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Duchess Luisé Venezia-Entelecheia


Lord of Altera
Luisé Amalia Venezia-Entelecheia

Character Chart
Character’s full name: Luisé Amalia Venezia-Entelecheia
Title: Duchesse of House Venezia
Character’s nickname: Lu
Reason for nickname: A name given to her by close friends. Only close friends may use it.
Birth date:

Physical appearance
Gender: Female
Race: Silver Elf
Age: 73
How old does he/she appear: She looks pretty much the same she looked 50 years ago.
Weight: 63kg
Height: 182cm
Body build: Slender and petite
Shape of face: Diamond
Eye color: Midnight blue
Glasses or type of aid for the eyes: Reading glasses
Skin tone: Pale alabaster
Distinguishing marks: None
Predominant features: Her overall paleness.
Hair color: Hazelnut brown
Type of hair: Fine dense hair which curves slightly at the ends
Hairstyle: Changes frequently, however it is usually worn open

Overall attractiveness: High
Physical disabilities: Exceptionally low stamina due to lack of any physical activities
Usual fashion of dress: Luisé is often seen wearing light dresses and a lot of accessories.
Favorite outfit: A violet dress paired with black shoes
Jewelry or accessories: Varies regularly, has a thing for bracelets.

elven 2.jpg
Good personality traits: Polite, hardworking, rational, loyal to those who are close to her,
"Bad" personality traits: Mercantile, vain
Bad personality traits: Arrogant, calculating, unemotional, moody
Sense of humor: Dry sarcasm or playful jokes, depending on her mood
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Death of Queen Leminth and the subsequent collapse of both the Kingdom and the local branch of House Venezia
Priorities: Goals and work are somewhat prioritized over personal life. No warm fuzzies for you.
Character’s soft spot: Children
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Sometimes
Greatest strength: Mental capacities
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Lack of physical strength
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: There are none.
Why?: Because they do not exist.


Goals and Ethics
Drives and motivations: Order and money
Immediate goals: Get settled in the Northern Kingdom and become acquainted with its current inhabitants.
Long term goals: Establish a trading network and help creating a more orderly procedures in Altera.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By getting stuff done.
Alignment: Lawful neutral with the occasional slip to neutral evil. She does not focus on promoting the good on the world and while she is generally a law-abiding person she might ignore the law when it suits her interests.

Present status
Current location: Living in her mansion in Mavria, a small developing village.
Currently living with: Herself, and in utter need of a servant
Pets: None
Religion: Worships the Grey Lady, but her outer presentation of piety is rather flexible.
Occupation: Noblewoman and merchant.
Finances: Rich

Color: Violet
Least favorite color: Brown
Music: Violin
Food: Fruits (gotta stay away from the carbs)
Form of entertainment: Music
Mode of transportation: Whenever possible palanquin, or by boat
Most prized possession: A necklace given to her by her grandmother

Hobbies: Reading, drinking tea with biscuits, shopping
Plays a musical instrument?: No
How he/she would spend a rainy day: However she intended to spend the day in question. Weather rarely affects her choices.
Spending habits: Pretty good at keeping herself in check and does not have a tendency to overspend. When in the mood likes to bargain even though she does not necessarily need to save money.
Smokes: No
Drinks: Yes, she allows herself a glass of wine or cognac occasionally.
Other drugs: No
What does he/she do too much of?: Working
What does he/she do too little of?: Physical activity
Extremely skilled at: Managing, organizing and trading
Extremely unskilled at: Any menial task unfit for a noble lady
Usual body posture: Coquettish and slightly provocative
Mannerisms: Her movements are often highly playful.
Peculiarities: She sometimes raises her eyebrows without any given reason.

Optimist or pessimist?: Neither in particular
Introvert or extrovert?: Ambivert
Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious with a comfortable amount of risk.
Logical or emotional?: Logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Methodical and neat.
Prefers working or relaxing?: Working. Someone has to do the paperwork after all.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Borderline narcissism.
Animal lover?: Not in particular.

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: She feels a curiosity for other people comparable to the curiosity a scientist has for a bug. This is however not very clear to herself. The social standing of other people is an important factor for her opinion of the person.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Despite being generally interested in other people due to the valuable information she may recieve from them, Luisé only shows polite interest for everyone.
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Lord of Altera

(Meh, pretty much everyone is dead/gone anyways.)

Loved: Alawn
Trusted: Dante, Jeroxia, Enrico Venezia, Venator Venezia, Rexyn Venezia
Befriended: Eala Elumeril, Alexantria Saeradan, Menelmacil Elumeril, Gromm Wake Elumeril
Liked: Leminth Lord Daeron
Neutral: Everyone not met
Unsure of: Scardrac Dormus
Wary of: Beggars
Afraid of:
Disliked: Othrandos Hilbjorn, Audric Elumeril, Arthur Silverian
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Lord of Altera
I spot a Jeroxia there, did she have any ties to Azerwind?
Jeroxia was one of my IC lovers. We considered coming together and forming Azerwind, but in the end we didn't. However, we worked some basics out together. I may be mistaken since 2 years have passed, but we even created the name together.


Lord of Altera
Jeroxia was one of my IC lovers. We considered coming together and forming Azerwind, but in the end we didn't. However, we worked some basics out together. I may be mistaken since 2 years have passed, but we even created the name together.
Ahh, is like to let you know Azerwind is alive and well, just under a different name. Also trying to find out all the old history of Azerwind/Twilight Falls/ and Azerport that I don't know


Lord of Altera
Ahh, is like to let you know Azerwind is alive and well, just under a different name. Also trying to find out all the old history of Azerwind/Twilight Falls/ and Azerport that I don't know
I know that it transitioned into Marr, I have been watching the forums all the time :D
In the original drafts Azerwind was meant to be a peaceful house focussing on diplomacy. However, I think that Bettemus might be able to give you more information than I.


Roleplay keeper
Oh that'd make more sense- Sorry, memory is a bit messed up it seems xD It's just, Karmine and Jeroxia formed Twillight falls, but you and him made -Azerwind-.. I think?


Lord of Altera
Oh that'd make more sense- Sorry, memory is a bit messed up it seems xD It's just, Karmine and Jeroxia formed Twillight falls, but you and him made -Azerwind-.. I think?
Yes. :)
Roxy and me worked on the general drafts of the ideas, names etc.
I did only some minor constructions/improvements around the castle of Twilight Falls, but you guys did most of the work.

@Tybalt Well, the city expanded over time and gradually became bigger. However, Jeroxia and Bette were the founders who started building it.