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All my stuff vanished from inventory


I think I might like it here
Dear Staff,
I died, and when I re-spawned all my stuff had vanished.
I still have all my enderchest contents, but worked hard collecting all the other stuff.
Can anyone help me get it back?
most important was my magic bow, 64 slimes - 4 sticky pistons
otherstuff that I need to think about but the above were the most important.


Lord of Altera
Should I just put my input here as an ex server developer, we had this problem occuring if players took too long to hit the 'respawn' button after being killed. That resulted item losses as such after afk kills.

The only way to legitimately return the items by staff was by taking a look at the exact moment in the server's console, as it momentarily showed up the inventory's contents. The console gets, of course, clustered up over longer time periods, so by now I would assume that the item list would be fairly hard to find.

But be wary, this is just a player's view on it, perhaps the staff here can still come up with a solution.
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I think I might like it here
ok thanks for the explanation. I will never do that again. If it is hard to see what I had, and I understand no proof can be given, if I could just get back 64 slimes, a magic bow of some sort with a bunch of arrows, my Bow had about 3 magic abilities on it.. and say 40 iron bars I will manage.
(I can then just remake armor and my iron weapons)


Lord of Altera
Woops- I was going to comment here and got distracted, thankee for the tag~

Unfortunately, as GreenHarmony says, this is a bug/problem when players don't respawn fast enough or- in some cases, logout instead of respawning. Since we don't have any proof of your items, we can't replace them, I'm sorry..