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10 New Plants/Herbs (As requested).




This Daisy is mixed in with other Daisy's, and is commonly found in large groups of Daisy's.
It is a pretty flower that many put on display in Altera.

The reason it is called a Fire Daisy, is for it's fire-like color.

In Alchemy, the Fire Daisy has nothing to do with fire. In fact, alchemist can use the Fire Daisy to help them in potions requiring water.
Reason: in the Fire Daisy, it does not get much water for the summer. So, it collects the water over the winter, and stores it in it's root. Like a cactus.

Herbalists can use the Fire Daisy for two things.
The water inside the flower can be used to water other plants that need water. Because this flower does not need so much water, and yet, it collects it all greedily, people can squeeze the water out.
And the other thing, the flower itself can be used to be mixed in a Mortar.
Mixing this flower with the Glowing Rose make's a liquid that helps the Immune system in a body. So it can help if someone is ill.

In tradition, Fire Daisy's grow around Thraall in the summer.

Water twice a month.

2. Holy Leaf.

These leafs, in which grow on a rare few Birch trees, are special to Herbalists.
Inside these leafs, which people pass everyday without thinking twice, is a cure to poison.
Be it poison from an assassin's dagger, or a poison from a really rotten food source, it can all be cured if this leaf is crushed down and mixed into a bottle of water.
In which, does make the drink look like poison itself, having many green blobs floating around in your drink is not really nice, but it works without a doubt.

"And the assassin injected the poison into the child, making him near death...
...a great local herbalist passed, and acted quickly to the wounded child...
...he plucked a leaf from the white tree, and crushed it in his palm...
...and put it in a glass of water, and the child drank the green liquid...
...the child did not die that night"

The name was given by a Herbalist that saved many life's, using this very leaf.
He said it was 'holy' and 'the gods gift of second life'.

Other then the great cure for poison, it is just a normal leaf, that aids a birch tree to grow.
It withers and falls in the seasons.

Water whenever.

3. Loopy Mushrooms.

Loopy Mushrooms, found almost everywhere in the Willow wood, grow on fallen trees and grow by marsh's.
Like most wild mushrooms, you cannot pick up and eat it. You will die. It's poison.
There is no real reason why it is called a 'Loopy' mushroom. But they are common.

If one were to cook the Mushroom, it would kill the poison and taste really nice in a meal.
If one were to cover it in milk, that would also kill the poison away.
Another method is to put in boiling water.

Not only does it taste nice without the poison, but also, it makes a good fly trap.
Flies are attracted to the Mushroom.

Loopy mushrooms are hard to pick, for they grow and stick.
To pull them out, you need to be quite strong. Or get a dwarf to pull it out for you.
That helps.

Cooking the Mushrooms goes well in Mushroom soup.

To grow the Loopy Mushroom is complicated and cannot be done without being next to a marsh.
If you live in a marsh, simply re-plant the mushroom.
More mushrooms will appear overnight.

Do not water.

4. Blue Glowing Rose

Unlike there red cousins, the Blue Glowing Roses are unique and do not grow normally.
In fact, they don't grow at all.
In early life, they are simply Red Glowing Roses, like the common ones. But the Blue Glowing Roses are a second form of the Red ones.
If a normal glowing rose was to become a Blue glowing rose, it would have to be under a oak tree, and have a lot of water.
In the Winter, it will suddenly start to become blue, and it's roots, it's entire properties change.

Unique it is, Herbalist and Alchemist would die for the Blue Glowing Rose.
It does not glow as bright as a normal Red Glowing Rose, but it does not need love to glow.
It need's moonlight.
Swapping these two around confuses everyone.

Alchemist found out that, aside from being rare, the Blue Glowing Rose can cure a harsh burn.
If one was badly injured from fire, putting this rose on top of it, while glowing in the moonlight, will cure the burn.
Either by magic, or by the gods, no one knows.

The common amount collected a year, is three Blue Glowing Roses.
They are very rare.

In history, long before Valerion Humans, the Blue Glowing Rose was quite normal.
But, then Humans got smart, Dwarfs can out of holes, ect.
The Eco System of Altera was damaged from it's past, and the Blue Glowing Rose had to go under Oak trees to save itself. one knows how much in total. But it needs a lot. Water once a day.

(I got the idea for this from Crimson Nirnroots in Elder scrolls Skyrim. Nirnroots are rare and glowing. But then there is the Crimson Nirnroot. Even more rare!)

5. Grace Lilly

Among one of the most common Lilly's in Altera, is this flower.
The Grace Lilly was first used for Alchemy by a girl named Grace Yellowstone. The name 'Grace Lilly' stuck.

In Alchemy, the Grace Lilly can be used to create a potion for giving bones more strength.
Also, if mixed with Holy leaf, it creates a potion to cure many common diseases, instead of Poison.
And, if mixed with Pot White Rose, it creates a potion to avoid Corruption in a persons body.
The flower is well known for these three potions, but can also be mixed with many more.

You can grow the Grace Lilly anywhere. In a pond, in a marsh, in a river...
As long as you can pick it when it becomes a flower.

No need to water.

6. Pot White Roses

Among Flowers, Plants and Herbs, this one is the most strangest, and most needed in some cases.
This plant, although just a flower, is really important.

Like most plants, they adapt.
This one was a normal white rose, but then the corruption came.
It adapted to avoid being corrupted.

