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~Elrowen Threndir~ The Dragon Rider.


Lord of Altera
Elrowen Silverleaf Threndir

Elrowen Silverleaf Threndir

Full Titles:
"Dragon Rider", "Ranger".

"Row ", "El", "Ra'ak"

"Only when I know you, will you know me"


185, however looks in his late twenties.. Can't quite tell with Elves.


Forest Elf,

Social Status:



Changes often, due to traveling with varied amounts of food.

Date of Birth:
2076- 28th of Lightshine. Year or Reckoning. Summer, the Season of Harvest.

Date of Death:
Fireday, 27th of Lightshine. 2260 Season of Harvest.

Regions of the eastern jungles.

Current Home: Azerport

"The only good type of Elf, is a small Elf"


slim and well built- his physique is somewhat concealed by his tunic and cloak, making him seem smaller in size, however he does possess a well built and battleworn body- rewarded by his daily training and hard life in the jungles.

Long, straight and dark. A curtain o liquid void. His ebony fluidical hair reaching down past his shoulders and caresses the centre of his back. Lined with silver streaks. Though still an unmatched beauty of dark water.

Hazel brown with a green tint to it if seen in certain lights. Usually the first thing noticed and last thing forgotten. Furthermore his left eye was recently removed. Leaving him permanent blind on his left side.

Earthy brown look to it. Tanned.
Identifying Marks: Many scars now decorate his body. From head to toe. Sword gashes and stabbings, to arrow punctures and clawed rips.

Fairly handsome when not hooded, slim jaw and defined features. High cheekbones and a soft and straight nose. Sharp eye brows. However his face is normally concealed... He bestows both a shady, and fair look upon his face, due to his Elven heritage and chosen career.

Isn't one to bath regularly... And his long times in the forests and wilderness tend to upset his hygiene status...

His voice slowly regains strength, it does maintain a gruff and stern tone in the common tongue, but if averted to Elven his lips become elegant, dulcet and fluent.

•Elrowen has kept his jungle green tunic, cloak and good. That is decorated with brown tough leather gloves and boots- whilst wearing this keeps a set of pouches for all manner of things, two dagger sheathes, and his usually full quiver. The cloak would be simple if not a bit rough, with many patched up areas and torn base- that reaches to his ankles.

•Elrowen has crafted and forged a set of sinister armour for himself, dark clothing that shrouds his whole body, mixed with chain links and even bones.. A mask was crafted, from the skull of a rich lord- a reminder that he serves the poor by hunting the rich. His tunic under, a solid black is decorated with all manner of stolen jewels and coins... He never wears It now.

A Longsword given to him by Tybalt before their first training sessions. Titled as "Lucien Maethorion".


'~:.Prized Possessions.:~'

A trinket of unknown origin. A simple wolf carved from wood. (He threw in the fire..)

The divine relic handed to him by Visage- a faceless coin that shines and reads "The truth is what you make of it" when his blood is spilt on it...

•An incredibly rare, dark blue pearl- he found when swimming with Sheila at Havarda. Predicted at 30-40K in worth.

•A roughly carved wooden trinket, a replica of the old wolf trinket his mother gave him. This was made by Robin. His adoptive daughter. And values it beyond any of his other possessions. For they have they own little, but strong pack.

"For you to be good, you need to see the good in others"


Is kindhearted, so makes many friends and allies. And is skilled in stealth, hunting and archery.
Ra'akashal has no sympathy nor care, making him able to think about himself rather than others..

Sees the world for what it is, rather than what it should or could be.

Always helps those in need before himself.

Physically strong and at moments fearless. Even when out numbered or against the odds.

Death of those closest to him, for it to happen all over again... And for him to lose Visage.
To lose his right and position as an Alpha.

•Jishrim has slipped a poisoning fear into his blood... Through the brief curse he endured Elrowen is terribly fearful to even step in his hall..

•Insects, typically spiders... Mortifying visions of insects that crawled upon his skin and scattered everywhere has terrified him vividly. Now given the chance.. He strays from peace and crushes any he can rather than guiding it away..

Prefers live on his own, and hates to admit defeat or that help is needed. Also he tends to be too nice for his own good. -often leaving him vulnerable and weakened.
Cares little for anyone other than himself and his personal gains. And would rather stand alone rather than with someone, a cause to be outnumbered.


•Those innocent but in grief

•Children and women (has a soft spot)

Hasn't expanded his knowledge from survival, archery and the Elven language. Yet is currently studying and reading more in the past history of battles, war and the Gods, beasts and legends.

Common and fluent Elven.

Nothing more than a idle wanderer.

