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Alterans & Cities census


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Hi everyone!

I've been thinking about that lately, that is some sort of census about who lives in what cities RP wise, for multiple purpose:
- recensing towns mayors somewhere in game (centralized in-game place for new players to know who to contact when looking for a city ?)
- knowing which cities are populated, and how many people lives there
- knowing where to find a certain person with alphabetical archives
- and so on...

Now, this isn't an idea to promote a "yeah my city is better than yours" feeling, but more to help new people to see what towns are active / arent when choosing for a city to RP in, knowing who lives where, that kind of things...

I was thinking of having a "census office" in the Port Silver city hall (the one right to the courthouse, dont know exactly what denomination it have :)) with books to regroup all these information ?...

That could be seen like some kind of "King's Census", to know where its loyal subjects (or less loyal ones :D) lives and work...?