Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

A proper story - The planning stages.


King ForumStalker
Following on from this:

I have decided to write a medieval/fantasy novel of sorts, and i'm inviting every single player in Hollowworld to be a part of it!

This story will:

  • NOT be based in Altera, but in a seperate realm with different names, continents and such.
  • Include characters from Hollowworld
  • Medieval/Fantasy adventure novel
  • Written by me
  • Will be, hopefully, a full length story.
  • Will be posted here only when it is finished.
If you wish to be included, post your character profile form* in this thread, and add this to the bottom:

Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc):
Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences:
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences:
Explain any other key features of your character:

* This is the form that describes your character. You may include a BRIEF backstory but no more than 10 lines please.

** Please note that you may not get the part for your character that you choose, but if the option arises I will try to put your character where you want them. Try to diversify, I dont want 50 heroes!

List of Users, characters and roles:

Troublekelp - Corvus Dedamus - Hero
Blargtheawesome - Mori Saeradan - To be added
NinjaTangerine - Hrothgar SharpPick - Hero
Matyio - Xenai Yaoi - Hero
Geo_08 - King Geo - Key character
Jakp25 - Jak - To be added
Asirel Luik - Azsoai the Demon - Villain
Conmaster13 - Krimil Thorinsson - To be added
JstarGames - Kuthian Hawklight - Key Character

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera

Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc): Key Character (A person who travels with the hero maybe, or a lesser villian. Maybe he would lead a small band of misfits and rogues that come into conflict with the main hero, but unite to serve their greater interest.)

Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences: Tall, fit, built like a gymnast. Wears a long black cloak, black leather armor and a cross between a witches hat and a hood. Has a scar over one of his eyes, which are silver, and he has unkept black hair. Constantly plays with a deck of cards and usually has a sardonic half-grin on his face.

Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: Extremely clever, somewhat greedy, and a habitual boaster. Loves playing cards and is very good at it. Has a deep fear of all things supernatural, escpecially demons. Messes around with the ladies some, and considers himself a handsome/attractive man. He has a heroic streak though when something he loves is threatened.

Explain any other key features of your character: He fights with a pair of special knives called khukuri knives, and likes to eat gumbo and drink bourbon.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Who I want to be: I'd probably be willing to join the adventure just for the sake of joining an adventure and if they refused, I would likely follow them to where they were going to A: Steal whatever there trying to get first. Or B: attempt to show them that I would be an asset to there team... So either a Hero or a Villain.
Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences: If sitting around Tauredal, tends to wear his deep red and dark purple Noble's robe. When travelling preffers his leather travelling gear with, with a hood and a bit of spare Mead if he can't find an inn. If he's involved in a duel, will wear his iron chainmale over a padded shirt over a simple red shirt. When travelling through a jungle, will either not wear a shirt or a simple tunic and swing through the vines or run across the tops of the trees. If doing some form of work or labor, wears simple workers clothing.
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: Can get frustrated with other people easily. Enjoys a challenge, and the rewards of completing one. Enjoys discovering something new immensely. Afraid of things that are poisonous especcial spiders, sometimes refusing to step on one if its large.
Explain any other key features of your character: My character takes pride in his ability to talk people out of doing things and also being able to talk them into doing things. Has an average knowledge of combat with a sword, slightly better with a bow but every form of combat he does not know or has forgotten it. A bit of a scholar, he enjoys learning and memorizing things he finds interesting. Is aware and a bit afraid of Magic. Freerunning, be it across rooftops or through the jungle, is his favorite thing to do even more then drinking and is one of the best at doing it. Does not have pointy ears, so people who would discriminate him for being an Elf or Halfblood will just assume he's a Human. Fluent in seven different languages, spoken by fourteen different ethnic groups.
EDIT: Forgot to add something, its there now.

Hope I didn't write to much :\


Lord of Altera
RP Story: Click here!

Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc):
You can decide, I don't mind, as long as I'm in it :) But either a hero companion or the likes, I don't mind.

Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences:
A muscular, and tall (for a Dwarven) warrior, only reaching 4'2", wears his Dwarven star armour, he carries his Dwarven Pick (Cerebrum Ruina). His hair is tucked into his helmet, however his beard ,of average length and plaited, adopts a dark brown, auburn colour. Albeit being shorter than a lot of his enemies, he is a mighty fine warrior, and can defend himself when need be. And, although being a Dwarf he carries his natural weight, which some might mock, he can still move quickly.
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences:
Hrothgar is usually a kind, but firm, character, and he is always willing to help one in need of help. However, he can be a bit quick-tempered, and is known to easily start a pub brawl. He is a brave, courageous warrior, and one not to be messed with. He treats his allies with respect, and cares for everyone of his people, and will defend them with his life. When it comes to Elves, however, his personality changes, because of what happened to his parents, and has always held the traditional dwarven grudge against them.

Explain any other key features of your character:
Some weaknesses: Hrothgar has few weaknesses. Being a mortal Dwarf, his capabilities in battle are what has kept him alive. However, Hrothgar is unable to swim, as his parents never had the time to teach him, and so whenever he is close to water he gets rather tense and upset. However, in addition to this, his height lacks advantage.
And the fact that.....He's a DWARF!