"I do not fight for my own desires, I fight for the desires that go unheard"

Personality:He has survived the trials laid out for him on the parchment of destiny- the loss of Caelana and his unborn child still haunt him, and may give him a distanced and distressed mood, but generally he is serving, kind, selfless, generous and loyal, however is prone to violent mood swings, which change him back into the dark being he once was, and wouldn't hesitate to speak of his foul plans, hinder in the darkness or to snap his jaws and lick his teeth in a vile manner..
View attachment 61575
Religion or Cults: Traditionally he worships Shalherana, but follows Visage's teachings.

Alignment: Lawful Good.
Short Term Goals:
•Train his apprentice and provide any assistance to anyone.

•Find whatever this coin is..
•Find the female Elf.
•Be trained in the art of combat.
•Be guided back into the teachings of Shalherana.

Long Term Goals:
•To hunt the killer of his family.
•He hides himself away, and strives to be able to listen fully to the chaotic voices...

•Weave himself back into worship of Shalherana.
•Create an Order to serve the Light against the Darkness.
•Find whoever killed Caelana and hurt them greatly.
•Unfold his plans against the world..
"I do not like these stone jungles of man... I prefer the forests of wood and leaves..."

Place: Tauredal.
Pastime: He continuously meditates and relax himself for the troubles of his past.
Food: Either fresh venison or steak- but is not picky and will eat just about everything.
Drink: Has grown to adore tea.
Colour: Green.
Animal: --- none- values animals equally.

Least Favourite...
Place: Busy and crowded cities...
Pastime: Either being at a party or other celebration or ceremony.
Food: Fish, but he will eat it nonetheless.
Drink: Vodkas and ales.
Colour: Yellow.
Animal: A small curse that befell Elrowen when he was poisoned by the spider form of Jishrim. Has horrified him- everything that skitters and crawls with many limbs now sends him into a shock and panic.... @Michcat

Loved: Caelana Moon- deceased. His unborn child. -deceased. Visage, Robin, Sheila.

Trusted: Vevila, Olomet, Tybalt.

Befriended: Dawn, Catherine, Serri, Alanna, Daeron, Aewin.

Liked: Meradoth, Allindra, Ailil.

Respects: Barthélemy du Lavoyard.

Neutral: Elfa, Katherina, Athryl, Akasha,Rose, Nireth, Piedmont, Merek, Samantha.

Unsure of: Aracena...

Wary of: Balatro, Zermanion, Mikael, Grant, Gruk, Meridian, Alrik, Rain.

Afraid of: Jishrim.

Disliked: Fronte, Vlad.

Hated: A very old friend. -Deceased at the battle or Scourge by Zer and Elrowen.


Robin: Robin whom was once merely his lively apprentice. Is now his adoptive daughter. And he loves her very dearly. She has a way of staying at his side even when faced with utmost peril and abandonment of her home many times over. He respects and would do anything for her and see her wishes come true if he could. He'd take far more than a blade to the gut just to see her smile.

"I'll never leave you... Idiot."

"You ruined her didn't you? No, she... She's my daughter, now... Now... But you broke her, crushed her... She hates you... You hate her don't you? No... I love her... But she hates you... You make her life terrible... She will become you. She is turning intoooo yoooouu... No! She isn't! She can't.. She is.. You are alone..."

Balatro: Balatro scolded him only soon after his resurrection. Bal blamed him for the chaos and disarray of the Guild.. Blamed him for everything wrong with it... Elrowen is wary of him- cut his own finger off before his eyes to show he has strength, and doesn't need them anymore... He wishes nothing but a broken heart for him.

"It's your fault! Look what you have done! You were supposed to protect us!"

"He used you. No, he didn't... We were friends.. He didn't need who you were.. He wanted what you were. No! That's not true! Oh dearest but it is.. And you know it... You left him, but he never was there for you... He needed you to get rich.. He didn't! I chose to leave! You left him... Alone... Like you always do.. You are alone."

Zer: Another brother, like Balatro. Elrowen is forever wary of what would happen if he found of his faked death. Zer was like a brother to El, but ties with the Guild has lead El to abandon him.. Discard him like the rest. Zer tried hard to keep him with the family. To no evail. But Elrowen told Robin to see him out, instead of Bal. and hand over the dagger. Hand over his place.
"We are brothers..."

"Someone else you left behind... No, no he left me, I.. I did didn't I?... Like you always do... You hurt him. You weaken him, you anger him... No! He is strong! He will be! When he smiles as you drown in your own blood... He suspects... He knows... He's going to hurt you... Because you hurt him... I didn't! It was supposed to be! It had to be! You are wrong! But my dearest... I am you... You are alone."

