Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

What Comes Next


Legend of Altera
Sad to see the server go but it was quite expected, - it was hardly sustainable
Irrespective, -- I need to do the typical lux longpost. . .
Brace yourselves


Internet is a place where people of all kinds of backgrounds, cultures, mindsets, come together, -
To interact, and to leave mark on this world, - which may either last for long, - or be lost to time
Some of it is beautiful, - some of it is, often, ugly
Behind the screen we often forget that those we interact with are fellow human beings,
Forgetting of respect and compassion that had been, and will be, - the pillars of this world
I encourage you to remember and live by this principle,
To never regress, - decide you to be well-connected to the web, - or be less so
One is for certain, - Internet is part of human lives, - as much as nuclear power, -
Which may be used for good or bad.

HW as an internet place had not been perfect,
For some it had been an unhealthy place of escapism,
For others - it was where they grew to understand and express themselves creatively
All we can hope, - that it had left good memories for the people and helped them find themselves

Bye HW, - thanks for those who helped to make mine


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I had an overall good time all things considered. And I'm glad we're allowed to receive schematics of our builds.
That's a nice gesture that would not have been done by some other people in other days, so regardless of circumstances I do appreciate that!

Having been detached from HW for a while, it's easier to look at this a bit more objectively and with less emotion/drama.
The conclusion I've reached; Though there were unnecessary shit times, there were also very good times, and for me when I look back the good times outweigh the bad.

So all the best, fellow internet nerds!


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
As an analogy, if HW was a creature, I think now is a good time to finally allow it to die.
Like they say in The Netherlands; Pulling a dead horse does you no good. (So everyone's better off by leaving it be (or perhaps burry it what do I know))
It sounds more negative than it did in my head. Hm.

What I mean is: When something (good or bad) ends, you can finally start looking back at it, which brings a level of peace that cannot be reached when it hasn't ended yet.


You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
Events Staff
In-Game Tech Staff
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
Server Owner
Shadow Owner
Lannis give someone access to the map and rights to lore if you're not willing to see this through yourself. There's a lot here who are still looking to rp for long and want to look past any conclusion.

Even if you don't, I guarantee somekind of similar iteration of HW will pop up, private or public.

The post here screams you're out of passion and just want to dip, I would commend making that smoother and just letting folks choose new management.
You're welcome to save whatever bits of lore you like. I'll have to think on the whole map itself, a lot of people have builds on it that I'd be speaking for by doing so.

I earnestly do hope other iterations of the server pop up; you're welcome to coordinate and organize in the community, and I'll try to help anyone that needs it with the technical setup. At this point, all I'd have to offer new HW management is a mess; there's not much money in the bank, they'd have to build up a staff team more or less from scratch, and they'd be inheriting a great deal of baggage that's built up over the years. Trust, the energy would be better spent on starting something fresh that is your own.

Edit: At this point I think we're here to grieve, I've trimmed a post that didn't fit the mood.
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Lord of Altera

I think that summarises my reaction to waking up to this news. It's been a bit of a cloud hanging over an otherwise good day. And, well. I'm no good at saying "goodbye", nor do I want to make any commentaries on the situations in recent days. And gods know that I am not as great with words as many who have already posted here...

So instead, I'll say this:

Thank you, Hollow World - both the community and staff. Thank you for putting up with me having me these past 3 years. Thank you for the most interesting Roleplay... no, that doesn't cut it. Thank you for the most interesting and fun co-operative storytelling I could ask for. Seriously, it's been a rollercoaster, but most of my memories are fond ones.

And thank you for all the friends I've made along the way as well. If you're reading this, you're a beautiful, creative person and I hope life blesses you with all you want from it. I would love to chat and hang around with y'all in future, and if anyone feels the same... I'm just a discord message away (timezone depending). (Edit: I say this mostly because I get too nervous messaging folks so please do feel free to message first!)

