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An Adventure in the making

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
So, I have decided (with Itzzaboys blessing) to create a RP story resembling his "Secret of the Seven Stones", which for those of you who don't know was a RP story not set in Altera but featuring Alteran characters. I plan to write a deeply immersive and long running tale including any character from Altera who wants to join in on the, on to the cool stuff!

Any one who will allow their RP character to be written into this epic needs to post the following info:

RP Name:
Physical description:
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral):
What part you would like them to play:
Anything else I would need to know that is important:

These are the parts that need to be filled (Once they are filled, I'll start the story and add on others) Sign on now before all spots are gone!

Hero 1: Corvus Dedamus
Hero 2: Arcone Saeradan
Hero 3:Naois Luis
Hero 4: Seth Jenkins
Hero 5: Jonathon Gryphon
Hero 6: Basil Brush
Villain 1: Adilah Highelven
Villain 2: Markus Groothart
Villain 3: Grafiti Illa
Small part 1: Robin
Small part 2: Anders
Small part 3: Nubert
Small part 4: Krimil Thorinsson
Small part 5: Bane Argon

Bewpy's special part: Nimue Eris Oceana
Itzzaboys part: Nimue's brother


Loyal Servant of Altera
~nimue eris oceana
~strawberry blonde hair, teal eyes, beautiful and graceful, has a pink mermaid tail.
~vain and narcisisstic, she only wants to cause chaos for land dwellers, but lately has been showing a softer side
~neutral evil. does things for herself, not really a good or evil purpose.
~any part. probably a villain or small part.


Lord of Altera
RP Name:Arcone Saeradan(Your cousin)
Physical description: Not strong. Bows&Daggers&Magic, oh my.
Personality:I'm your cousin, you should know T_T, buuut... He's a bit...depressed, and sarcastic, at times, when he gets a bit upset, but mostly, he's been happy...not too happy, but happy. Neutral happiness.
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral):...Guess...No?...Good!
What part you would like them to play:Heros!
Anything else I would need to know that is important:I'm your cousin.


Admin au Naturale
RP Name: Wandering Robin
Physical description: Old
Personality: Wise
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): Neutral
What part you would like them to play: Small part of a wise old man
Anything else I would need to know that is important: Take me to the pub!


Settling in Altera
RP Name: Naois Lues
Physical description: An Earthspawn with gray skin, dark eyes and half of his right ear has been cut off.
Personality: Kind and forgetful.
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): Good.
What part you would like them to play: Hero
Anything else I would need to know that is important: he like making potions but due to his forgetfulness he may give someone the wrong potion i.e a poison to some one he needs to heal and really hates spiders


Lord of Altera
RP Name:Seth_Jenkins
Physical description: A Dwarf who is:Short, Burly, Strong, Long partly scruffy beard, Light Brown Hair, A Scar across his left eye and a quizical look to his eyes
He is tall for a dwarf and tends to sport his ice-like battleaxe on his back, his Blade 'Thorna' in a black sheath as well as a pipe on his belt with a couple of flagons.
Personality:Easy to anger, Merry, Thinks-through-things, Jokey, Charges in Headstrong. Peculiar for a dwarf as he will embrace ideas and shows only a marginal dislike to elves. Seeks knowledge endlessly.
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): Good
What part you would like them to play:Hero
Anything else I would need to know that is important: I always carry plenty of Flagons of Ale on me which is normally Black Sheep Bitter or Black Mountain Ale, he also can have severe mental problems if reminded of the murder of his friend Jack, working himself into a pure, deadly rage or decending into madness with multiple personalities going on. He tends to sing thus whenever asked to sing round a campfire etc. He denys that he is ever drunk, saying the drink clears his mind; however he does get drunk, but takes longer and many more drinks than most. He also can do some partial magic, but he is only an apprentice


Lord of Altera
RP Name: Markus Groothart
Physical description: Average human, Caucasian, black hair, blue eyes, black beard and moustache. No particular scars.
Personality: Slightly bloodcrazed, though usually able to control himself, laughs at peoples' faces and insults them if he feels they deserve that. Tends to try and manipulate people, but isn't afraid of the bloody way of convincing either.
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): Evil, lawful evil when he sees no blood, chaotic when he starts hitting things, so Neutral evil on average :p
What part you would like them to play: Villain or small part.
Anything else I would need to know that is important: I will lie whenever it gives me profit. I hate kittens.


RP Name: Nubert the pale
Physical description: Neatly trimmed hazelnut hair, deep dark blue eyes, very pale complexion, age 45 but a 30ish look.
Personality: Dreamer, aloof at times, well manered, educated, chivalric, valorous, empathic at suffering, randomly generous, inner sadness
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): Neutral good
What part you would like them to play: Small part
Anything else I would need to know that is important: My speech and manners in RP tend to lean toward the chivalric side of my personality, i am a knight-errant and a pilgrim of Bilworth and Korigon


I think I might like it here
RP Name: Adilah HighElven
Physical description: Tall pale long blonde hair souless blue eyes
Personality: Cocky and witty
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): evil
What part you would like them to play: Villain 1
Anything else I would need to know that is important: I want my Rp carchter to be like the smart cocky evil guy! :D


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
RP Name: Basil Brush Saeradan... He introduces himself as: "Basil Brush Saeradan, Master of the Royal Dungeons, and several other titles."

