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Poster [Poster] Dead Heresy


Bored Brit
i think the god stuff is just super inconsistent and planned poorly

the divine law page changing when it's what the characters last knew as literally ic written on a stone tablet by the gods is a bit dumb
I do believe it will not change idly until we have our cathedral

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Heresy in a historical and theological context wasn’t always a death sentence or something people *gasp* at. Heresy just means something doesn’t line up with the canon doctrine or beliefs in a religion.
Aha! Reviving this thread and this discussion because I recently learnt something in my Hundred Years' War module in University.

Due to the code of Chivalry (which sadly seems to be non-existent on our server) which was granted to knights as an unwritten rule in the 11th century, it permitted otherwise violent people (especially in France) to fight one another on the battlefield and allow both parties to walk away alive (unless a specific banner was raised permitting no prisoners). The rule itself was granted by The Church.
The reason I bring this up is because even during the Crusades, where the middle-eastern Muslims were invaded by Christians, documents still report the Muslims to be chivalrous- despite the impossibility of them knowing what that even meant.

Heretics were burnt. The reason for this in our History is because it states in the bible a person cannot spill any blood. So... they burnt people instead rather then spilling blood. For what reason we do so in Altera is down to the Gods... or permitted by the Staff in similarity, though the Gods of Altera do not have a rule such as "do not spill blood." Instead, the Gods of Altera directly ask you to burn people (and such things does not exist in Christianity). city burning&f=false

It's all rather confusing to me to see the lore and events written in this way in comparison to the historical meanings.

It would make more sense if the Gods asked people to burn heretics in fear of the rise of corruption-- or better yet, in fear of Queen Grief gaining worshipers, even long after her supposed death. The lore intention behind that would be people affected by corruption could be killed by burning, killing the corruption within them. Even if this isn't actually reality, I imagine it would be easier to believe In-Character.


Lord of Altera
The reason for burning on the server is down the the aspect of the god the burnings almost always happen for: Ignis. Ignis is the god/dess of light, fire, truth, all that jazz and how do people worship fire deities? Burning stuff/peeple. Double whammy for heretics in this case, since it's a purging of corruption/untruthfulness. So, yeah, it works. There aren't always direct parallels between IRL history and server lore because the server isn't medieval europe, it just takes aspects of it for a setting.


Better than sliced bread
The reason for burning on the server is down the the aspect of the god the burnings almost always happen for: Ignis. Ignis is the god/dess of light, fire, truth, all that jazz and how do people worship fire deities? Burning stuff/peeple. Double whammy for heretics in this case, since it's a purging of corruption/untruthfulness. So, yeah, it works. There aren't always direct parallels between IRL history and server lore because the server isn't medieval europe, it just takes aspects of it for a setting.
No, the reason for burning is because of Divine Law which literally states to burn heretics over birch wood.

Where in the hell did you get that?


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I still hold that it's weird how the majority of people has come to like Earthspawn.
Queen Grief creates Greylings, the vilest of abominations, and smart too.
So smart, that they create a being (earthspawn) to do the hard work for them! A corrupted creature created from the power of Altera's mortal enemy herself, that created a creature themselves!
I mean, to me that's the reason for my character never to trust an earthspawn or anyone associating or befriending one.

The Earthspawn were created by the Greylings using foul and black magic to be their slaves and the vanguard of their army.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Big and sexy, that's why
I understand it's easy to make jokes about it. But it is one of the big lore-breaks that I really never liked.
They're super smart suddenly, while it was the idea of Greylings to be smart and Earthspawn to be the dumb fighting force.
They're respectable and show up and even dance at balls. People interact with them as if they're some kind of professors.
I know my one voice is not going to change a thing and that things have just rolled into it being like this the way it is now.
But I'm just stating that it doesn't make any sense to me when human's can't me one inch taller than the lore cap, but earthspawns get to be what they're not supposed to be at all :/


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
A majority don't.
Any RP I've been in where Earthspawns are present I see normal open conversations with them. The moment my characters say anything racist or at all negative about the earthspawn, not only do the earthspawn react as if they don't care, but other people and 'friends' of the earthspawn characters tell my character off for doing that and treat my character as if he's worse than the earthspawn. So you can say the majority don't, but through live RP, through what I have experienced myself whenever an earthspawn is around, the majority does.


