Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Amros' Character Profile


Name: Amros
Age: 85
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Height: 8 feet
Weight: 7 stone
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Pink/White
Identifying Marks: Blonde hair with blue and yellow armour
Appearance: Medium height, quite strong
Strengths: Bow & Arrow, potion making
Weaknesses and fears: Dark magic
Religion and cults: Harateth
Profession: Potion maker, Farmer (sometimes) and soon asking Bellon the archwizard if he could teach me magic

I'll give link to story in a few days!


I was born in a long lost elven city, im not sure of the name because when i was a young child invaders came and destroyed my city. My parents sent me away to my auntie and all she told me that my mum had died, but fortunatly my dad moved to a town called Harathendal.

I spent years trying to find the location of this great town, i spent years trying to look for clues to the great town, i even spent years wandering through the forests trying to find someone to see if they knew where it was. I finaly came to the city of Uthrandir, i looked at the city standing before me, i couldnt beleive me eyes, while i was standing there i remembered what i came to do. I asked everyone in the town if they know where the town called Harathendal was, they all said no. I came to the house of bellon the archwizard, i went in and saw a man sitting down reading a book at his desk, i knocked on his door and said "hello?", he turned round and asked who i was, "my name is Amros" i said "i have come to look for a town called Harathendal, do you know where the this town is?"
"yes i do" he replied "why do you want to know?" he asked
"im in search of my father, my auntie told me that he moved to Harathendal" i replied
"ok, ill take you too the boat".

I followed him as we went through the passages leading to the boat. Finaly we came to this small looking boat,
"Is this it?"
"yes, i hope you find your father"
"thank you Sir bellon" i climbed onto the small boat and off i went to Harathendal.

I came close to this wonderful town and i saw a shady figure, the figure had midnight black hair, brown leathery clothes and a smile on his face, i realised he was an elf, as i came closer he spoke to me "welcome to Harathendal"
"how did you know i was coming?"
"My friend Bellon told me, i beleive you have met him"
"yes he was the man that brought me to the boat"
"yes, i heard you are looking for your dad"
"yes his name is Falimur silverhand, do you know him?"
"Umm yes i do"
"but im afraid you cant see him"
"Why not?"
"follow me" i followed the man to a strange place
"yes he is over there" i carefuly walked over to where he pointed, there was a sign saying,
Here lies Falimur Silverhand, Swordsinger to Harathendal.
"I realised in devastation what the man meant about you cant see him, he was dead.
"im sorry that he died, he was a great man"
"I only knew him for 23 years" i walked out and the man followed me
"Could i stay here?"
"Yes of course, but why?"
"i want to carry on my fathers spirit"
I walked away to pick my chamber
"whats your name?"
"my name is Amros, yours?"

"shoo, im the mayor of this town, if you need anything just ask"
"thank you" and off i went to pick my chamber and carry on my fathers spirit.