Physical description: Slim, very tall, with red eyes... That, when he is angered, seem to pierce into the person he is glaring at, bringing up their most hated and forgotten fears. He seems calm, and focused, until he opens his mouth, he speaks with a very slight accent. (Saying blooded instead of bloody, and also pronouncing some words differently from the North norm.) Black hair, and a full beard. Round ears. His favorite form of clothing is a black robe with red trim.

Personality: Neutral. If he enjoys your company, he will be a loyal friend. Though, still calling you a "blooded arse'd fool" on occasion. He hides most of his emotions under a thick skin of anger, though when he is greatly upset, it is rather easy to get him to sob like a child. He is very, very, easily angered. And always gets unreasonably at any mild annoyance, unless he's speaking with one of his most beloved friends. He is very easily bored, and will do most anything to get him out of his boredom. Often starting fights for fun, and watching to see which of his victims win.

Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): Neutral.

What part you would like them to play: Hero, of course. But it's your choice, Corvus.

Anything else I would need to know that is important: He gets very drunk when he's nervous, and always. Always, always, always, wears his ring on his right hand's ring-finger. Only taking it off when he is nervous, and that is to twirl it around in his hand, or clench it in his fist. He takes an interesting approach to combat... He will do whatever he can to get an advantage on his victim, then begins harming the most sensitive parts of their body. Breaking ribs, fingers, arms. Then, after he has heard enough of their screams, leaves them to die. If he can, and oh Nether he is very able to do so, he will trick or convince the people around him to fight his victims for him... He only truly cares for his few friends, and his fiance. He would happily sacrifice his companions to ensure their survival. He is a Dungeon master... Well-versed in the art of torture, and knows very well the secrets to make somone beg for mercy, even without his many tools. His favorite curses are Blooded arse, arse, damn, and Nether.

If you have an questions, please, please ask away. I simply love giving rants about my characters. :p


Legend of Altera
RP Name: Gratifi Illa
Physical description: Caucasion, tan, dark coconut brown eyes and brown, long, scraggly hair and beard, wears red clothing and an amulet of Kilrox.
Personality: A drunkard that would change sides for fun, and loves deceiving people into befriending him or coming inside and then ending their lives with a little homemade trap. Always cares about the gold more than the person delivering it,as long as it's a decent amount. He would gladly stick his head into someones house, take a little look at what they're doing, and then stab them in the back.
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): Evil
What part you would like them to play: Villain number 3!!! everyone else that is evil wants small parts,i am not gonna go that way.
Anything else I would need to know that is important: He can go slightly insane at random times, and cares more about his success than others, and if he would gain something small and another person would in turn lose something valued to them, he would make them lose it, then probably hurt or kill them. He also finds it fun to cause distress or pain onto anyone for no reason, including friends.


Lord of Altera
RP Name: Anders
Physical description: Young man, Caucasian, Brown hair, Hazel eyes, Generally wears a military uniform (similar to one you might have seen during the civil war)
Personality: Reclusive, enjoys quiet and silence, manages to sneak places. Has many connections.
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): Neutral
What part you would like them to play:Anything but a villain.
Anything else I would need to know that is important: Owns a large collection of stuffed birds, and has a large library. Lives in a lighthouse.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Updated! I'll begin writing tonight. Thank you, everyone for letting me use your RP characters!
Oh, and Arcone, Basil, and I are not going to be related in this seemed kinda unfair 3 Saeradans were all in the hero's group.

Also, people can still sign on, but they will likely be given a small part or cameo. If your application is just right however...maybe I could add another hero or villain.

Anywho, I'll begin writing later today.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
RP Name: Basil Brush Hawklight
Physical description: A white robe with green thread, red eyes, tall and slim, black hair.
Personality: Calm, but he get's furious very easily.
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): Good.
What part you would like them to play: Hero.
Anything else I would need to know that is important: He has an extremely troubled past. If somone were to bring it up... Bad things would happen to him, very, very bad things. He hates the main god(s), instead believing in something he calls the Great Tree. He can not perform magic without his staff. He has a vast knowledge of Pyromancy and Earth magics, but he preffers Pyromancy. When somone besides himself even touches his staff, it goes ablaze, until that person let's go of the staff. He has zero skill in conventional combat, a sword would be useless to him... That's all I can think of for now.

Decided to redo the thing, since Basil has developed quite a bit since my original application.


King ForumStalker
Just incase you need any more characters, don't feel obligated to use me!

RP Name: Itzza Oceana
Physical description: Slim merman with a bright orange tail, long blonde hair (avatar should help out)
Personality: Slightly reclusive and defensive, loyal, protective of allies.
Alignment (Good, evil, neutral): neutral
What part you would like them to play: Wherever you need meh :3
Anything else I would need to know that is important: I don't have legs, slight detail that may have an effect on things...