insult you and your followers and tell you all that thou canst kiss us thou knowest where!

You have taken my god, you have terrified my people and now you have cursed my firstborn.
I challenge all who stand with the god of chaos, worshipper or ally to face me in combat to death!

The first who has accepted my challenge goes by the name of Sheila, who wishes to defend these vile curs who side with the dark god.

All who wish to spectate, we shall face in Haven.

Date: 11/28
Time:21:00 GMT
Invitation: Public
Classification: Violent

@Michcat @bettemus99


The Arbiter of the Gods
You know she's not doing it right?

You know she has a daddy who might get extremely angry just to hear that his 15 year old daughter might get the bright idea to fight?


Lord of Altera
*Near the notice is another one, of a disgusting yellow color with a cruel red ink on it. The writing is not the most neat.*

"How cute, a plated prince against a timid young girl. How brave, a foolish boy named 'Lucy' thinks he has a chance. Kiss us thou knowest where."


Legend of Altera
*Scribbles onto the poster in relatively neat handwriting. It says, "What type of prince would challenge a young girl to a fight rather than help said girl curve away from following Jish and commiting vile acts? Such noble men you are!" *


Lord of Altera
*Pinned over the second yellow and red letter would be a white letter trimmed in lapis blue*

"Stand up or shut up thou coward, and they would kiss thy where thou knoweth where, if thou was not already busy kissing Jishrims"

I couldn't help myself :p
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Guys we already discussed this, if you wanna RP over a poster do it IG