Better than sliced bread
Any RP I've been in where Earthspawns are present I see normal open conversations with them. The moment my characters say anything racist or at all negative about the earthspawn, not only do the earthspawn react as if they don't care, but other people and 'friends' of the earthspawn characters tell my character off for doing that and treat my character as if he's worse than the earthspawn. So you can say the majority don't, but through live RP, through what I have experienced myself whenever an earthspawn is around, the majority does.
Take into account it's been ages and the little earthspawn left have more or less integrated into society. Also, it's a personal thing with Cymic as in the past earthspawn have helped him in predicaments without even knowing them as well as his most loyal guard/Sangrian is an earthspawn.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
There aren't always direct parallels between IRL history and server lore because the server isn't medieval europe, it just takes aspects of it for a setting.
I'm aware... And I stated this in my post.
I agree with Cynric, however. Ignis was not a God back when I joined in 2012 all the way through to early 2014- and Harateth did not have much followship. While you can draw the parallel that people being burnt is worship to this new sun God (a fair assumption, I think it should be a very credible IC theory), nearly all the Gods weren't followed as so valiantly as they are now.

I was going to write a long post here about the Gods, but I see that this thread is becoming increasingly hostile to itself :( No need for that, people...
I don't study in University and share my thoughts by mixing them with fantasy of Hollowworld Lore for you all to get salty =/ It isn't very polite nor community-friendly.
What my friend P00f is trying to say is that Greylings and Earthspawn are the born children of Grief and could be wiped off the face of Altera as heretics with all the zealous characters moving around right now and the Earthspawns near-extinction. It is strange to see them integrated. That is what I believe he is trying to say.

While strange... there was Earthspawn roaming Port Silver casually alongside Siren back in 2012 and 2013. I think it isn't anything new.
However, Gromm and Jeroxia pranking an Earthspawn and then making it chase them all across Port Silver? Pinnacle of Earthspawn integration right there xD


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
So far the Earthspawn have been defending the weaker races against threats, hence why they're generally accepted/condoned by many and liked by a fair amount

I cant 100% vouch for how the 4 kids act when Im not hovering around them, but neither Kam nor Azgir are "super smart"
Azgir is often referred to as a big child by many, anyway


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
The guys whose doors were ripped from their hinges just because they asked Azgir to get the door will know what I mean


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
So far the Earthspawn have been defending the weaker races against threats, hence why they're generally accepted/condoned by many and liked by a fair amount
This sentence helps me get what's going on with the development of attitudes towards the Earthspawn.
They are sort of redeeming themselves if I get it right? Is that also the general with of the Earthspawn race, to fit into society a bit more? They don't feel too good to serve others who have killed their relatives in the past?
(These are genuine questions. I'm starting to get the point of view from the other side now and would like to get it right in one go :p )

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
They don't feel too good to serve others who have killed their relatives in the past?
(These are genuine questions. I'm starting to get the point of view from the other side now and would like to get it right in one go :p )
Gromm has already tried RP'ing awareness of Queen Grief and they were shrugged off as "another era."
It was 53 years ago ICly when she was "defeated." It was 293 years when the Greylings and Earthspawn entered society. It was 2236 years since the First Great War when they were created.

If 53 years are considered "another era," I dread to think that ICly, the concept of an Earthspawn killing people (in general) is ancient history :(

"It's not easy being Green."


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Cymic pays Kam unlike the greylings
What I mean is: Humans have butchered hundreds of earthspawn in the past, but now the earthspawn serve / positively interact with the races that almost committed a genocide on them.