In the meantime, I'll raise a glass to the good times, quietly mourn this place with friends, and get some mileage out of this:

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Lord of Altera
I haven't been fairly active in the past year, I'd come on when people asked to RP or someone needed something smithed. Life had gotten in my way along with my own personal projects to the point I didn't have much time in my schedule to log in and rp as much as I once did. I always tried to keep up though, through the discord and lurking in the threads of the site on the offchance I'd have time to jump back into this world. When I heard that Hollowworld was coming to an end I couldn't help but feel sad to hear the news and read it for myself.

I joined Hollowworld back in 2016 and have been apart of the community for 8 years now and to say that I can simply walk away from this without giving it much thought would be a lie. As embarassing as it may be to say Hollowworld is a big part of my life, because of this Minecraft Server I now play DnD and DM a campaign for my group of friends, I've felt my creative writing has better and I created many fond memories of this place. Of course not all of it has been good, there's been many ups and downs of the server that can range from lore changes, in character actions or some other cause. Despite all the bad Hollowworld is a special place that I'll always remember and that is because of the community, Hollowworld is nothing if it weren't for the staff and the members who rped on it. I still remember my favourite arc being Archon's rising and how it all culminated into a battle with a piglin army in the end.

Together we all created a collaborative story, yes there were frustrations and yes there were moments where we were grew tired. At the end of the day we all came on and enjoyed our time, for every bad moment I remember something amazing that was a result of this server. I've made many friends and interacted with many people, I saw the end of the old map and the shift to the new. The creation of the Makani and Immortal Constructs. I got to see Silas, Rahas and Vermella all die in epic events filled with more people than I could keep track of. My favourite small player led campaign was from Spirit's Shadow Rider Arc. Every nation and empire was putting out a decree denouncing him and wishing for him to be caught and years later the Shadow Rider coming back in a staff lead event which I regret never getting to see in person.

All my rambling aside, Hollowworld is a community. Without all the people it'd just be a name and nothing more, we all created something wonderful and unique and as sad as I am to see it go. I will always look back on it fondly.

Since this will be my last chance to gloat about my achievements I shall. As of today I collected a total of 42770 Hollow crafting Iron ore, wrote 396 Haiku's from the perspective of Edger Kress and have 2,915,785.89 Radiants. I'll miss this server, if anyone ever wishes to talk feel free to message me and I'll try to respond as quickly as I can.

Take care everyone.


Lord of Altera
Well.. as the saying goes, all great things come to an end, however much it sucks to admit or face it. And even then when some will staunchly stand by the negative experiences they've had, it'll quickly be overshadowed by the warm sensation of nostalgia on fond memories, that'll eventually be the common feeling shared to the server, when people will be looking back on their time here. That was a bag of rambling I had NO reason nor right to open, so I'll quickly stuff it under my bed.

It was a ride. Bumpy, eastern european pothole littered one, but one nontheless. I could go on and on and on about the memories made, stories created and people met along the way, but others have already done that, much better than I could do it so, I'll stick to some vauge, voodoo-esq nonsense. It was a community story. Both reflected in our characters and interactions, we created something special, that lived on it's own, yet relied on our collective input. And, more than likely, in some way or form will continue to live on, I'm certain characters and stories had left marks in people that'll influence their creativity wherever may they take it. And that's a good thing. Don't be sad that it's coming to and end, rather be happy, that your input too had contributed to the story as a whole, that more than likely will resonate in the works and creations of others. bummterfry effrect

Sentimental things away, I dreadfully regret not working on some project sooner, so they could've become fully realized (muh italo cities aaaa), and not seeing proper ends to any of my characters really. But, to quote myself quoting someone much smarter than me.
'I have so much to say to you that I am afraid I shall tell you nothing.'

~ Scroll


Roleplay keeper
I officially faded from the server years ago, but it has shaped a large part of my childhood, from the age of 12 and onwards. Whether it had a good effect on me or now I can't say, but I still remember fondly the days of Queen Grief. It would be lovely to see the old builds and maps again.

