Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A question [Resolved]

Robin Hood

Lord of Altera
How do I get special building permissions to build a road connecting 2 towns. It requires you going through the wild where I can not build. It's for my town I'm starting soon and I was hoping to make the road/bridge so I could focus on the town when I get it up.

Robin Hood

Lord of Altera
Yes. I think if you get your town a boat we could just have a road to it and a bridge going over the water. Also, would the materials be provided for the road?

Robin Hood

Lord of Altera
I only need a fee thousand more rad and i will be able to start it. I have the area cleared out and even figured out what my mor will be like and where it will be. I'm having trouble getting more money though...


Grand Lizard
I don't think we need a road, i have a secret project i have been working on. Let me PM you.