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[Public Notice] The Kaiser claims the Imperial Marches


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
I would assume Cap means he can't see any structures of civilization there, because I can't either.
mfw they own a 1/4 of the map but don't get online to RP in the empty regions they own. IC qualms are IC sure. But it's just good if you actually get online to BE in-character if you're going starting claiming other players regions like that. Right now, where does King Peter even live for people to take it IC? How often are Anhald players online outside of the newly independent Kane lands?

In RP this doesn't effect me, but you guys don't even RP in the regions you do have, so how can people contest a ghost that has no RP presence anymore? Why expand and claim over people's regions if you just turned a 1/4th of this map into an even bigger swath of empty, unclaimable space? (Because its either claim and adhere to Anhald law or face wrath.) You say you'll leave the ones already there alone, but for how long? If they do try to contest it, would you stir skype to get elite fighters to squash them and then never be active again?

All I'm saying is actually be active, work on your empty regions, and roleplay where people can interact before you claim over other players' regions via forum post.

Just change "flag" to "forum post"
I have to agree with Niah here. I'm not even making a large counterclaim, yet you're accusing me of saying it's not because of no actual settlement. Look a bit north where the sudden small dot of waterfal that underground river leads to. That belongs to Arcana, Lilly's vassal. So why is it farfetched to claim a small river? None of your regions are even built, yet you deny player's the chance to grow.

I'm trying to type when I can, but I'm at school in constant simulations. I don't have time to deal with this OOCly.


Lord of Altera
mfw they own a 1/4 of the map but don't get online to RP in the empty regions they own. IC qualms are IC sure. But it's just good if you actually get online to BE in-character if you're going starting claiming other players regions like that. Right now, where does King Peter even live for people to take it IC? How often are Anhald players online outside of the newly independent Kane lands?

In RP this doesn't effect me, but you guys don't even RP in the regions you do have, so how can people contest a ghost that has no RP presence anymore? Why expand and claim over people's regions if you just turned a 1/4th of this map into an even bigger swath of empty, unclaimable space? (Because its either claim and adhere to Anhald law or face wrath.) You say you'll leave the ones already there alone, but for how long? If they do try to contest it, would you stir skype to get elite fighters to squash them and then never be active again?

All I'm saying is actually be active, work on your empty regions, and roleplay where people can interact before you claim over other players' regions via forum post.

Just change "flag" to "forum post"
I agree, it's kind of unreasonable how much land you guys hold when none of you guys are on save for balls and three-fourths of your "cities" are just empty plots. It's difficult to build up one city, let alone an empire- so just slow ya roll and be a bit more active with the things you already own. Frankly, everyone else has to contend with what meagre space our meager wealth can actually afford.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Additionally, this feels like a trap. Before you ran into consent issues when you tried it take regions by force. People didn't want Anhald claiming, and used consent to protect their propert. Now, because it's an "IC claim" you bypass consent and just say it's yours without informing or talking to region owners beforehand. And if they try to contest it IC, you've orchestrated the perfect scenario of cassus belli in which they still lose because no one can best your RP Combat gurus with their technicalities.

It's a dick move when there isn't even a capitol city built for anyone to go to to visit the ever elusive King Peter.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Additionally, this feels like a trap. Before you ran into consent issues when you tried it take regions by force. People didn't want Anhald claiming, and used consent to protect their propert. Now, because it's an "IC claim" you bypass consent and just say it's yours without informing or talking to region owners beforehand. And if they try to contest it IC, you've orchestrated the perfect scenario of cassus belli in which they still lose because no one can best your RP Combat gurus with their technicalities.

It's a dick move when there isn't even a capitol city built for anyone to go to to visit the ever elusive King Peter.
I do have to agree with Niah here.
It's hard to win a battle against an enemy that has no real structures and is never there, except for during fights.

If, for example, one of my chars had a settlement on newly 'claimed' Anhald land, I'd love to talk it over.
But most of my chars that would own settlements would never go to Bastion Stone events or the Kane Nobles Ball to maybe see Peter.


Lord of Altera
I'm more concerned with the fact that Anhald illegitimately bought Almafia without Etow's consent. That's more cause for concern than anything else said here.


Lord of Altera
mfw they own a 1/4 of the map but don't get online to RP in the empty regions they own. IC qualms are IC sure. But it's just good if you actually get online to BE in-character if you're going starting claiming other players regions like that. Right now, where does King Peter even live for people to take it IC? How often are Anhald players online outside of the newly independent Kane lands?

In RP this doesn't effect me, but you guys don't even RP in the regions you do have, so how can people contest a ghost that has no RP presence anymore? Why expand and claim over people's regions if you just turned a 1/4th of this map into an even bigger swath of empty, unclaimable space? (Because its either claim and adhere to Anhald law or face wrath.) You say you'll leave the ones already there alone, but for how long? If they do try to contest it, would you stir skype to get elite fighters to squash them and then never be active again?

All I'm saying is actually be active, work on your empty regions, and roleplay where people can interact before you claim over other players' regions via forum post.