Whatever happens, I only wish that everyone is doing well. Take care of yourselves!


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I picked a hell of a time to nostalgically lurk! Glad I caught it out the door.

Circa 2014, trying to make a magic system took us out too. :p

Props to you guys I recognize for keeping it rolling as long as you did. Time kinda moved on from this sort of thing.
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Events Staff
Very Sweet
It's very difficult to write anything here, I've thought about it each time I check the forums but couldn't really ever find the words.

I've been here for so, so long, been on and off staff more times than I can count, and been involved in countless stories with fantastic people and interesting characters. I've not only grown as an artist (that art thread has 162 pages!) but I'd like to think I've grown as a person too, from who I was when I first joined to now. The biggest and best part of HW to me has always been the community, I've gotten to know so many many people and I'd like to think I'll keep in touch with a good chunk of them for a long time yet.

Thank you, HW. It's been a real journey.

(I have an art discord, various socials, and normal discord obviously for those wanting to keep touch. Be well!)


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I found this place at a low point in my life. It gave me a lot of inspiration and motivation to keep going, and to grow as a person. It helped shape me as a person, for better or worse. Without it, I wouldn't have made so many fantastic memories and friendships. I met so many amazing people, a lot of whom I still talk to every day. It makes me smile to see that it has done the same for so many others. I know so many of you here are extremely creative people, and I hope future endeavors will flourish and bloom.

In the mean time, I've loved getting to see all of these old names and reading the conclusions of all of these characters.

Cheers, all.

Here is a dump of a bunch of old, wacky screenshots that still live on my computer. I have hundreds, if not thousands, saved because I was a screenshot fiend. Might start a thread for people to share their old screen grabs.
The Birth of the Makani and the Fall of Vata'inu

Archon in the Final Battle

When Baron_Aron and Readij used to do Santar and Christmas chaos

Telling stories around Thiil's campfire

No idea on this occasion, but it was amusing

My actual first day on server. I joined during a festival to Silas. Sallana and Silas both ended up appearing. Quite the introduction

The big fight with Skraag and Visage (if I remember right)


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
My actual first day on server. I joined during a festival to Silas. Sallana and Silas both ended up appearing. Quite the introduction
Even though I wasn't at this roleplay, this picture and your text somehow awoke a feeling I forgot about. It is the intense immersion and satisfaction of being in our shared exciting story. It feels disproportionately significant, like some real life important moment. I knew I felt fiercely about HW at some point, but I forgot how much these feelings/emotions exactly felt. Thank you for this!


We demons of our solemn hour

Should anyone wish to catch up: Discord is still just jeroxia.

Stay cute!
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Yū Yi
Really sad to see a massive chapter of what both was my childhood and expanding into myself turning into an adult. I have been a long gone character on here, but is is really nostalgic to see a lot of familiar names on this thread! It has really been an amazing experience being a part of this, and all the hardships and great times here has only helped me shape me into who I am!

If I had the option to do it all over, I gladly would!

Helping to shape Azerwind, Mockingbay, Twilight Falls - To name my closests crafts, but also all other narratives I have seen play out, has been amazing!

It has also been amazing connecting with all these people from all over the world, and see them grow over the years! Some of these relations turning into what I still would consider friends for life! And those I don't talk to anymore, I still remember and I still reminiscent sweetly, and continously will! :heart:

You done well, Hollowworld, you've done well! :heart:


Lord of Altera
11 Deaths, 9 Years, 1 Ginger. God damn.

Even though I made my peace with HollowWorld a while ago, when I heard the news I wanted to at least say my proper farewells. This server shaped me into the aspiring writer and roleplayer I am now. While I didn't always get along with everyone, I still wish everyone here the best in where they go and whatever they do.


Lord of Altera
Sad news. Although I don't do much RP I still find Hollowworld a place I can go to get away from the pressures of the real world and relax.
Just like Shalherana, we were here first and shall be here last.