Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Adventuring Into The Unknown!


Lord of Altera
"Azerath and Dekor have gone missing..."
"Do you think there is any link between them? I mean... I heard someone talking to Dekor in Kimiki Grove, but when I looked around, he was by himself."
"Maybe it's just one of Azerath's crazy, outrageous, no-good schemes!"
"Yes... That... or he has left altogether..."
"This doesn't look good, my friend... Not good at all."
"You're right, maybe we should follow him, every chance we get... We'll at-least find out some information."
"Alright. Let's get going!"
In my journey to the lands beyond Altera, I will record my findings in this journal. -A.A.

Friday, May 25th-
"Today was very tiring, I hunted the wild game in the pine-forests, and mined the cavernous underground, collecting materials and sustenance, for the adventure that will take me to new lands!" -A.A.

~ End of Entry 1~


This could lead to amazing discoveries. Please let me know of any interesting finds and I will fund you in your quest!