Just change "flag" to "forum post"


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Think he just means from the independance thing Etow; like Kane/Kaltstaat is seperate now. You did a RP to be semi independant or something. I'm bad at explaining but I assumed you were under the Anhald umbrella too


Lord of Altera
Think he just means from the independance thing Etow; like Kane/Kaltstaat is seperate now. You did a RP to be semi independant or something. I'm bad at explaining but I assumed you were under the Anhald umbrella too
Yeah I just got worried cause he called it "Kingdom of Amalfia" so I thought he just decided to take it over and make it into another of his Region

Even though we are in fact a Republic xD

and what do you mean from the independance thing? I made a Freaking contract to be a client state xD if he changes that I leave xD thats it


Events Staff
Very Sweet
I'll let cap explain that one, I can't recall the RP well enough. I thought you were originally a vassal, then you wanted to have some independance. Peter became Emperor/Kaiser after that, I believe


Lord of Altera
I'll let cap explain that one, I can't recall the RP well enough. I thought you were originally a vassal, then you wanted to have some independance. Peter became Emperor/Kaiser after that, I believe
no Amalfia was never a Vassal. That was Valsegard (The First Kincaid cause my char wasn;t one at first).
BUt Amalfia gave up its independance to form a New nation together with Valsegarde. So valsegarde was not a vassal anymore. but together they were a client state...

now Valsegarde and all its people left the server.. so only Amalfia is left which used to be fully independant :) for now okay with taht contract but if Anhald dares to take independance for us we are leaving :p


The Lurker
Retired Staff
It's also important to remember sphere of influences. Your sphere of influence is 100+your plot count, so a lot of the land claims are actually more than are justifiable with server rules.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
It's also important to remember sphere of influences. Your sphere of influence is 100+your plot count, so a lot of the land claims are actually more than are justifiable with server rules.
I believe they justify these claims of theirs as 'IC Claims' rather than region/plot claim spheres which are meant for the OOC founding and building. Strictly speaking, this is just some words from their mouth. They can't force anybody to listen to this claim of theirs. They just have to hope that some people will respect and listen to what they say.


Lord of Altera
I believe they justify these claims of theirs as 'IC Claims' rather than region/plot claim spheres which are meant for the OOC founding and building. Strictly speaking, this is just some words from their mouth. They can't force anybody to listen to this claim of theirs. They just have to hope that some people will respect and listen to what they say.
yea im not gonna OOCly fuck with anyone, pardon my french

if you want me to not claim land then ask me to log on and RP and we can talk about it IC

i don't care about the OOC because it's people confusing OOC and IC that ruins this server


Lord of Altera
people confusing OOC and IC that ruins things(Ed)
Something we agree on here.
However I oocly or even icly feel about these (silly) claims is beside the point. Keeping ooc and ic separate is important, especially when you're trying to get serious rp done.

Ps, y'all should log in more to populate these areas.


Lord of Altera
Something we agree on here.
However I oocly or even icly feel about these (silly) claims is beside the point. Keeping ooc and ic separate is important, especially when you're trying to get serious rp done.

Ps, y'all should log in more to populate these areas.
'log in more' isn't an option

i log in when i can for events and for requested RPs

some people are also waiting to RP (Sir Andrew Wallins for example) because i'm building them a castle or a town and that takes a while


Lord of Altera
I can appreciate that sentiment, but it makes the claims feel hollow when we can't see people milling about in the area.
Talk to your kingdom, I'm sure you folks can muster the strength to get some people on more often.


Lord of Altera
I can appreciate that sentiment, but it makes the claims feel hollow when we can't see people milling about in the area.
Talk to your kingdom, I'm sure you folks can muster the strength to get some people on more often.
if you think the claims are hollow then find a time to RP with me and criticize it IC

they ARE hollow, there's really no reason for peter to ICly take that land other than he wants to, but who is gonna stop him? if you want to be the person who does, then RP it, don't bitch OOC (that's for everyone, not you specifically teeke)


The Lurker
Retired Staff
i don't care about the OOC because it's people confusing OOC and IC that ruins this server
Then you should do this IC so that people can react IC, instead of doing things OOCly through a forum post. If you plan on expanding your empire, don't just add to the ghost town problem we have. Work on what you already have. Make RP for yourself.

if you think the claims are hollow then find a time to RP with me and criticize it IC

they ARE hollow, there's really no reason for peter to ICly take that land other than he wants to, but who is gonna stop him? if you want to be the person who does, then RP it, don't bitch OOC (that's for everyone, not you specifically teeke)
You're never IC to stop him. You don't even RP here anymore. I'm taking IC to OOC on this, because I don't agree with folks being able to make these claims without being active IG to do it. I can't take it IC because none of my characters are near or care, but as a player, this does not feel right to make claims of thousands of blocks, without buying anything, and subjugating existing regions, without discussion beforehand. It bypasses consent, because you did not give them a chance to say, "No, I don't want to my lands to be within your borders." There was just a post one day that decreed such and suddenly, no one can criticize because "take it IC."

I've said my piece and I'm not going to continue to harp. But I just wish you would have talked to region owners BEFORE doing this, and worked on your own existing regions, before laying IC claim over other peoples' work without the war consent rules to stop you.