The original mute
(this was posted on iPad)
Character description:
Is slightly taller than the average human at 5ft 11". Has dark blue eyes. Wears a blue robe that also has gold thread framing slightly darker blues within.
Character personality:
Doesn't really care what people think of him as long as they like his music. Is very protective over one particular instrument, his eytwhal (you may rename if you want).
Key features:
He is a mute, can't talk, ever. Loves to play music, and because of his instrument can make people feel different occaisionly. His instrument can provide sounds for him (e.g. Laughter, crying), it's is also bound to him, so when he is sad will sometimes play a sad tune by itself. If he gets injured badly, his instrument will "scream" quite loudly depending on the severity.


The Ghost of Altera
In regards to what i'd like to be you are free to do as you please.

Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences: A figure, almost invisible in the darkness and when one looks at him they can see though him. His beard looks tangled and messy, his hair alike it too. He looks old, tired, worn out. He wears robes, royal robes, as if to suggest something in the past which is long forgotten by him and his fellow citizens. His most notable feature is the floating, simply a few inches above the ground.

Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: In the past King Geo was arrogant and did not like to do anything he didn't have to. However recently he has come round and changed his attitude towards others. He feels he must help everybody he can to settle his debts in the world before he moves 'on' His personality now reflects that of the dwarves as he has lived there a while, bold and entertaining however he knows whom he is loyal to.

Explain any other key features of your character: Along his time King Geo has learnt many magics and can do most of them. He's 'studied' in bane and in uthrandir in years gone by. King Geo has also never felt love, he often gets jealous of those who are happy together, many years ago he would have acted on this but now he sees that everybody is different, everybody is unique and everybody deserves a choice. Most obvious of all he's a ghost

(the choice comes up alot in my characters' speeches. Basically giving the person in question a choice to improve their ways and if they do they get 'off the hook' if not they will suffer the consequences)


Magus of Nothing

Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc):
A passing acquaintance

Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences: Quite short and has bright green eyes. Wears a green tunic sort of thing and has pale skin. Has pointed ears that stick out from his long blonde hair. Does not wear shoes and so normally has muddy feet. Has callused hands from pulling up crops all day.

Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: Kind, but can be confused by human behavior. Doesn't always understand the situations he's in. Is very protective of his crops and likes to talk to trees. If he has food he will always be willing to share.

Explain any other key features of your character: He can shape shift. Is a farmer. If you want read my characters backstory.. its kind of long but if you read the first section you'll get the idea.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
Part you would like your character to play:
A villain would be really cool! :D

Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences:
Her long dark hair comes just past her shoulders and seems to flip under at the tips. She leaves her hair down to let it sway, but she does tend to slip the pieces of hair at her face behind her ears. The middles of her eyes are deep red, fading out into flakes of orange and yellow. The pupils, however, seem to reflect the Void if stared at long enough. Her skin is tinted red with scars running along her body. She usually is successful with hiding them under her armor, as most of them appear along her arms and legs.

Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences:
Around some people she's happy, and actually responds in an almost normal fashion, but those people are few and far between. When she's around most people, she's detached from her emotions and mostly responds with sentences like 'Is there a reason you're doing that?' or 'You really are a special one, aren't you?' Most things simply don't make sense to her now.

Explain any other key features of your character:
She was changed into what she is now, but is slowly forgetting the true warmth of being loved, or loving someone. She's slowly going into her own little world mentally.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Bah, my character changes to much for me to write it on here... Let it be known that the Mori in this story, is a different Mori then current Mori.


Lord of Altera
Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character, Villain, Small character etc):
I don't mind what you put me as but it would be nice to be a Key Character but I don't mind.
Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences:
My character is a stumpy Dwarf, with brown eyes and dark brown hair, wears an eye path over his right eye and always carry's his pick with him, he also has a long split beard going down half his chest.
Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences:
He usually doesn't talk much and hates Elves, he likes to drink strong beer, he is loyal to fellow Dwarves and will do almost anything for friends.
Explain any other key features of your character:
He is a miner, always carry's his pick and wears and eye path over his right eye. (other than that I can't think of anything else)

(if you need anything else just ask, also don't know if you need it lol but his name is Krimil Thorinsson.)


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Part you would like your character to play **(Hero, Key character*, Villain, Small character etc): Key character

Explain your character's appearance in 5 sentences: My character is a tall, athletically built Elf with deep brown eyes he ways a green Shirt covered in Chain mail which he wears at all times with a Gold piece in the middle. He wear's on the bottom half green pants with boots and finger-less brown gloves made of Dragon hide, (Just check my sig?)

Explain your character's personality in 5 sentences: Kuthian is a kind and gentle Elf who does not love violence that much and rarely drinks Mead, he tries to help others out as best he can and has been called by many a Teacher. However people who Deal with Dark Magic make Kuthian feel angry, this is one of he few things that can.

Explain any other key features of your character: He is Courted to someone so no Love stories here and he is slowly growing a split personality

I am going to write my Rp Story when I do the link will be here: