Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
I dont know, I hear Dwarves sink like rocks.
Because most... erm... All of them are short, stumpy, drunks who are like rocks falling from the sky, when it comes to swimming.
Their limbs are too stubby to reach the cupbo- I mean... To paddle themselves in the water.


Don't derail my thread guys. We have decided on a name and location. It will be in a snow biome and I will make a mountain range and a volcano that we will use for our forges.


What if I... *Gets Up On A Tree Branch*
Why do you think a dwarfs seccond favorate weapon is an axe?

But to stay more or less on topic, While yes my charicter is human with a very faint whif of elf about him (Its probly the hair) but I personaly have a love of underground complex's and citys that are just as intracate and interesing as thier aboveground counterparts and would love an oppotunity to assist with this project. And the idea of working with magma is sure fire way to have fun :D

"You have my Axe..."

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Ah, thats more like it. *takes the bow and shoots dark through the knee*
That should stop his caterwhaulin'.

And btw, I've decided to change me mind. Ill work as a warrior and stonemason in your new dwarven rp, Ive done some dwarven work in the past in Minecraft and quite like it. Don't expect me to be sociable though.


Ah, thats more like it. *takes the bow and shoots dark through the knee*
That should stop his caterwhaulin'.

And btw, I've decided to change me mind. Ill work as a warrior and stonemason in your new dwarven rp, Ive done some dwarven work in the past in Minecraft and quite like it. Don't expect me to be sociable though.
We'll see about that when we have scantily clad proper bearded dwarven women wrestling shows !

Also to clarfiy this WILL be a town. People who are already in other towns can help out, especially in the beginning, but eventually I'm looking to build up a strong base of regular players in the town.


Loyal Servant of Altera
*Gives Shadow a cookie and a fairy in bottle, watches as he gets back to his feet* Then re-rail thread, I'll help so long as you swear you won't kill me.


Lord of Altera
Ah, thats more like it. *takes the bow and shoots dark through the knee*
That should stop his caterwhaulin'.

And btw, I've decided to change me mind. Ill work as a warrior and stonemason in your new dwarven rp, Ive done some dwarven work in the past in Minecraft and quite like it. Don't expect me to be sociable though.
You trivial dwarf. My robes are intricately interwoven with diamonds.
*Jumps Down, And Round-House Kicks The Dwarf, Then Goes About His Business*


Loyal Servant of Altera
*Hits everyone who's mentioned skyrim with the megaton hammer* Re-rails again, but this time repairs tracks.
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