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Character Conclusions


You've yeed your last haw
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If you have something your character would like to accomplish, no matter how far out there, or have a conclusion in mind for their arc, please either post it here or in a ticket, and we’ll do our best to have it happen either in an event or as a personalized epilogue. If it’s a group thing, that works too. The only real rule here is that your good ending shouldn’t interfere with someone else’s.


Based on what?
Retired Staff
I'd like Frost to unexpectedly ascend and move to her own little nexus where I can start my own head-cannon. I'm sure if you asked me for more details I could produce them but I just sort of woke up and am coming to terms with everything. i've opened a ticket over on the discord.

Edit: Is this the right thread?
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Based on what?
Retired Staff
oh also, not that it matters now, but she'd leave her vault behind somewhere

Originally this was supposed to be a gift for the playerbase, But I don't mind if it's something that a blurb is written about.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Wait I should’ve posted it here

I want Asero n Sallana to be a couple
Maybe that means Asero ascends to some sort of minigodhood where he’s in control of pyromancy idk

other than that I think Asero’s legacy will live on in legend:)


Loyal Servant of Altera
I want Valiant to give Leofwine the go ahead to put down his sword, and allow him to be freed of the burden he has carried for so long... The mental burden of it is gone now just remains the physical burden of his sword. The one he has forced himself to carry to feel the weight of his failure to use diplomacy. That way Leofwine can finally be a peace.
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Based on what?
Retired Staff
I don't know which threads the right one, but i'd like Frost to ascend, Perhaps with a few important plot muguffins and leave to her own nexus to look for other mortal worlds.


Legend of Altera
A dream-esque sequence in Kelgoth, - a build I haven't got to enjoy with anyone in terms of storytelling. I opened ticket for it, - 0294, - with the full details on the idea
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Legend of Altera
I think the greatest ending event would be to have some grand figment - unknown before to all the rest, - of storytelling, - the most powerful of entities at all, - look up at the world of HW it had been crafting/supervising and yawn, - flip page of the book or turn another channel on "TV". This is not exactly an event, - but I think this surreal ending would fit as an ending to any event - before some grand battle could had taken place, - or some tea party -- of gods, demons, - whoever.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
The stars are Realms. Some are not. A void Planar between the gardens of creation, an Immortal achievement of times lost. Lana sits beneath them upon mountaintops, unafraid of the passage of time, Exalted danger or the heresy she inflicts upon the Realm. Even as things may fall apart around her, she knows Altera shall remain. A name, a concept, a home. It is not a place, nor a singular Realm: it is a peoples. She shall follow, watch and give aid to those least expecting it.

Throughout the eras and histories, Lana remains, unchanged.

Grandparents tell tales of the blonde with one eye who never ages. That, should they have an incurable illness, to seek her out. She can heal any ailment. Oh, there have been witch hunts. Many knights of the Gods visited her over the years. Most she calls friends, for even her own teachings wards away potential heretics unless they've truly lost their way, their hearts raging with an arcane spark. She knows what the Gods mean to the Realm. More than anyone else. Lana saw through the eyes of divinity itself. Some say this is a made up story alongside her heretical existence, folklore. To Lana, reality. She knows more than anyone what little 'Divine Balance' meant, yet knew the fragile scaffolding the Gods claim as stability.

Her obsession with being beneath the night sky, she longed to be amongst the stars. To see the other Realms the Immortals made, to meet the other races amongst the cosmos, uncover the ancient forgotten as she did the Precursors. There was much to see, to endure and to be found. She had an unlimited time to seek out mysteries.

A scholar's great curiosity and finality in ending: the never ending desire to learn.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
I’d like to release Qlippoth into the hellscape to conclude two enemies at once
Ironically, this'll be my only chance to post that this exact situation is what I wrote a Dark-Souls-esque fanfic about years ago



Lord of Altera
I would like to see some sort of tragic and bitter end for what remains of the Ashen Truth.

OOC stuff aside entirely, it was some of the most engaging story-telling I was able to enjoy with people who have become lifelong friends. We enjoyed trying to form a compelling story that was brutal to endure at times. I will also never forget the soul-warming RPs where we all would just let our characters cherish a moment instead of being so damn glum and angsty.

Consequence was always present and I like to think we would have taken any outcome on the chin. I loved the idea of the Ashen Truth because I felt it stood a chance of shaking things up, creating chaos, but not directly at the cost of others. It felt dangerous and it would have a lasting impact on the server if successful - something I felt was the coolest part of this place over the decade or so I was a member. I don't think there was ever any realistic intention of letting it happen, but at least we could say we tried. There was a legacy to these characters that could span throughout history in-character.

I'd just like to request that our efforts to tell a story are rewarded with a fitting end. The remains of the Ashen Truth petition some greater force to destabilize the Pantheon they thought was corrupt. Very ends justify the means. Whether that be through Visage, Magic or otherwise. Maybe it looks like they'll actually take a god down only to bite it on the grand scale - so close to victory only to lose it all. Their tarnished names are the only thing left. Maybe they are forced to return empty handed and broken.

Also, Reyne finally rides the damn Gryphon.


Legend of Altera
I'm certain I'm not the only one with this idea. But for Cael I've always had hopes and dreams of building a spaceship and taking to the stars.

Candlewood reinvented airships as the first ones through the power of science, scholarly pursuit, and magic. I know many parts of lore spread through artefacts, spells, gestalts, what have ya. With the power of autism and being a huge fucking nerd I do believe I could write up a cool concept to make that plan a reality.

If there are other people/groups with the idea of going to space I'd love to collaborate
I think Klypto wants Edgar to master better gunpowder to finally invent handgonne, - I think Candlewood/Cael can base off spaceship exploration based on that -- some goofy rocket like in that old French film where they shoot the Moon ; )


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
I think Klypto wants Edgar to master better gunpowder to finally invent handgonne, - I think Candlewood/Cael can base off spaceship exploration based on that -- some goofy rocket like in that old French film where they shoot the Moon ; )
I demand handgonne for Edouard2000


Lord of Altera
I don't have much to ask for, but for Edger I'd simply like for him to finally create a handgonne. Nothing fancy or high tech, a small cannon on a stick will suffice.
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Lord of Altera
If this is the end.

Id like Artesia to help Athryl with Silas.

Id like Artesia to get her soul back from Dranoden and her horns removed.

And then wedding with Rose? Reedie ?

Oh and for good measure Echelon 5 and a big fuck off Ultima spell
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He/Him, They/Them
Id like to have Byrne carry out Valiants will by breeding the strongest beasts of war, Dragons in blackrush. 136123616.png


Loyal Servant of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
I'd like Lerina to meet one of the divines. I've put in a lot of rp for half a year playing her as an unofficial messenger of the divine and now she declares herself openly as a god. I'd like it to be noticed either positively or negatively to a point where she has an interaction and is held accountable for her actions.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Eh, what the hell.
Myrddin to open a rift into a low-fantasy Altera where the gods, magic, titans and other higher beings have very minimal to no ability to reach. In some instance, a similar goal as Ashen Truth, if they could be intertwined in some way(and if person wants that too). Albeit Myrddin's goal is to leave everything behind.