Vlad: Elrowen sees both a deadly enemy as well as a powerful ally, finding his powerful status of no significance, only judging my the actions he sees himself... But is oblivious to the recent events. And keeps his from his mind... Only gentle whispers of his voice swirl in his kind, as a hole, he is unsure if they guide him, or weaken him.Hearing from his own tongue "No regrets" about him selling Bal to Marr, has indeed angered him very much, even more so with how he beat a lady in front of his eyes.

"You hate him don't you?... No, he.. Was protecting himself - his family... He hurt you.. He hurts everyone.. He's going to hurt you- you made him look weak... No, don't say that! He doesn't know... He knows everything... He knowsss allllll about you... Shut up! Shut up! Stop! Only when you're eyes open to the real world, deary... You are alone."

Aracena: After Elrowen had tried desperately to protect her from the skittering spider form of Jishrim. She merely discarded him. Elrowen saw as she walked past... When he was poisoned, scared, sick and confused... Watched as she didn't even look down, not even acknowledging his existence. After Elrowen had tried so hard to protect her- he feels that she has wronged him.. And is torn between the Aracena he knew... And the Aracena she is now...


"She left you. She disgarded you... She did.. She did... She left me You are nothing but dirt under her nails.. A mindless insect under her boot.. You did nothing...
I tried, I did.. She just.. Didn't see... You didn't try hard enough, dearest. All that effort.. For nothing... All those sacrifices... For nothing... She thinks you are nothing- you are nothing... No, stop it! Leave me alone! She doesn't, she was afraid too!... And now she isn't.. And now she doesn't help you.. You are alone..."

Meradoth: Elrowen is wary of the girl... He is immensely unsure in her soul purpose in any land other than the death and defoliation of any living creature that roams near her. He in some ways respects the girl he hardly knows. And glad he isn't an enemy with her. In time a friendship may grow... But for now he's still in study of her.

Illthilior: During his benevolent mood swings- he sees only an Elf who protected only himself and wishes for peace to grow between them. He after all, was innocent... Yet deep in bis mind, does he hunger for his blood, his flesh in his hands, his bones turned to powder. In his darkened state- he devises methods in which he would torture him slowly till his end, he wishes death upon him, but also peace.. And currently... The depths of his mind is awakening.

Allindra: The young and spirited girl has healed his mind beyond any words can express through her caring words, and youthful nature. He was ordered from her father not to go near, not to endanger her with his mere presence.. He maintains a distance though- and remains a hidden guardian for her. He waits for the time when peace can blossom, and he can see her again.

Nireth: She was once one of his closest friends- but troubles with his own bloodlust and a calling for Visage has split them in half. He grows tired of his own foolishness and wants to redeem himself.. Yet feels his presence near her would go despised and hated.. And thus he keeps away from her- though upon opening his weaknesses up, his fears to her. Only to be shown benevolence. He again, trusts Nireth as a close friend.
@Lady Alec

Tybalt: Tybalt was there at the opening of the temple of Shalerana. And when Jishrim slithered from the darkness... In Elrowens eyes Tybalt helped the greater need of his people- and is thankful of such. He respects the boy more, and now sees him as a closer friend, upon being free in Marr territory which he is now to make his home. He is very grateful of him. Beyond words can truly express.

"I believe there is a little someone who never left you, back in Azerport..."

"He left you as well... Didn't he? He chose everyone else but you... He had... Others to protect... Others? No.. Ha, no one... He left you, to be beaten, poisoned. To scream as insects crawled under your skin.. No! He was busy.. He, needed to help others... He watched you wriggle, and scream... He did nothing... Nothing! It's not true.. It's not... But my dearest? It is... And you know it. You are alone."

Visage: Though a God. Elrowen feels connected to Visage, Elrowen is constantly looking to Visage for guidance, a voice... And for his child to show itself. They have fought battles against the world together, and have shared gratitude and friendship. Though as of late, Elrowen grows wary.. Sensing Jishrim may spark out from his beloved, but ever so unrelated child. Elrowen has transformed himself from the graceful and free Elf, Into a being of darkness and shadow- all in the name of Visage. His own blood reacted with a gift from Visage. An is unsure if this bodes ill for him... @Michcat

@Glados Archeaosuosisis?.....: Elrowen sees an enemy when looking or hearing his name, although seems it unwise to start any form of combat, despite the kings revolting and threatening words against him.. He sees his primal instincts both disgusting and repulsive, and truly hates the man.. However, he does maintain some respect, as he knows a good king is one who fights against the darkness... A darkness which Elrowen knows he is. Though he would much prefer peace to grow between them, he highly doubts he shall ever see it..

