Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Amazingg - Application. [Declined - Sally]


Hello, Hollowworld, my minecraft username is: Amazingg
I am a 15 year old male from the United Kingdom (England).​
I agree with your Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page and if asked i will quote a small section on either one. I have read through both and i am fully aware that i need to have a mature attitude, have a sense of humour and approach other players with generosity. I have played on many Role Playing servers in the past and have enjoyed them, but after a while the servers that i had come to play on got boring and therefor i left. I enjoy teaming up with other players, leading groups and helping new-comers. If asked to preform a small task for any player i will try my best to complete it (If i am free at the time of course) I do not tolerate griefing at all and i would enjoy a new Role Playing server to call my home. I am very aware of your lore and will not break it, i am not a fan of X-Ray or any other type of Minecraft client that alters the game (besides texture packs). My real name is James, i enjoy outdoor sports such as Football and Tennis, and occasionally play on my Xbox. I am dedicated to what i do so if accepted i will dedicate some time to Hollowworlds a day. Of course i do play online with some friends i actually know in person, but i am always open to meet new people and help. I can speak English, a little Spanish and a little German and some French. Sadly i do not have any pictures of videos of my work besides a small video, if you would like to see it message me. I own my own 4 slot server and i am an ex-admin on 3 different servers, and have never been banned of a server! Like i previously mentioned i do not use any clients/mods/cheats because it ruins the point of Minecraft. I found out about Hollowworlds via a server list whilst looking up RPG servers. Thankyou for reading - Amazingg​

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Fill this out in the correct format, or this will be declined the second a mod/admin looks at it

Not even reading the "guide to creating your whitelist application" shows me you are incredibly lazy and don't deserve to join the server, it also shows me the likely-hood of you reading either the ToC or the survival guide to literally zero percent, I say even if you fix this and make it correct and perfect, you should be declined.