Most Alchemist and Herbalist can use this.
Simply by taking off the petals, and mashing up the petals, they have found a potion that can resist Corruption from taking over a body.
Unfortunately, it does not fully work.
It only can hold out for about an hour. Then the body needs another one of these potions, or it becomes corrupted.
More research in the plant is being done at the moment, seeing if this plant can CURE corruption.
So far, no one got that far.

In tradition, this is just a lovely flower that people pick and put on display in there homes.
Or place down by a grave of a loved one.

Water twice a week.

7. Brighter Bloom.

Don't let the name fool you.
This plant is illegal for a reason.
It is a drug. Like Tobacco, if you smoke this plant, you can become addicted, and may die for it.
But unlike Tobacco, this plant can mess with your head and make you think and see things that are not true, or not there.
Brighter Bloom users can be caught, and jailed.
Dealer, can be sentenced to death.

To grow these plants (In which, if your caught, you can be hung) you must heat them in a hidden and heated place. Heating them with red stone lamps are advised by Brighter Bloom criminals.

Alchemist have a cure for Brighter Bloom Users. By mixing Brighter Bloom flowers with the Grace Lilly, it creates a cure.
But sometimes, it does not work.

Water once a month.

8. Old Man's Crumble

Among the leafs of Altera, these leafs, that can grow on any tree, are truly amazing.
Even though the silly name, in which it was named because the man who first used them was old, and people made fun of him, the leaf itself is truly not real. And yet, it is.
By simply chewing on the leaf, you can feel very confident.
If you chew on this leaf, and you want to jump off a building, you will go do it.
Crazy, yet, the old man who first chewed on this leaf killed a dragon.

The leaf can grow on any tree. It commonly grows in the summer, when there is little water.
It seem's to grow mostly in the Northern Kingdoms.

Water once a year.

9. Elven Poison Mushrooms

The name was picked by a Dwarven Alchemist, for it's name.
It is so powerful of a poison, no potion known can cure it. Nor can you remove the poison substance from it.
For it's name, it is found around Elven cities, and also found in the Willow Wood.
There is nothing Alchemist can do with it, but poison.
This plant is used by assassins to Poison Mushroom soups.

Only one man lived through the Poison.
He describes the Mushroom like Brighter Bloom.
This man went insane, shortly after, for seeing people and five legged creatures.

Watching the plant, the Dwarven Alchemist says these Mushrooms take two years to grow, and drink a lot of water.
After these two years, the mushroom can hang around for around three-hundred years.
They would go on longer, but the Dwarven Alchemist died of age, and no one looked after the mushroom since.

Water once a day.

10. The Bitter

What else puts the Bitter in Black Sheep Bitter Ale?

Grown by Dwarves also, the hops that create Black Sheep Bitter are very rare.
In fact, the only place in the world you will find these Hops, are on Dwarven farms!
Black Sheep Bitter needs these hops. Or, there's no Ale!

Also, these hops, although used for very strong ale, can also be used by Herbalist.
Mix this with the holy leaf, and you have a potion that improves your eyesight.
And if you mix The Bitter with Brighter Bloom, you have a drink that is a drug.

We can't tell you the recipe for Black Sheep Bitter Reserve.

Water three times a week.

(Right, well that took me three hours. Considering I was going back and forth through webpages and trying to find ideas.
Hope you like it xD
A bit crazy, but hey...Altera is crazy)


I should make a RP mission for you personally, Cami.
It's been my work for years to suggest and create plants and there properties!


In MC, no. I ain't a herbalist. Because Gromm is...well...not much of a flower fan, you can imagine.

In real life, I am a writer, and love Fantasy.
Currently, I'm planning a saga of books, with many mythical things in a land.
Werewolves, gods, and a large army of people who want to control the world. In which a pe---
I won't tell you anymore until I write it xD
But, yes, more then likely I will add something. I will be adding the Glowing Roses.
Glowing Roses have been with me all my life, in real.
I love them :)
Yet, Blue Glowing roses, I just made up. And I like it!


Ermergerd. My character is a herbalist and this is AMAZING! Can I use it for RP purposes?
This whole thread is only used for RP purposes, friend!
What you want to do with these plants, is up to you and your imagination!



Fire Daisys and Grace lillys make good flowers as a gift, or a nice decoration.


Lord of Altera

Fire Daisys and Grace lillys make good flowers as a gift, or a nice decoration.
Ya get it. So if im thinking right its all about thoughts and words that you use in rp. not visual things, cuz you wouldnt get these pretty things in minecraft :D


No, your right, we (unfortunatly) can't.
Words and stuff is great.

"The pen be mightier then the sword" -William shakespear


Lord of Altera
You know if server would use mods i would try to make mod for this mate. :D But RP wouldnt feal as much as rp with mods :/ could you imagine. Taking a knife on crafting table, slicing some fire daisy roots for stew of some sort :D


That's exactly what I'm trying to make you imagine :D

You got it! RP is like writing a book, my friend.
You need to imagine, and write, but write it in a way that others can imagine too.


Lord of Altera
Awww. Okey now i got it for real :D But you know.. I was sirious with mod.. :cool: You think they would add mods of this style? (btw if needed ill delete this post for not going out of topic)


Hollowworld won't accept much mods, like this, sadly.

Freya, brighter bloom is like canabis :3
caught growing it, you'd be arrested!