Rose: Spoke to her briefly of his past with Visage, in hope to sway her on his side during that moment. He has rarely seen her since the troubles at Thiil.. Where two very lovely dragons were. He is unsure of what her goals are in life, or whom she may really be. And this maintains a distanced gaze as he surveys whom her relations are with. However though he respect a and admires her enthusiasm even when face with enemies in greater numbers.

Catherine: The young one he stumbled across in the streets of Scourge- he feels that she has experienced too much in her seemingly typing age, and as a result doesn't see her as a joyful child. As per usual Elrowen will watch rom a distance to make sure she stays healthy and safe.

Dawn: This young girl has sparked an immense interest in Elrowen- her cation and sometimes innocent wordings always warming up to him. He had learnt that she is under Aracena's guiding wing... And spots the opportunity that hides in the mind of the little girl. He will protect and draw his blade for her if needed- her actions in Port Silver have somewhat brought himself closer to her- revealing the truth of her broken mind, a darkened world.. And would gladly protect her from anyone or anything.

Alanna: The second child he has come across in Azerport- however slightly more matured and wise due to her more older age- though barely knowing her, he has a sense she has a warm heart and strong head upon her shoulders. Although inferior, Elrowen can sense a perhaps friendship between them.

Samantha: The random Lady who fell un-conscience near his feet, has only dwindled on his mind, he stayed at her side when she lay in rest after her collapse until she awoke. He knows very little of her, and her connections with Catherine. So he lingers close to study her.

Sheila: Sheila has been there for Elrowen for a very long time. Truly now he views her above everyone else. He only wishes to be at her side and in her arms, for her to help him out of his constant battle with the darkness. Sheila always is able to say the correct words- and succeeded in helping him waver out of the poisonous curse that Jishrim bled into him and is forever thankful. He is unsure of his deeper feelings for her, and only knows that he feels free when he is with her. His mind only trails to her, when in discomfort to help himself, once dreams plagued by nightmares now- of her presence. He wishes to be besides her again and never leave it..

"Suffer no more.."

"She left you didn't she? She left.. And you my dear, couldn't do anything... No, no.. She's with me, she's staying with me... With you? She's not with you.. She never was- she left you, you pitties you, you are weak- nothing in her gaze... She's playing you.. She hates you... No, stop... Stop it! Why stop when you haven't learnt anything, dear?... No one wants you.. No one ever did... You are alone."


Vevila: Vevila showed little emotion or concern when Elrowen had a taste of insanity. He forgives her, and is apologetic to her. Despite being once friends. No longer does he view her so. Only formally as a teacher and a priestess. He wronged her in her own abode is feels increasingly guilt due to it. He wishes to help spread her peace and love throughout the world but doesn't see how himself can do that.

"Everyone has left you, deary. Vevila left you. After all she promised... She didn't- she didn't lie. She did, has she offered you help? She only watched as you struggled against your life... She, she had to protect Aracena.. I told them to.. No. I told them too... Didn't I? No... Aracena.. She.. Needed to stay inside... She was- she was safe... But they all left you- weak.. Puny... Worthless. As you screamed and clawed yourself apart... They just watched... They couldn't help... It was me, it was Jishrim... You, yes you... Dearest you abandoned them first.. You turned your back on them- left them... All of them... I didn't- no... Vevila tried to help... You pushed her away... You always do! You are alone..."

Barthélemy: Elrowen knows too well that the emperor has no tolerance nor mercy to himself- told by the never ending aggression from the empire- countless events have battle between the two. But Elrowen grows weary, and would rather wish an understanding bloomed between them, than rot a their feet. Elrowen was at his gate, and was mere moments from handing himself over to whatever end. He knows the emperor has to protect his family, his empire from threats- so bus doesn't see his reaction as hatred, but as protection. And so Elrowen holds him high in respect.
Olomet: Even in greatest time of need Olomet stayed and helped along side him as any friend would. Olomet is a trusted friend to Elrowen- even more so after the accidents that occurred in recent times. Olomet reminds El of an old friend- and takes it to heart of how calm and noble he is. Through eyes which were not his win he saw him stand down without weaponry against Jishrim and admires him greatly.

"You think he's your friend don't you? Really?... He is, you can't tell me otherwise... Oh but my dearest! I can! And I will! You are pathetic to rely on all these people... You are weak. No, they make me stronger... Me? Us... Weaker... He left you with Vevila didn't he? He only came when you didn't need it... When you knew he wasn't there.. You're lying... Stop, stop it! Lying?! You are lying to yourself, I am you... They all left you- Olomet left you... And why? You aren't the fabled Dragon Rider... You are a child... You are all alone."


