Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alphaknight77 - Application - [Declined - Mikipowah]

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1. My minecraft username is Alphaknight77 its name is chosen after the Greek letter alpha meaning first as if my character is the first or leading knight in a order.
2. My age is 13 years old. I know I'm at an " not mature" age but for my age I am mature I am a person who is by there parents made to work for what they have and not taken for granted which has given me a mature attitude.
3. I am Male.
4. I live in the U.S.A..
5. I have honestly read the Survival Guide and the ToC.
6. My character is a character that has been through deaths of loved ones and has had to sacrifice them for the well being of other he has felt pain and still does and is driven forward and motivated by a promise he made to his wife before she died of the black plague in Europe. He has a dark personality and is antisocial but inside feels deep emotional stress.
7. I have always been into videogames. I don't like any videogames as shown with minecraft I dont care about graphics if a game shows potential. im not so antisocal as I am social. I like cars, RPGs, and I am a fan of the gameseries The Legend of Zelda. I am a person who likes a challange, and a bit of a perfectionist.
8. I don't have any photos. I am making a staute of liberty in minecraft but all i have is a foundation so its not impressive
9. If im not approved i would like to know why because if im not i will be aplying of other servers
10. I am aware of the use of black magic beening illeagal sense I have read the ToC.
11. I found out about this server from looking at a server list
12. Not right now but i will if i get approved
Alpha, add the questions for the app and make Q6 longer and Q7 should be more about yourself, not games and you miss 1-2 sentences :) You better edit it before you get declined :p


Thick Skulled Spaniard
Declined -

I'm sorry but I don't think this server is for you. I get the feeling from your application that you are impatient and rush into things, since you haven't taken the time to simply sit down and write a well thought-out or succinct application.
Please try again filling properly the questions from the whitelist application template, and copy the questions aswell.
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