Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

again for it [Declined - Bellonthewise]

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Grand Lizard
Frankie, dont use the word we. It suggests you are part of the admin team, Use they instead. Concerning your applications, you dont need to keep making new ones, it spams up the forums. Use the edit button at the bottom of your posts instead. By "add ore to question 8" 8 scentenses is bare minimun but that does not mean you will get accepted even then. We want to see you put effort into your applications. Looking at yours this is not the case. I suggest your application be better next time if you wish to be accepted.

Bellon the Wise

Survivor of Five Rivers
Frankie, I appreciate what you are trying to do. You have been very helpful and I really appreciate it. I personally don't have a problem with you using 'we' because all members on this server are part of the Hollow community and the reason we do white list applications is to keep the quality of the server high for you guys.

That being said, Sir, night of whiterun (nice name by the way) There is no way we can accept this application.

I'm sorry but I don't know if this server is for you. I'm get the feelings from your applications that you are impatient and rush into things... since you haven't taken the time to simply sit down an write a well thought-out or succinct application.

Everything is wrong... from the very name of the application. If you want any chance, please take the time to read through some approved profiles.

PS. Even if I wanted to approve you there is no Minecraft account name? You are making it impossible for yourself.
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