Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A_Broken_Man Application [Declined - Itzzaboy]

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Name: Brodyripper

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Country: Australia

I have read and I agree with the survival guide and Tome of Citizenship

Charactor Back Story: He was a Firce Worrior in the land of the Temujai. He was well respected Bye his King. He was at the battle of Crican When it happened. They were fighting on the beach. The battle looked to be in there favour. But then out of no where the ground shook. the next minute he was Face to face with a huge wave. Next thing he knew. He was In the Grove Of Shalherana........

Indroducing myself: I love to play minecraft almost as much as i love to eat. I love to play waterpolo and soccar. I love any food that is spicy. I am a funny person and i am a great team player. I love all medieval styled things and games. I am Respectful to my supiriors. I love to have fun and i Will fight for a cause if it is worthy.

I am aware of black magic and if i see or hear of anyone using These evil things i will report them imediatly.
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