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Ancient Alteran Guard Towers


Hello, I have a proposition about building in the wild. I was thinking that if random guard towers (not large in size so it doesn't overpower the natural landscape) were scattered around the wild, it would add some interest to the landscape. At the moment Altera doesn't seem to have much past expressed in the land, apart from mines etc, and a number of guard towers would liven up the landscape.

In my opinion, this would provide a richer experience to exploring the wild, and add to the illusion that Altera is truely a real world, and that it has been around for a long time. I understand that the purpose of this server is to provide a realistic Roleplaying experience, and to do so the wild must be kept natural, so that the wonderful work of Notch is not ruined. However, the addition of numerous guard towers, possibly 10x10, and 20 high, will provide the much needed will for exploration in the wild, and add depth to the Roleplaying experience. Imagine wandering the wild, beaten up from the mobs and looking for shelter, and stumbling across one of these towers. A well deserved shelter for the night, and a feature in the landscape to give the sensation that Altera truely has a deep, eventful past.

Numbers can be up to you, and a backstory would be provided to give purpose to the presence of these guard towers. Backstory could possibly be along the lines of: Ancient Altera was in peace, peace was disrupted (through an event, still to be decided), cities banded together to fight off this menace, but armies were being picked off, so instead Altera decided to place the guard towers throughout the land to alert nearby cities to the presence of the threat, through this act Altera gained the upper hand, and was able to drive the threat away, and after that the towers were abandoned through not needing to be used.
Story could end there, or continue to say something like: Now the mobs are back in force, and the towers are required again, blah blah.

Just a thought, completely open to any changes, critisism or declines. However, when something so unobtrusive in the wild as this in, but adding so much depth to Altera's past, and adding to that past that has already been created, could be a good addition to the server. :) Will post screenshots of drafts if neccessary.

Minecraft Username: tottiepop

Name of Project: Ancient Alteran Guard Towers

Location of Project: Numerous. Not up to me.

Size of the project: 10x10. 20ish high. So not very obtrusive. Will make them suit whatever biome it is in, for example viney in forest etc.

Intention of the project: Towers

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: Imagine the price for numerous plots. Also I have just donated 20k to LemonJuiceTaco for foundation of a new town.

Residents: Abandoned, just present as an addition to the realism of Altera.

Builders: tottiepop

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? Good addition because it adds to the realism and history of Altera. For more information refer to the big description above the required format.

Used materials: Stone, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, stonebricks, mossy stonebricks, cracked stone bricks, vines, sandstone (for desert biome), and a few others depending on the biome it is in.

Inspiration: None, just think it would add to relism of Altera and that it has been here for a while.

RP explanation/introduction: Backstory could possibly be along the lines of: Ancient Altera was in peace, peace was disrupted (through an event, still to be decided), cities banded together to fight off this menace, but armies were being picked off, so instead Altera decided to place the guard towers throughout the land to alert nearby cities to the presence of the threat, through this act Altera gained the upper hand, and was able to drive the threat away, and after that the towers were abandoned through not needing to be used.
Story could end there, or continue to say something like: Now the mobs are back in force, and the towers are required again, blah blah.

If you actually want me to write one now, then so be it, but would love it if I could build first, because it may spark some ideas for details throughout the story, due to landmarks I may see along the way.

Planning: Will make drafts on SP if necessary.


Lord of Altera
I was thinking of this awhile back, I rather like it and think it might have a bit more of an adventuring feel. Also some abandoned shacks and dark caves wouldn't hurt.
And if you put some treasure in them for the people who find them first that'd also be cool.


King ForumStalker
I think this is what the idea of old towns disbanding is supposed to be, when they "fall into ruin" they are to be used as quest hubs and shelter.

Also, would these towers need worldguard or towny protection?


If by protection you meant ability to have the blocks destroyed, then yes protection against griefing would be good I guess, but they would not have to be manned or even monitored as they are abandoned, and there are no-one permanently living there. If I didn't answer your question Itzza I'm sorry, please tell me and I will try to. :) Also the abandoned old towns are large landmarks, but they are so substantial that they really interfere with the wild, with these guard towers you would still get the illusion that you are deep into the wild with only slight traces of human activity.

And yea Darko I agree that would be cool, just so that the wild doesn't look so fresh. I understand that the wild is to be untouched by players, however something small such as this would actually become a part of the wild, and give some history and proof of past adventurers in Altera.