Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Agamemnon [Declined - Sally]

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agree1.My minecraft name is Sup3rSpagh3tti
2. I am 12 years of age
3. I am a Male Human
4. I live in Massachusets

5a. I agree to the survival guide
5b. I agree to the Tome of Citizenship and the Everything you need to know page
6. I, Agamemnon, will crush all who oppose me, I with my vast knowledge of making towering monuments, will construct a kingdom fit for a god! I, Agamemnon will live in a world without what the younger kids have come to call noobs.

7. My name in real life is Cameron, i do fencing and like spaghetti.My brother owns a server called evania.
8. My brother owns a minecraft server named evania, which me and my friend play on.

9. I usually have my name as Sup3rSpagh3tti so if i make a mistake and name my character that, sorry,i just like spaghetti.

10. I am now aware but i do not know of these mods and i will not use them

11. I obtained maximum boredom and seeked out a cool midieval game in minecraft

12. i have not oted but i will soon
If this is what you mean by a whitelist application
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