"Where there's Light, there's always Darkness... But where there's Darkness. There's always Light..."

BACKSTORY: Elrowen was born in the jungles to the east, with his mother and father. His father was only known to be "Father" and his mother likewise with "Mother". His father, a Ranger and hunter- taught Elrowen the ways of the hunt from an early age. His father, who's name is unknown even to him- would go out on vast hunting trips to bring back meats and hides for food, clothing and tools. And sell the rest of the leftovers in any nearby village. His mother was also a Ranger- but soon retired due to motherhood, and took care of the house and everything that lived inside it.

On the eve before Elrowen's 16th summer, his father had laid out a challenge, a trial for him. The small household lived somewhere in the eastern jungle, near a river in the centre. And Elrowens trial was to prove he had worked hard enough to join his father in hunting. The trial was a long one, for Elrowen was taught to survive and travel far and light, how to hunt and what was good to eat and what was bad. His challenge was to travel far to the west and south, and take the bark and leaves of the large bulbous trees in the desert. And return them before a month. His still young mind was thrilled and excited, and he sprang to his bags to back...

The following morning he was embraced and farewells were exchanged. His mother, handed him a small wooden trinket, a wolf. With the words "If you ever get lost, hold this tightly and you'll find your way to us again..." More embraces were received, and the young Elrowen took off on his journey. His father escorted him to the rives edge, and also gifted him with his bow, wishing him safety and luck... Only to see his son disappear into the forests at the start of his trial.

A month he was gone, he was new to traveling and hadn't prepared for the desert... Thankfully he worked his way back, with bis treasure with him. Through the boiling summer which he chose to travel in... Autumn was getting closer, and brought the chill over the land... He experienced many new things, new people, new animals and plants- he loved it, to see the wonders of the world. As to satisfy his child mind, he would venture into towns and cities to experience the laughter and wonderful atmosphere.

However this thrill of adventure.. The vision of a hero... Was to be cut short... For travelling into the jungle near his home... Only to notice the Blume of dark smoke, bellowing through the sky... At this, he threw his bags down and ran for his home... His head alight as the worst sprang to mind. Desperate and salty years began to gaze his vision, yet he ran still. He was but a child, and instead of surveying he let his worry cloud his mind, he charged In to the clearing, a clearing which would alter his life. His once pretty and warming cottage, was burnt down to the ashen pillars and supports, the ground around stained by ash, burnt timber and blood... Two spikes jutted out from either side of the crumbled door way.. Each with a skull rammed down into it... The flesh still smoked and blooded, the eyes eaten by birds and animals... No bodies were found, only the scrapings and bits of flesh here and there amongst the chaos... Everything was gone, his life and there's were shattered.

The weeks that followed.. Were of cold blood, death and revenge... He had found whom had done this to his family, their names, a group of bandits... One by one he found them, sleeping in inns and camps. He would slip in at dark, and slit their throats whilst they slept, once he came in to a couple, and didn't hesitate his bow... Killing both the bandit and his female friend. He continued, ticking off the names one by one... Yet the bandit leader, had vanished from the world.. Gone forever. Elrowen kept the name, and vowed to find this leader, and bestow his own, horrid end for him.

For near 150 years, Elrowen lived alone in the jungles, he trained and he taught himself the ways of survival along with what his father taught. He no longer cared for the world, and wanted to see the humans dead... All of them, yet even through his forever burning hatred, could he find happiness. But things changed... And he ventured out again, for unknown reasons even to him. This is where his trials ends, and his life begins.

My in-game name is: samsam223

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Yū Yi
I do not see why Meradoth is on unsure, I believe she has made herself very clear.
She will not kill him or anything like that.
Though, if told otherwise she would not hold back.
(btw, this is only a joke :D )


Lord of Altera
Ha, Elrowen isn't too fond of her father- do to obvious reasons... xD and may reflect his attitudes of him to her... But in time, he may grow to accept or even like her. :p


Lord of Altera
People moved down in relations-
Allindra, Akasha and Aracena. (Triple threat eh?)

... Someone else added ...


Lord of Altera
Just made things looks nicer- added image that was thankfully given from Bal from somewhere deep in google..


Lord of Altera
•People moved down in relations. Due to recent events.. All changes are in bold to make them stand out for you~

•Prize possession destroyed, portrait altered. Voice been terminated. Pretty much everything of him ha seen changed or edited.