Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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All towns please read!


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
If you havnt read this, please do!

If you want your town to have a more active roleplay experience(and i mean cmon who doesnt) and also deeper interactions with both the crown and other towns, then pick a delegate to send to the council and have them apply here.

Why you say?
For one, it will give your town a greater oppurtunity to interact with the kingship, and with the upcoming implementation of armies, the council will be the place to declare war and forge alliances.

Is your town full of beautiful buildings, nice people and lots of rp, but you havnt got the money to expand? Make an appeal to the kings in the council via your delegate, and if we see fit we may grant you some money to help you along.
Has someone wronged you? Take them to trial and have a jury decide their punishment in the Council!
Is there a pressing matter of state you need to bring to the kings attention? Tell us in the Council!

Has Queen Grief broken through to our realm in your town? Appeal to the council to take action against her!

Essentially, being an active part of the council gives you more options as a town, both in war and in peace, and even the possibility of some financial aid. Mostly however, its great RP!

It would be foolish not to get involved!